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I'm a Great Person to Know!!!!

mem_normal OFFLINE
74 years old
WDM, Iowa
United States

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JOB: Teacher
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RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 04/30/2008
LAST LOGIN: 05/17/2024 15:09:57

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Sweet Nothing in My Ear
Children of a Lesser God
Old Yeller
High School Musical 1 and 2
Phantom of the Opera
Camp Rock
Hairspray with John Travolta
Hairspray with Sonny Bono
Both of the Hairsprey movies are good. They are completely different although the message is the same. Compare and Contrast them if you wish.
To Kill a Mockingbird
Sister Act(both of them-first and second one)
The Easter Parade
any movie dealing with the deaf or sign language and any movie that's a musical

Music from when I was in my teens from the 1950's 1960's
Country Music
Church Music
Big Band
Easy Listening
Almost any kind of music as long as the words can be understood if they're singing, as the words in vocal music of any kind should lend themselve to sending a message or telling about something. I always listen closely to see what the song is saying.
All Music

Nancy Drew Mystery Books
Books by V. C. Andrews
Mary Higgins Clark Books
Historical Fiction
Almost any book I can get my hands on to read as I love to read, read, read. Fiction, mystery, historical fiction, realistic fiction, non-fiction, human interest, you name it I'll read it unless it's smut.

Purple and yellow

Don't really have a favorite food but I like Mock Chicken Legs.Here is the recipe since many have asked me for it:
Mock Chicken Legs:
2/3 lb ground beef
1/3 lb sausage
2 TBL chopped green peppers
2 TNL chopped onion
3/4 - 1 tsp. sage
1 egg
3/4 C cracker crumbs
1 can mushroom soup.
Mis Well. Add WATER to make moist. Form in loaves(oblong). Brown on both sides in hot grease. Spoon soup over meat. If electric skillet 250 degrees Farenheit with lid for about 1 - 1&1/2 hours.
I've also used the crockpot and let them stay heated all day. They're pretty tasty.
Actually I like most foods, am not a picky eater. I like tacos, pizza, baked potatoes with a variety of toppings, lobster(too expensive though)seafood although I can't eat much of the white fish. I can eat Rainbow Trout and Catfish and that's it in the fish ilne. Seafood doesn't bother. I do not like meatloaf!!!! nor do I care too much for pork. I'd rather eat seafood or chicken or turkey.

Let me tell you a little about my husband's side of the family. His maternal grandparents were from North Carolina although they moved to Iowa in the late 1880's. I'm not sure of the years and don't know if he knows for sure or not. His maternal grandfather died when my husband's mother was about ten years old so she was raised by her mother and step-father. His paternal side is Irish and I don't know how far back I need to go to see when they came over. How I'd love to be able to spend more time on things I want to do, but one must work (my husband's retired and his health issues won't allow him to work although he'd love to be able to do so) to make ends meet. He doesn't use a computer nor does he have any desire to learn how and he doesn't know how to use his cellphone (although that will change as I've given him several lessons on it already and I've also given him some lessons on learning to use the computer. It's hard for him because he has glaucoma in his eyes(one for sure as I think he had some surgery or something on the other eye but I'm not positive. I'd ask him, but he's the other room.
We enjoy going to church together and going to see Plays. He's the BEST IMHO :-) .
Unfortunately after about fourteen and a half years of a wonderful marriage, my husband crossed the Golden Shore to the Other Side. At least he's out of his pain and suffering and I know that he'll be waiting and making a place for me when it is my turn to cross over, which hopefully isn't for many years yet. He is missed very much.

