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Let me count the reasons I dislike summer-
Posted On 06/03/2022 21:25:09 by momtocam

When I was a kid, summer days couldn’t come soon enough. School bells had rung their last time (for a while). It was also a reminder the ice cream truck would soon be arriving on our street..same time every day. I remember the many summer days spent at my grandmother’s house. Those days were mainly spent outside. It didn’t really seem to bother me being outdoors. Fast forward to current time…I now digress with even the mere mention of the word summer.

The first two things I truly never look forward to is the heat and humidity. These two elements of summer (especially here in the South) just seem to always hang out together. It’s not that I prefer being inside this time of year…for the outside is usually calling me. My garden and flowers need attention now, more than ever. 

Summer also kicks off hurricane season. Can you say Hugo? I remember that proverbial storm like it happened yesterday. We always seem to find ourselves living on the edge more…not knowing if our dwelling and everything inside it will be blown to smidgens. 

As I’m now older, and more wiser (I think), somehow over the duration of time that bypassed childhood adventures, my internal thermometer kicked in. Folks, that system almost always stays in the 85-105 range…I’m not kidding. In the winter, we can always layer up to stay warm. Sadly, summer changes that cause there’s only so much clothing we can remove unless we decide to hide inside.

In addition, summer brings out more people, usually in massive crowds. Do you know what happens when you have a lot of people in confined spaces? Making the situation worse is that we have longer days which equals more sunlight and thus, more heat. Thank you (not) Daylight Saving Time.

Let’s not forget about insects and snakes,. They are surely already among us in droves now. Summer seemingly just brings out more caution and dread in this arena.

They say patience is a virtue, but during June, July and August, I could rewrite that quote. So I’ll keep the ice tea flowing, spending more time outside under the shade trees out back, and reminiscing on childhood days gone by. I’ll also keep checking off those boxes on the calendar. That will mean we will be one day closer to Fall. Which reminds me, a trip to Alaska this time of year sure would be great.

Did I mention my husband is from Phoenix? Opposites attract (an understatement here)...gotta have a sense of humor in all of this-:) 

Enjoy your Summer folks.


Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Comments

06/09/2022 21:47:28

I've decided that complaining about the weather doesn't help, so what's the point??!! We don't have high humidity and 80 degrees F is HOT for us. We have learned to have a snow shovel handy even when the calendar tells us that it is the beginning of summer. All of these conditions are thanks to the Rocky Mountains, which we take for granted (but tourists from around the world come to see them)! I was born in Alberta... that's why I've learned that complaining doesn't help! At our location, we often treat the Rockies like a 'personal barometer'... if we see them clearly, it will be a beautiful day. If we can't see them, there is snow or rain coming our way. If we have a warm wind in the middle of winter that melts the snow and evaporates the moisture, it is the Chinook winds coming over the mountains. Our weather certainly isn't boring!!!!!

06/04/2022 04:42:56

I understand why you dislike Summer. It's a different story for me here in Ohio. Summer does mean heat and humidity here as well which I don't care a whole lot for. Instead of hurricanes we get nasty thunderstorms. However I'll take the Summer over the Winters we have here. This last one was pretty brutal. Weeks being under freezing. Big snow storms in that stretch which meant the snow was piled so high for weeks and weeks. As you can guess I dislike Winter the most.

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