Enjoyed your family pics, Pam. Snow brings out the "fun" in some, and looks like your son and kiddos are having a ball. Good for them. Like ALL the new pics on your page. Good Job! *hugs*
Ma volt dolgunk és mire indultunk, elkezdett esni a hó. Nagyon szép volt, hatalmas pelyhekben esett. Délutánra megszűnik a csapadék de a felhős, szürke idő napokig maradni fog. Így egy darabig nem látjuk a napocskát. Vigyázz magadra, további békés délutánt, napokat! Ölelésem, Éva
,, A jó dolgok azokhoz érkeznek meg, akik hisznek...
A még jobb dolgok azokhoz, akik türelmesek.
A legjobb dolgok pedig azokhoz, akik sosem adják fel!,,
Hi there. Its a chilly 25* and feels like 16*. Going to warm up to 50* which will be nice. How are you today? I'm doing good. I have a zoom meeting with my doctor that I get depression and anxiety pills from. So I'm at home today. Not much going on right now. Thought since I have the time this morning I would get on here and send out comments. Take care my friend and enjoy your day. Hugs
I've been enjoying the somewhat warmer weather we have been having. But its all going to come to a end on Friday night. A artic front is coming and we may not get out of the teens for next week. I don't like that at all. I'm hoping we won't get any snow as I have to go to Oklahoma city for my doctor's appoinment on the 23rd. That was the one on the 9th that I had to cancel because of snow. How are you doing? I hope you are staying warm or cool where ever you may live. Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs, Cheryl
Just had a cup of coffee a short time ago..for some reason, I cannot get warm today. Might be because I woke up at 3:30 am and couldn't go back to sleep. Been yawning since noon. A lazy day though. Jellybean is outside chasing birds and squirrels..We have another cold front blowing in next weekend..with rain. The Amaryllis is beautiful. I planted one many years ago on the N side of house. It never blooms there. I might dig it up and bring inside. I need to look up info in the proper time to do this. Enjoy the week.⛄️⛄️⛄️
It's a beautiful Tuesday in my part of North Carolina. I just love the sunshine. Makes cold temperatures feel not so bad and makes one's heart cheery. Hope your day is filled with sunshine and cheerfulness.