I'm a Guest(Substitute)Teacher in one district and enjoy it very much. It keeps me very busy. I have a variety of interests as you can see. This is just a few of them. Some of the things about me are that I was born in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. At the age of about six months, my father bought a drug store and we moved to Osky where I grew up and graduated from High School and College. After my senior year in High School I had the privilege of going to England for a month on a Rotary Exchange trip. While in school I had a pen pal from Europe. I can't remember the country but it might have been Austria or Germany, but I think it was Austria. One of the things that I always wanted to be was a nurse but that didn't work out for a number of reasons. Oh well. My experiences are wide and varied and I have many, many different interests.
I am half Welsh on my Mother's side as her grandparents and great-grandparents came from the old country.The good old Welsh names on my mother's side are Thomas, Roberts(two sets), Evans(two sets),Lewis, Edwards, Williams, etc. On my father's side, I am one-fourth Scottish and as he used to tease and say< "part Water as one choice of part Heinz 57, meaning he waa a mixture of what he wasn't sure. As of just recently, I have found that besides Wales and Scotland, I have had ancestors that came from Ireland, Germandy, and Prussia. Names on my father's side are Stapp, Wilson, Nimmo, Phifer, Farris, Roush, Ray, O Bannon, Bell, Snyder, Barbee, etc. to name just a few of them. I love Genealogy. In fact, I like a lot of different things and as I scout around on NOTH, I find that I have something in common with almost everybody. Please make sure to become my friend as I love to meet people. >My mother crossed the Golden Shore to the other side in February of 2009 and had Alzheimer's. She lived with my husband and me. Her health outside of that was good. She was 90 years young when she crossed over. We enjoyed having her with us and catered to her as much as possible. We spoiled her rotten. LOL!!!! She's our "child". We'd do it again in a minute, too.

Learning more Sign Language whenever I can find someone to teach me more
Being with friends and family
Learning more Sign Language as soon as I can find someone to teach me more from where I'm at which is not at the very beginning
Singing in Church Choir
playing n the Bell Choir at church
Being with family and friends
working with the physically and mentally challenged children
learning more about the country of Wales Hopefully
being able to visit Wales some day and meet any relatives that might be over there
Learning more about Scotland and also visiting there
learning more about my husband's ancestry which some of it is Irish, he's also part German too!!!!

too numerouse too mention but basically people that aren't polite, don't use polite language in public places, smut, etc.

Genealogy Here's a bit of my Genealogy from my Great-great grandfather's obituary back in 1908.
My great-great grandfather, Professor D.W. ROBERTS was living in Bevier, Macon County, MO in 1880 according to the census.
His children were:
1. Rachel (who is said to have died as a teenager and is buried in perhaps the Oakwood Cemetery, if there is one named that.
2. Elizabeth,
3. William D, (my great-grandfather)
4. Evan F.,
5. Martha,
6. Jane (Jennie) born 26 March 1875 in Bevier, Macon County, MO.

Professor D.W. ROBERTS was born in Wales, lived in Ohio, and for a little while, Bevier, Macon Co. MO. By 1889 he had moved to Mahaska County, Iowa (Givin, Iowa I believe).

After living in Mahaska County for a while he moved to Polk County, Iowa where he passed away.

I do know that he was quite active in the Welsh Eisteddfods in Iowa and he seemed to well known in many places from family lore.

Here are the only two items that I have about him:

ROBERTs, --Word was received in the city this morning of the death of Professor David ROBERTS, a former well known resident of Oskaloosa. The old gentleman died at the Methodist Hospital (in Des Moines, Iowa)of pneumonia, after an illness of only six days. The funeral will take place at Des Moines Sunday.

The wife preceded him to the other side by only a couple months.(Her name was Mary A EVANS, and she died 14 February 1908.) A family of about six children survive the aged parents. Professor ROBERTS was a native of Wales. He came to this country and for years was engaged in coal mining at the coal camps near the city. He was for years located in the Welsh colony at Givin. In his declining years he gained a livlihood in this city by conducting a retail oil delivery. He and his wife removed to Des Moines about four years ago to be nearer relatives. Professor ROBERTS, as he was known by everyone, was perhaps one of the best known. He was a singing master and chorus director of wide repute and was himself a singer of considerable ability. he had the rare power of interpretation of party and chorus music and his knowledge of direction was little less than remarkable. The old gentleman was in his element in the work of the EISTEDDFOD when it was at its height in this city. (Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, Iowa and perhaps Des Moines, Iowa, but definitely Oskaloosa)

He was one of its staunchest reporters and hardest workers. He has won many large prizes for superior chorus work and he has received unstinted praise from the loftiest critics in the country.

David ROBERTS did a world of good in his time and he merits a rich reward. His death will cause deepest regret among hundreds of Oskaloosa friends. Rev. Lloyd WILLIAMS of this city (Oskaloosa or Givin, Mahaska County, Iowa)goes to Des Moines Saturday morning to conduct the funeral and interment.

