Wonderful weekend wishes, Pam! Dave and I have been outside working. It's a very pleasant day of 72* with a nice breeze. I was enjoying the fresh air and exercise (though yard work often feels more like fun than exercise) until my allergies kicked in. We were done with our work, thankfully. How is your day?
The wind is cold in Wonderland, but the robins & red-winged blackbirds are making appearances. Spring will follow! Just adored the pics of your sweet pups (aren't they always babies 🐶). Thanks for sharing. Have a great week! 🌱
Our morning temps are still in the 40s as well so still bringing in the tender plants and the heavy Norfolk Island Pine which will soon be too big to bring in! Our afternoons are quite warm too, like yours.
Good Morning Pam, I see your furbabies are enjoying the Spring weather. Mine too but esp my cats. They are sun lovers and nap in it for hours. The weeds are popping out here and hubby had to mow last week. Yes, already. Happy Saturday.
Feel free to come sit on our patio in the sunshine any time. I was sweating by the time I came back in today. It was a wonderful feeling. I love hot sunshine which is why I was out there for over 2 hours. You are always welcome here.
nightfall wrote:
They say 50 today. 20's for highs on the weekend. A little snow tomorrow. No pollen here yet. It has been one cold Winter. Brrrrrr
Péntek este van és vége a télnek. Holnapi nappal elkezdődik a meteorológiai tavasz. Nagyon vártuk már.
Kellemes estét és csodás hétvégét kívánok sok szeretettel.
Holnaptól nem leszek, a lányomékhoz utazom több napra. Jelentkezem, ha visszajöttem. Vigyázz magadra, vidám napokat! Ölelésem, Éva
"A csöndet szeretem, meg a virágot, Galambok közt, virágos szigeten békés családi kör az álmom. Derű és nyugalom, parányi házban... Az élet szép. Tenéked magyarázzam? Szeressük egymást! Isten arra rendelt."