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15th NOTH Anniversary!
Posted On 04/29/2023 11:46:14 by Altara33606

I just realized my 'NOTH Anniversary' was 2 days ago!  Wow. Fifteen years. I can't imagine NOT being here now. Before I joined Not Over the Hill (The Hill or NOTH)--I wasn't active on social media. Oh, I had an account at the 'first' social site (I think it was first, anyway)--but didn't "do" anything there. And I didn't 'stay' there long.  (PS--I won't NAME it, since that's against our Terms, lol; I was surprised to see it's actually still 'around').

And of course, I used Cloudeight's Stationery.  So when they announced they were starting this social site for the 'over 40' group--I decided this was where I wanted to be! And I've never regretted it. I hope to be here 'forever': I hope my daughter will ask to have my page put in the Memoriam group, when the time comes. But for now, I plan on continung to be an active member for a long, long time!  


Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Comments

05/20/2023 16:19:32

Yeah, I joined at the beginning. Was one of the premium suscribers  (paid at that time)when TC and Darcy started.  I have a Facebook account but they have changed so much that I no longer find it of interest.  When the Hill first started I was always logged on but that too has changed over the years like you, I hope it will continue to be around.  Would be nice if we could generate more ideas and activities, and enthusiasm.  

04/29/2023 13:27:06

Congrats! I didn't know about the hill
until much later. In 2008 I was on a social site that isn't around
anymore. I'm not sure but it might have been the first one I was on. The
creators are still around. I think they closed it because 1. They
didn't know what they had would be so popular at the time and 2. There
were some new ones popping up and one of those is probably the one you

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