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05/23/2024 05:29:57

Hello, May the light of the sun of this beautiful

day I wish you always a happy and blessed,thursday

for everyone, I wish you a beautiful day under the

protection For you, and your loved ones,

 with much peace,and health, full of joy, and

beautiful, smiles, and that you take care of yourself,

very much, I wish you, the best, kisses, Maria

05/23/2024 02:30:58

Hiya Ric. What have you got planned for the day? what ever it is I hope you enjoy all you do.  

It's drawing towards evening here and I'm thinking of what to cook for dinner. Just found some chicken Schnitzel in the freezer. That will do along with my fav vegies. This is my main meal for the day so make the most of it. 

Enjoy your day. God Bless. Pat

05/22/2024 05:15:41

Hello, Happy WEDNESDAY. half. of week,

That. GOD, wrap. your house, of LOVE,your

 mind, of PEACE, and HARMONY. and your LIFE,

BLESSINGS. If you wake up, with JOY. you will feel

happier, every day, enjoy, your day, and LET'S ENJOY,

of everything. the BEAUTIFUL that there is in life. 

I leave you, great ones.hugus maria TAKE CARE

05/21/2024 05:30:23

Hello, Happy Tuesday, of new, opportunities,

of new strength, and of renewed courage,

to continue on the path that God has laid out for you,

Have a blessed, happy, productive Tuesday,

May you have, one day, well thought out,

projected, towards, your goals, That, today, and tomorrow,

Let's be grateful for everything we have

kisses, Maria, take care

05/20/2024 05:14:45

Hello, Have a great MONDAY, everyone!! Cheer up,

the week flies by, enjoy it to the fullest,

May you have a NICE DAY and a full WEEK.

of beautiful moments, the good things you have, this Monday,

  is that you can make it better than the

previous, with OPTIMISM, and ILLUSION, everything,

It is easier, full of smiles, and new joys,

I send you everything, my love, Maria, take care of yourself,

05/19/2024 05:17:05

Hello, SUNDAY, my FAVORITE DAY of the week,

I can RELAX, rest, and enjoy,

of beautiful moments, let's focus on the joys,

and forgetforget us, , TODAY, is a day, to enjoy,

and be happy, every day, of the week, so what

fill you, your soul, so that your day is full, and so

whatever else you like, I send you big hugs,

Maria, take care

05/15/2024 06:38:22

Well, good morning to you Ric.  What are your plans for today?  Whatever they are I hope they will be relaxing and enjoyable.  I guess now your almost into summer you are busy doing yard work. Do you grow any Vegetables or have any fruit trees? 

Have those little cheeky squirrels been visiting?  They sure are cute.  We don't have any here. Lots of blackbirds scratching in the garden scattering the mulch everywhere but they have a lovely song.

Enjoy your day Ric. God Bless. Pat

05/14/2024 05:16:20

Hello, I just stopped by to say hello, and to wish you a

day, of love, that, this Tuesday, PROTECT you. and KEEP, 

under, his mantle, that, you can transform, your in joy and strength

 life always gives us new things,opportunities, Always give,

 the BEST of YOURSELF and the best. I will return, to you, 

with love, Maria, strong, hugs,

05/13/2024 05:21:57

Hello, today is a perfect day to enjoy,a new,

 beginning, of the week. passes, a great Monday.

ideal, for those, small, things that life gives us

com,tamta,happiness, live, today, intensely,

because, tomorrow, who knows, what awaits us,Let everything

 be, well, the day passes, like everything, the gold,

of, world, I send you millions of kisses, take care

05/12/2024 05:45:09

Hello, HAPPY, SUNDAY, May the SKY, BLUE,

fill you with ENERGY, so that you have,

a BEAUTIFUL, DAY, I am lucky, that destiny,

If you get in my way, you are valuable in my life,

with your friendship, and my life, is more, valuable, fo mi

that you are, part of me, enjoy, things,

What they give us, in life, have a nice day,

Like, your kisses, Maria

05/10/2024 05:13:42

Hello, May today, friday, be full of happiness,

of good thoughts and kind people

and of good, beautiful thoughts, as you are,

live, with, extunsiasms, of beautiful, moments, of

joys, full of peace, illusions, may your strength,

be full, of joy, and your reason, of life, today,

love, thinking, of all the best, for you

kisses, maria,take care

05/09/2024 15:49:06

Forever New CollectionHi Sweetpea

Just popped by to wish you a happy anniversary for all the years you have been on NOTH.

