good morning, boy this month is sure flying by. finished my christmas shopping yesterday..(had to do it all online) just hope i get everything on time. hope you enjoy your start to this new
i hope your week is going well, thought i would send you some pumpkin donuts..(don't they look good?) have a wonderful day..and stay safe...much love..marykay
good morning, i have been pretty busy this week. since it's been so nice out, i trimmed alot of bushes, pretty proud of myself, they turned out looking really nice. i usually get some-one to trim them in the spring. hope everything is well with you...have a wonderful day..hugs..marykay
a rainy day here, made banana bread this morning, later i plan on rearranging my living room..i get bored with it the same way all the time...what's your plan for the day?
good morning, hope you had a nice week-end. i got to spend sunday with my grand-babies...sure was nice to have them over, they grow up so fast. wishing you a lovely fall
Another week has faded..looking forward to the weekend, and next week..will be on vacation (beach) starting this Sunday..long overdue. Enjoy the weekend -:)
Since people are living well past a hundred now, 70 is the new 50. So hang on to your hat... and hit the 70's on a roll... it beats walking through it. Happy Birthday. I do not celebrate birthdays any more. I always celebrate the anniversary of my 49th birthday. I have had twenty anniversaries and look forward to my 21st next April.
Hi. Mark from Long Island, NY here. Thanx for commenting on my "Block Party from Hell" post. Wow. We're both 69 ..but me...only 9 days left until I hit the dreadful 70. (9-29) OMG .OMG.OMG. I hope I can keep my sense of humor as I fall into the abyssmal realization that I won't be dating 30 somethings anymore . Oldest date I ever had was 35 and that was over 40 years ago. Take care. Stay safe. Stay dry.