Here 's a question i was asked recently.
"Whats the most daring thing you have done?"
After much pondering i guess it must be . . .. . . .
abseiling from the Forth Road Bridge.
For someone who has a fear of heights it seemed like it was about a mile high. Once i finally plucked up the courage to chuck myself over the edge i nearly s** t myself , luckily noone was below me . Once i got going it was really exillirating . I rembered my instructor telling me that the pulley system used had an automatic brake on it so halfway down i plucked up some more courage and let go of the rope . For an instant i thought i would plummet to the ground but hey ho the instructor was right so i dangled a while to take in the view then carried on till i reached terra firma.
Why did i put myself through it . . . to raise money for a local charity and because my pal said i was a woose and wouldn 't do it.
Would i do it again .. . You betcha and id take my pal with me and let him go first then jangle his line. Well might not be daring to some folks so tell me what daring do you have done