As you are aware

i have a wedding to help with on the 1st of June ,so i am very very busy at the moment .

Things will calm down soon .but for now i cant say when i will be online or not .

you are enjoying the squirrels ,you will get tons to take care of once
they have the babies .I be calling you "Daddy Rick" ha ha

Well hun all for now .

god Bless

Have a lovely weekend .

X   Summer   X

05/07/2024 21:24:12

04/26/2024 05:14:12

Hello, May today, day, Friday, God, bless, your

heart, with love, kindness, May the light of the sun,

On this beautiful day, spend it full of joy,

for all the people you carry in your

heart, and you want to wish them the best,

How, I, wish, you, many, hugs, from

maria,take care..................

04/14/2024 10:46:17

Thanks for visiting my page


04/07/2024 17:32:48

  Would you say that I'm picking on you? lol.. There's a lady on here that has the same background as you do, but that okay though because she doesn't come here and you don't go there.. Just wanted to tell you that one other person (that I see) likes  this background too.. Have a pleasant evening (what's left of it)

P.S.  It would be nice if Summer and I could take you out to a nice restaurant..

04/04/2024 09:57:13

wishing you a nice day

04/03/2024 07:51:23

03/31/2024 10:29:29

03/31/2024 01:30:25

Hi Ric. Do hope you are enjoying the Easter Weekend and not into too many chocolates Lol.  Enjoy Pat.

03/30/2024 15:13:41

  It's one of those lazy days.. It's been raining here all day.. I don't mind it though.. I like the rain.. It's soothing to me.. By the way, do you like jelly beans? I like to snack on them once in awhile.. Being that it's Easter, made me think of them, so I got 2 bags earlier.. Couldn't resist.. My favorite colors are the black and red ones (preferably the spicey kind).. After Easter, Walmart will have have all their Easter stuff 50% off.. Maybe you'll have some stores out your way that will give good buys on Easter stuff..  ME

03/30/2024 08:15:19

03/29/2024 18:27:11

  Happy Easter to you, Rick

 What will you have to eat on Easter Sunday - a pizza or possibly some chicken?  We're having baked ham.. Usually have ham for Easter. I like the leftovers.. Good for sandwiches or fry up with some eggs for breakfast.. Never heard of Big Bite water before. Must be something new

 Have a nice evening .. Take Care

03/28/2024 17:08:32


Loving the new page hun ,it shows off the pictures perfectly not to overwhelming.

i have bought little eggs for everone that when you immurse them in water the eggs hatch a baby dinasaur,Then you leave the baby in water and it will grow bigger .

much more interesting than a painted egg .

my sister will do the egg hunt for the choc eggs coloured by the children themselves some of them .

the rest are hidden by the easter bunny .

Happy easter to you to sweetie /

hope your aches and pains improve with time .x

god Bless

X   Summer   X

03/27/2024 09:10:13

03/23/2024 23:16:45

03/16/2024 07:08:31

Hello, good morning, SATURDAY arrived, with S for

SOL, with S,to SMILE, I wish you a TRIPLE 


 I wish you a happy Saturday,FULL OF

 FUN, AND JOY, and good smiles,Enjoy your weekend,

 I leave you big hugs,take care,maria

03/11/2024 05:42:46

Hi Ric.  Sure hope this new week will be an enjoyable one for you. Have you anything special planned for the week?  Whatever it is I hope it will be all you desire. God bless.  Pat.

03/10/2024 23:48:39

03/10/2024 16:46:30

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