I hope you had a good day and will rest well tonight. We went to see our great grandson..he was born last night.. His name is Rhett Michael...he was 8lbs 7 oz...Hard to believe I have a great grandchild..lol...hugs
The leaves are covering the ground here heavily..we got more rain today..of course on Friday they are saying 81 degrees. We will be taking very soon. Enjoy the rest of your week🙂🍁🍂🙂
It rained on and off most of the night and we ended up with 9/10" which was awesome and no standing water anywhere today.
Then we ran errands for about 4 hours. We got toys for the Samaritan Purse Box, groceries, Costco, gas and other things done. Now I am playing catch up and visiting you!
Tuesday is finally here. I do hope we get Tacos today. I have errands to be run either today or tomorrow. Then I will be working Thursday and Friday.
This is my precious Christian friend Kelly that I work for and is a true Blessing in my life. I love being able to help any time I am needed.
This is my view from my desk at work. I have 2 of those ornamental grasses in our yard and they are never that full of blooms or that beautiful. So I am blessed to watch these blow in the wind.
Again, we are soooo Blessed. Aren't those pretty pumpkins. We think our neighbor put them there. They just showed up this week. I planted that tree as a 3' little thing years ago to shade the mailbox.
This is where I am right now as I put this together and send it off. I LOVE my new "older computer" in the middle that is so fast. My old "newer computer" is now on the left. The extra monitor is on the right.
And of course, the LOVE OF MY LIFE who takes such good care of me every minute of every day. I would have a very hard time existing without him. I pray that you know I count you as a blessing to me too!
Good Morning! It is Monday and I am still looking for rain. We are supposed to have a good chance today.
It is hard to be content when most of my friends in the area have had rain. I know our turn will come soon!
So rain or shine, today is a good day to give thanks for my friends and maybe just read a book.
After all, reading can be magical and take us to places we have never been before.
But first, I am going to go look for my rain boots in case it does rain today. Oh, who am I kidding? If it rains, I will be out in the driveway dancing barefoot in the rain!