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03/09/2025 14:08:11

The birds know Spring is near. They don't
mind if time zones change twice a year...
do you? Happy New Week, friend! -di

03/09/2025 05:52:37

03/08/2025 05:29:41

This Saturday the rain showers are heading our way!  It is the perfect day to rest, relax and recover.  

Take a run at something you haven't done in a while. 

Look for the beauty all around you.  Find something different and share it.  

Always share your love with others.  Someone out there may really need it.  

Be a blessing and share some of your kindness with them.  Say a prayer over them.  It will make your Saturday better too!  

At the end of the day, don't forget to set your clocks forward if you are changing to Daylight Savings Time.  You don't want to be late for church tomorrow.  

03/07/2025 05:18:31

You bet it is Friday!  The best day of the week and the best day ever!  

The sky is blue and the temperature today should be a perfect 80°.  Yes, it will be cold and rainy for the weekend.  

So put your prettiest hat on today and get out and share that smile!  

Never let anyone or anything that happens spoil your "PINK" perfect day or your life.  

Love is in the air and all around you today and every day.  

Backup and really look at this graphic.  Jesus is always by your side and inside of you!  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/06/2025 08:39:09


03/06/2025 05:41:14

Good Thursday Morning!  It is still dark and cold.  In just a few days, the time will be an hour later and it won't be quite as dark.  

We will have to stay up later to catch the moon coming up.  Are you a night person?  

Or are you an early riser and one who doesn't get to see the moon in the middle of the night?  

I am both!  I love watching the crack of dawn as the sun comes up and to see all the different colors God paints in the sky.  I also love the night and all the stars.  

I don't need as much sleep as the "average" calls for.  So I am giddy with excitement that we lose an hour and have more sun later in the day.  

No matter if you like mornings or late nights, I pray for you to have joy in your heart! 

Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/05/2025 05:42:43

Good Morning!  After the wind dies down there is hope left in our world for a new day.  

It is Ash Wednesday after all.  It means Easter is 6 and 1/2 weeks away.  

Always look for the best especially after you've had a tough time.  

Find a way to do something good each and every day or at least the start of something good.  

We are all praying for Peace and for God's Favor.  

May you also have His Blessings and feel His Hugs because Jesus loves you!  

03/04/2025 05:26:24

Tuesday is here and that means tacos for lunch.  They are always on sale at Rosa's Cantina!!!  We love sales and discounts.

Now that you have laughed out loud today, share that smile & love with others.  

03/03/2025 18:05:05

1st Monday, 1st work week of new month.
I sure hope this new year slows down,
unlike last year!  *hugs*

03/03/2025 10:24:13

It is Monday and we are starting another week!  

We did have rain overnight but I don't know how much yet!  That is why we mowed the yard yesterday afternoon to bag all the dried grass.  

So I hope you will have a beautiful first full week of March and share your smiles with others.  

Now it is time for coffee.  I can hear it brewing and smell that delightful scent.  

Blessings & Hugs!  Kisses too!  Pam

03/03/2025 10:18:34

Spring is in the air even though we are to have snow falling down tomorrow. The month of March always has surprises as winter is trying to stay in and spring is coming in the back door. Smiles Gloria

03/02/2025 05:46:09







03/01/2025 11:14:00


CONTINUED more Friday pictures.  


Roosters just can't resist saying "Good Morning, are you enjoying the sunshine?"  "Where is our food this morning?"  


The word is out and spreading fast that you are here to feed all of us!  


"Good Morning, snort, snort!" says Wilber or Big Daddy.  I am heading for the cool water on the ground as soon as you scratch my neck.  ( I can only take so many pictures on FaceTime but that is where he went.) 


Good Morning Mamma Charlotte!  Do you need some love too?  


Oh and Good Morning Momma Molly!  I know you miss your babies but they all have such good homes with kids who are loving them!  


One more trip around the yard to get your exercise.  Now start looking for bugs to clean up the yard and enjoy the warm sunshine to make your day magnificent.  Yes, I was sweating by the time I went back inside and it felt so very good!  


I love taking  and getting pictures (I know you can tell) and sharing my most wonderful memories with you and I love to go back and look at them often.  I hope you have a collection of your own to warm your heart!  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/01/2025 08:17:45

03/01/2025 07:08:34

Dear friend, thank you for your lovely comment, here in the West Midlands of the UK, we have'nt had any snow, but lots of rain, and frosty weather, but today although its still very cold we have some sunshine. xx


03/01/2025 05:38:52


Happy Caturday but today is Saturday!  And it is more about my dogs, AGAIN!   It is also about our BEAUTIFUL sunshine in Texas.


It is also the first day of March!  Can you believe it???  


I couldn't resist taking this of Carly and her shadow. Carly has been with us since 2018.  As I sat in the rocking chair on the patio for over 2 hours on Friday with the warm sunshine on me too.  


Reba came out to join us all as she strolled the backyard to make sure we were all safe.  Reba has been with us since 2013.  All our dogs are rescued.


J Lo was napping in the sun and guarding the doggie door so no one could get past her without the password.  J Lo has been with us since 2014.  


The password was to call her name! She is really a cutie patootie!  Next adventure in pictures from Friday later today, I hope, from our over an hour on FaceTime with my daughter, Wendy.  