12 January 1899 David ROBERTS to-day received a copy of the Uruguay News Letter of November 27, 1898 sent him by Col. SWALM at Monte Video. It is the first paper from that country which we have seen that is printed in English, and barring the grammar and spelling, it is a creditable publication. Mr.SWALM, wanting to make sure that Mr. ROBERTS would receive the paper added to the address "the man who sings"

Here's another Welsh ancestor of mine:

12 April Morning Addition Iowa State Register (Des Moines Register) marriages, births, & deaths
Died--In Des Moines, April 11, at 10 a.m. Morgan THOMAS, State mine inspector
Mr. THOMAS had been ill for several months. He lived at the home of Mrs. John Williams at East 5th & Walnut streets where he had been under the care of a trained nurse since January. He had been trouble with asthma and bronchitis and bronchial affections since an extreme attack of pneumonia in Leadville, Colorado several years ago and which practically destroyed one of his lungs. This trouble was aggravated with a severe affection of the liver and kidneys.
A brother, Evan THOMAS, a nephew and niece, children of his sister who lives in Wales, all of whom live near Oskaloosa were immediately notified of the death and a brother who lives in Colorado was also telegraphed. A brief funeral service here at 5 o'clock on Wed evening has been arranged under the directios of the Benevolent Protective Order of the Elks, and the remains will be taken to Oskaloosa for interement on Thursdays morning. The Knight of Templars there wil have charge of the funeral, which will be held on Thursday mornig at 10:30 o'clock. Here Dr. A. J. FRISBIE will conduct the services and a choir of four singers will sing selected hymns. Four of the pall bearers were chosen by Mr. THOMAS and are: James K. STOUTt, W. S. RICHARDS, Fletcher HOWARD and Thomas BATESs. The Elks were very attentive to Mr. THOMAS during his illness and will have charge of the service in Des Moines. Mr. THOMAS was als a Knight Templar and a Shriner.
Morgan THOMAS was born in Wales and was 62 years of age. When he was 16 or 17 years of age, he went to Australiia. He there engaged inmining, whcih he had learned in his native place, and accumulated considerable fortune. Returning to Wales he built his parents a home and then came ot this country. He located in Wapello county, amd bought a farm, engaging in mining also. The title for the land proved imperfect and was practically lost. Mr. THOMAS then went to Colorado and engaged in mining at Leadville, again accumulate a compeiance. He becamse superintendent of mines in both Colorado and Montana and after spendng some time in the copper regions of Superior, after agaiin visiting Wales, returned to Iowa. He located at Muchakincok and from there was appointed mine inspector of the state by Goverernor LARRABEE in 1889, to fill out the term of James K.STOUT, who had resigned. He was successibely reappointed to the place biennialy since that time and administered the duties of his important office with much ability and entire conscientiousness. He was an expert miner and was especially fitted for the office of Inspector. At present Mr. J. A. CAMPBELL, of Ottumwa and Mr. James MILLER, of Oskaloosa, constitiute the Board. Mr. THOMAS was Inspector for th third district, which included Des Moines and northern Iowa mines.
Morgan THOMAS was a man of heart. His great generosity often make him the victim of false friends, but he never lost his faith in humanity and at his death was as free and open hearted a man as the day when he left his Welch home for the Australian mines. A man who retains unsoured a generous disposition in this harsh world is a nobleman in the rue sense of the term. . Mr. THOMAS never married. It was to marry that he returned the second time to Wales, but the sweetheart died in the holiday time and the miner never glazed her image over with domestic alliance. Fate turned this page of his lifr, he used to say, for Morgan THOMAS had the mind and the heart of a poet. To his friends there was no truer man than he and he counted life worthless without the sacrifices and pleasures of unselfish friendship.
The flags of the state house were slung half mast yesterday.

Other Hobbies I have are: Reading
Don't have too many hobbies as I don't have time for them yet.

Displaying 4 out of 314 comments
12/25/2024 08:47:50

Merry Christmas and a great New Year.

MMM - 6983

03/30/2024 07:13:13

Happy Easter!

“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal and new life.” — Janine di Giovanni

02/14/2024 11:08:10

Happy Wednesday and Valentine's Day!

12/29/2023 13:22:32

All the best in the New Year. Happy 2024!

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