Female 83 years old Prairie Village, Kansas United States
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Profile Views: 3471
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Referrals: 1 Who referred me: roeboat
07/23/2018 19:30:03 |
Pretty Woman, An Affair to Remember, Sleepless in Seattle, all Julia Roberts movies, Bucket List, Bridges of Madison County, White Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street.
Nora Roberts is favorite author right now, but like all books that are light, have some mystery to them or romance. Right now am reading the new Nicholas Sparks book. Have read all of his and love everyone of them.
Red and Blue as they are the colors of my favorite collage basketball team and it is almost basketball season GO KU
"Angels around us,
angels beside us,
angels within us.
Angels are watching over you
when times are good or stressed.
Their wings wrap gently around you,
whispering you are loved and blessed."
Mexican, Pizza, and of course chocolate like everyone else.

I have been married 46 years to the same person and loved every minute of it. We have two sons and three grandchildren. Everyone should have grandchildren they make having your own children even more worthwhile.The two youngest grandchildren are called Irish twins as they were both born in the same calendar year. The first a girl was adopted and 71/2 months later along came her brother.The are what makes life worth waking up for.
I have always believed in angels and think that they are always with us. We need someone to help us through these times here on earth.

I love my family, friends, church, and eating out. Becoming a grandma was the best thing to happen to me and my grandchildren are a true blessing. Without family and friends I don't think life would be very much fun. You need them both in your world to make it happy and fullfilled. I am so happy that I have both and now with the friends on the Hill it is even better. Knowing that there is always someone out there on line waiting to write to you or hear from you is great. Thank goodness for this site which is another thing I like.

I do not like people who lie, people who do not respect others, and worst of all I do not like people who abuse children of any age. People who steal or hurt others are not on my list of friends. I do not like cold weather and I also do not like really hot and humid weather so guess I need to find another place to live but won't be doing that will just learn to deal with both.
Angels paint with sound and sing with color
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