Male 57 years old Elberton, Georgia United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1855
[ 54 ]
Christian - other |
07/27/2009 17:11:31 |
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Wall-e was about the cutest thing ever.
Wanted was good but not for everyone.
Favorite movies of all time:
Jesus of Nazareth, LadyHawke, Dragonheart, Everafter
Other favorites.
Transporter, Sunshine, Enchanted, Ella Enchanted, The Lsst Sineater, Stardust, Kate and Leopold, and way to many other to think of.
Contemporary Christian.
Worship Jams
I also like some Jpop, Kpop, Country and even a smidgen of rock and pop.
However right now my favorite group is Take No Glory.
If you like their music you can get it free at
Anything by Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, Lori Wick, or Francine River
I also like the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, the Study Trilogy, The Chronicles of Prydain, The Enchanted Forest Trilogy.
I'm currently working my way through the Jhereg series.
Oh and I'm taking Precept classes based on the teachings of Kay Arthur.
Dark Purple, Cobalt Bloe, Any dark Jewel Tone.
Flounder, meatloaf, chicken, most junkfood, chocolate.
I'm legally blind,
I've lived in the same town my whole life.
I live in a small complex of apartments for the elderly and disabled.
Love pets as long as they are somone elses.
I attend Celebration Outreact Center in Elberton, Georgia. I go everytime I can, I volunteer in the office several days a week. I am also in the Worship Team and will be starting a scrapbooking club at church.
Digital Scrapbooking
Card Magic
Paint Shop Pro
Surfing the Net
Hanging out with and finding new friends.
I enjoy a good joke, but if there is any chance of it being offensive, don't send it to me.
Internet hoaxes and scams. I bust them with impunity.
I don't discuss politics. I'm not interested in changing religions, and my views tend to be very conservative. I believe in keeping an open mind, but not so much that my morals fall out.
Oh and I do not like the color red except in my clothes.
Digital Scrapbooking
Graphic Enthusiast
Trying to learn to do Card Magic tricks
Watching TV
Watching Movies
Reading and listening to Audiobooks.
Role Playing Games
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