Viewing 1 - 9 out of 16 Blogs.
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I have in the last month checked on friends I have not heard from in a while. So many of them have passed from our lives. I have been a member since 2008 and there was a period of my life that I was not able to spend time on the Hill because of my illness and my husbands illness and death, but you know some thing, so many of my friends continued to send me greetings every day. I would be off line for weeks at a time but the messages would be there when I was able to be ON The Hill to read them.Oh how I enjoyed the messages, We don't always know if some of our friends have passed out of this life or are ill or busy with family, but just remember they may need to read a message or see a beautiful picture even if they do not have time to reply. If possible give them time to come back to The Hill before you delete them from your friends list. You mayjust make their day..
Tags: Missed From Over The Hill
Posted On 05/06/2023 13:05:20
I watched the long awaited coronation of King Charles. Up before the sun and coffee {with cream} in hand I sat in front of the TV and watched and watched, and watched, and watched. As the procession preceded down the aisle I was facinated by the beauty of the Church, The Garments of the Royals, the precision of the ceremony, no hang ups or mistakes of any kind. It was a joy to watch. I wish for King Charles a reign of calm dignity that Queen Elizabeth did not always have. AS they say in England," God Save The King."
Have you just been surffing the pages of NOT OVER THE HILL and come across a most beautiful page with pictures that take your breath away and info about that person that said to you this is my kind of person? Oh my, I have. The pages on the Hill are outstanding. The people are warm, kind and full of good thoughts to share with you just like you were their next door neighbor. Ever since I happened upon The Hill many years ago I have enjoyed my time here.weeks have passed when I was unable to spend a lot of time here because of illness and many other things that kept me from sharing with my friends On The Hill, but I know that when I am able I will find my friends here just to say we have been waiting for you. THANK YOU Dear Friends for all our years together. Swanlady( Anne)
Tags: Good Friends
Posted On 03/05/2022 13:39:15
momtocam latest blog tweeked me to write about my friends with whom I had lunch with yeaterday. We have been friends for over 30 years ,living in the same neighborhood and sharing March birthdays. We decided many years ago we would celebrate our birthdays by going out to lunch. Over the years many things interruped our plans. The illnes of our husbands, Mothers, fathers the deaths of all of the loved ones and then our times of illness. COVID raised its ugly head and again plans were put on hold. But we still talked about our Birthday luncheons we were going to have. GUESS WHAT! The Day came. We took our masks off, ordered take out ,brought it to my new retirement cottage, ate amid laughing and remembering fun times and finally having enough food left to enjoy another meal later. Now we are planning to not just wait for bithday luncheons , we are giing to have lunch together any time we want too. Life will pass us by and we could miss all the laughter we shared yeaterday. Friends are wonderful. 
Tags: Laugh And Enjoy
Comments Live I have been off the Hill for a while because I have after much prayer, and conversations with my children, have decided to down size. This has been a heart wrenching decision for me as with many folks my age. Our place( my late Bob) and I built this retirement home on a beautiful lake in the mts. of Tn. and lived here for 31 years. My health has not been the best for a couple of years and our 4 acres and house has gotten too much for me to handle. It is so hard to get hired help one can depend on, so it is time for younger folks to take over the joy of living here. I will be writing a blog occasionally to record my progress. Hope this coming week is a good one for you. Anne
Yesterday I was leaving the church after a meeting and ran into the nursery children being taken for a stroll around the church in their nine seated buggy. Such beautiful babies waving and smiling and it brought to mind how wonderful that they have a full life ahead of them and the right to be what ever their talents will allow them to become. But I also realized that not all babies will have that option. Chose Life has been my cry for years. Now I find my self praying for unknown babies yet to be born and those whose lives are about to be snuffed out. I realize there are many who do not hold the same view but just think about it. May God guide us Americans as to what kind of nation we want to be. This is one of the most important decisions a mother can make. May God bless and guide each mother struggling with this choice. Let us add love to the equation. 
Tags: Love Babies Prayer
Shortly before Christmas my neighbor found the neighborhood swan floating in the lake with its' head under water. He tried to encourage it to raise its' head but so sad to say, our beautiful swan was dead. It had flown in about 18 years ago and was fully grown at the time it came. We never knew the sex of it but some friends called it Sally. It was beautiful and could put on show swimming down the lake with its' wings fluffed up and head and neck in a beautiful curve. It was buried next to the waters edge with a large rock marking the spot. I find myself often looking for that beautiful creature of Gods' to come down the lake and brighten our day. I miss it.😢
My health has improved, I am walking with my cane, and I can stay awake longer in the evenings and I spent 3 weeks with my daughter in Texas . That was a joy. She did all the cooking, driving and took me out to eat all the fish I could hold. {she lives in houston}We had a house in Galveston and I enjoyed the calmness and warmness of the Gulf waters . Houston is a large open and friendly city, you could almost believe you were in a small town untill you stepped out and saw the three tiered interstate overpasses. The rest of the summer was spent camping with my son and his family and visits from grandchildren and my oldest daughter from North Carolina. What a wonderful summer I had . Now the leaves are turning and my life is back to a slower pace untill Thanksgiving. The Lord has given me a great blessing this year.
The days are drifting by with sadness and joy as I travel through these months of sickness and visits to Doctors and Physical Therapy. My family cheers me with all the care they show me and the Lord is always by my side. I am showing many signs of improvement and with Gods help I will eventually be able to do many things on my own. Some things may never be healed but that does not hinder me from my joy in each morning living on the lake and watching all that happens around me. What a wonderful world the Lord made for us. My one wish is that the deer would stop eating my hostas. They seem to love them more that any thing. I watch them as they swim across the lake I guess in search of more hostas to fill their tummies. Many different species of birds are visiting my feeders and I love watching them. One racoon thinks the feeder is his special resturant. He holds on to the feeder and using one paw shovels the seeds into his mouth that he holds next to the feeder port. So funny. Another time another story are the chipmonks.
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