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12/27/2023 08:06:47

12/24/2023 09:32:17

12/23/2023 07:30:56

12/21/2023 14:18:49


Good afternoon to you. Its a cloudy and rainy afternoon here. And happy first day of Winter. I don't want any snow. I can deal with rain as long as it doesn't get cold enough to freeze. I packed our clothes this morning and other things we needed for the weekend. We are leaving tomorrow morning to spend it with our daughter Samantha and her husband. We will be back here sometime Monday. Not much else going on. Got all my housework done, so I'm just going to sit down and watch some tv here soon. Take care my friend and enjoy your afternoon and your weekend as I won't be on here tomorrow or the weekend. Many hugs, Cheryl

12/19/2023 06:56:54

12/18/2023 15:31:40

Hi there. Just now getting around to getting on the Hill to leave comments. Its been a busy day. I went and got groceries this morning, then ran errands this afternoon. Didn't get a nap in today, but that is okay. Got my last load of laundry in the dryer. We have a chance of more rain coming this weekend. Thankfully it won't turn to ice or snow. We are traveling Friday to go see our middle daughter and her husband. So we want the weather to be nice. I hope you are having a good day my friend. Take care and hugs to you. Cheryl

12/18/2023 07:38:25

yea..it's snowing!

12/17/2023 09:12:27

being born and raised in the midwest, it seems strange not to have any snow this close to christmas...hope the holidays are treating you kind..marykay

12/16/2023 08:18:09

12/15/2023 14:17:17

Hi there. I hope you are having a good day. The rain has finally stopped here. I'm not sure how much we got. It rained all day yesterday, was very nice as we needed it. The sun is finally coming out  witch will be nice. That will warm things up here. Well enjoy the rest of your afternoon and evening my friend and take care. Hugs, Cheryl

12/15/2023 07:41:34

12/14/2023 12:48:32

12/14/2023 07:37:53

12/13/2023 07:26:24

12/12/2023 14:33:32

Good afternoon my friend. I hope you are having a good afternoon. Its a chilly one here and we have a good chance of rain tomorrow. We need the rain, but we have a funeral to go to tomorrow so I'm hoping it won't rain then. Not much going on here just doing some housework. That lovely everyday stuff. Well take care my friend and enjoy your day. Hugs, Cheryl

12/12/2023 09:33:59

12/11/2023 07:22:06

12/10/2023 08:47:00

12/09/2023 07:15:55

12/08/2023 08:19:52

12/07/2023 14:46:30

Good afternoon. Its a nice 76* here. Feels like another Fall day here. Tomorrow it will be back to normal. Only in the 50's. Seems like it should be late September not December. Not much going on here. Got my laundry in the dryer and I have dishes to do but I wanted to get my comments out before I did them. Take care my friend and enjoy your afternoon whatever you may be doing. Hugs, Cheryl

12/07/2023 07:58:26

12/06/2023 15:29:05

Hi there. I'm happy to have you as a new friend on my page. I just got finished redoing my page. It was pink roses, now its snow. I don't like getting out in snow, but I do like pictures of it and snowmen. It won't be long and winter will be here. We have already had some snow here. I look forward into getting to know you. Take care, Cheryl

12/06/2023 08:27:59

12/05/2023 08:28:07

12/04/2023 07:38:55

12/03/2023 07:16:38

12/02/2023 06:26:52

12/01/2023 14:40:28

11/29/2023 08:12:30

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