I hope you have signs of March and Spring around you and are enjoying them.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

02/28/2025 06:14:15


Final Friday and final day of February is here.  Now I know Easter is late this year and we can have a freeze up until Easter, but I hope NOT and NO more Snow either.  How about you?


However, again, I don't know about you, but where I live the pollen count is already high and I am having trouble breathing!  Now is that a good sign or not?  


Just because February is almost over doesn't mean that Hearts are gone.  I fell in love with this and wanted to say Thank You for being my friend.  


The leaves are NOT on the trees yet, but we can still gather together and support each other.  I have a bird that loves to sing loud and proud that the weather has changed some.  I just haven't caught him or her in a video yet.  

Before you know it, we will see flowers blooming everywhere and there will be beautiful fresh cut flowers on the table!  

2025 is going by very fast and yet we didn't think the cold and snow would ever leave.  February has wonderful blessings but we say goodbye and we will see you next year.  Bring on the March Blessings!  

02/27/2025 09:16:40


Good Thursday Morning!  After working for three days, this was taken when I got home yesterday.  We had 3 beautiful days in the 70's.  Last night we had a 15% chance of rain.  We got about 1/4" with thunder and lightning between 1-3 am.  


When I walked in the house, this is what I saw... Reba had pulled her bed out in the middle of the room.  It is supposed to be under the coffee table.  


Then J Lo comes in and is like... What happened to our bed?  Why are you out there?  


She finally gives up and just gets in it too.  I mean they share it together most of the time.  So about 3 am this morning, I finally moved it under the table again.  After all, we were up because Reba doesn't like thunder or lightning and was vibrating.  


This morning Carly was trying to catch up on her sleep because of the comotion during the rain, lightning and thunder from last night.  No sleep for me because hubby and I have to run errands today.  


Just wanted to say I missed you while I was enjoying my time at work.  I tried to answer your posts while I was working though each evening.  Thanks so much for remembering me and being such a terrific friend.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

02/26/2025 14:43:00

Happy mid-week, friend. Hope you're
spending lots of time smiling:) *hugs*

02/26/2025 03:10:23

Hello, may your Wednesday be as special as

your friendship, Friendship is a flurry of luminous

fish, and it drags you towards a happy ocean of

butterflies that fly, I wish I could fly

Friendship is like a rose that blooms in your

garden Your laughter is music on the horizon, and God

illuminates you Your friendship is a river Tomorrow I will return and I will see you another day, with a

star that shines on you and may your smile

be brighter every day and your face

be more luminous I send you strong hugs

Maria Take care

02/25/2025 04:34:30

Hello, friend, happy Tuesday, may your day be

full of joy. Sometimes you find in life

 you find what you don't expect, a special

 friendship: that someone who, when entering

your life, changes it completely. That someone

who makes you laugh incessantly, that someone who

makes you believe that there are good things in 

the world, that someone who convinces you that there 

 is an open door. I hope you open your door for me

when I visit you, give us a hug and smile, that 

is the most beautiful thing that this life gives 

us take care of yourself and don't leave your 

smile, it is the best gift,maria kisses

 and friendship.

02/24/2025 17:59:29

I am so sorry you were ill.  I try to say a pray for you each day that I visit your page.  It is SO good to hear from you Ann.  I think we warmed up to near 70° today.  I have 2 more days of work and I will be back to leave you messages.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

02/24/2025 10:17:37

Thank you, friend, for accepting my request

I hope to meet you. My name is Maria. Take care.

02/24/2025 10:17:08

Hello,Halonso, happy, start of the week, have a good

start to your Monday. Sometimes you find in

life, a special friendship: that someone who

when they enter your life, changes it completely.

That someone who makes you laugh incessantly; that 

 someone who makes you believe that there are

 really good things in the world, that someone 

believes in a great friendship, from a 

distance there are people who don't believe 

it,I do believe it although from 

a distance it is difficult I  believe

  in yours forever in the good and the

 bad, smile, your complexion rejuvenates

and you will have more big smiles, hugs

Maria, take care........

02/24/2025 10:01:53

02/23/2025 08:46:14


02/23/2025 05:24:27







02/22/2025 05:31:44


Good Caturday Morning!  Today let's touch someone and make a difference!  I will be working on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  I may or may not have time to post my daily greeting, but I will be back soon.  


I sure thought so but we should be in the 70's next week.  So glad!  What will your weather be like?  


One good thing about winter for me is I read lots of books.  I don't go outside!  


I do talk to Mother Nature on a regular basis all winter long.  


When your weather gets warmer be sure to take all the kids for a walk.  


I hope you have perfect weather for the weekend!  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

02/21/2025 03:59:01


Friday is here!  Woo Hoo!  


I am praying for sunshine and warmer weather.  How about you?  


I am so ready for green to start sprouting out on plants, bushes and grass.  


It has been so cold and cloudy for so long that I think my summer tan has faded.  


I wish you the start of a fun weekend full of laughter and love with friends.  


And restful evenings to rejuvenate, relax and eat wonderful meals with those you love.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

02/20/2025 05:33:00


Some days you just don't want to get out of bed.  You just want to play with your toys.  


Then Mom decides that we need to go to town.  So it is up and at 'em.  


Even though I would rather watch the other dogs on TV all day long.  


Who really likes shopping anyway.  There is nothing in this cart that I want to play with.  


I don't understand why I can't stay home and play with my friends.  


However, when Dad gets home, he will play with me!  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

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