Spring is just around the corner. Indoor plants are blooming again too!
Everyone is ready for daylight saving and ready to go out and run and play!
The evenings have been gorgeous and the temperatures are so nice too, until next weekend! Now time for Grandma bragging rights.
Nicole got first place in shot put very early on Saturday morning, so maybe it was worth getting up that early.
The week before, Michelle won 1st in triple jump, long jump and 100 meter dash and their team won 2nd in the 1600 meter run. So here is to SPRINGTIME and fun!
Another day to celebrate and to share your smile, your purpose and your dreams with others. Another day to celebrate life after the storms!
Remember you never know what someone else is going through or why they are unhappy.
Friends are such an important part of our life. I am blessed to have you as my friend.
I want you to know that you are in my prayers and I thank Jesus for your friendship every day.
Goodness, Happiness, and Angels were all around last night just as they are every minute of every day and night. Please keep Sparks505 in your prayers as she hasn't posted her bulletins in 2 days. Thank you!
Good Morning! Would you like to go on my walk with Jesus this morning? There is so much to see.
All the animals are out saying Good Morning to each other too.
These two look like our Carly. She chased a bunny rabbit out from under the storage building but it was still faster than she was and got away.
Butterflies are checking out the flowers on our walk today and of course they are both orange.
There are other colors too as these Passion Flowers are showing off. I sure hope you enjoyed our walk and will come again with me soon. Please say a prayer of protection today as Texas is expecting possible tornadoes and hail with our storms moving through.
Mom to Cam shared this one with me and I couldn't not share it with you. Thanks Lisa!
Last week, Lubbock had 70 mph winds most of the day. Yes, their yard is full of tumbleweeds again.
I know some still have snow and cold temperatures. We had rain this morning (almost 2/10") and are once again completely overcast and dreary. Tomorrow they are warning of tornadoes and hail in the DFW area.
I just walked around outside to take these pictures. Things are popping up all over at my house. So I hope these beautiful colors help cheer you up today with lots of Blessings and Hugs coming your way!
Monday sure does come around often. Where does the weekend go? The good thing today is... SUNSHINE and we did not get any storms last night but my prayers for Oklahoma and the other states that got hit hard. Our friends in Lubbock had 70 mph winds yesterday and yes, their yard is full of tumbleweeds again. I hope to get outside and get some Vitamin C today. What are your plans?