The last October weekend is here. Enjoy! The hubby & I took a jaunt to our nearby Elizabeth Park & took some pics. The paths; the bridge that connects the island to the mainland; ducks headed toward an inland bridge; a kingfisher; a squirrel getting a drink near the base of the inland bridge. 🍂
Plants are watered in front and back. The foundation was watered this week. Now the sprinklers are going full blast! Hope the cracks will not get any bigger.
We were never really sure what breed our Carly was even though some pictures were somewhat similar.
Then I ran across this picture of a Volpino Italiano.
She probably is a mixed breed, but that is the closest that we have ever seen to her.
This must be her cousin! I am always grabbing screenshots of dogs that look like our Carly!
It is obvious that our Reba is mostly a Rat Terrier mix! Ratty's have always been my very favorite!
I have had lots of Rat Terriers over a lifetime. Most of them have their tails docked but Reba got to keep hers.
Now, for our J Lo... we almost always rescue our dogs. So if anyone has any ideas as to what breed she is, please let us know.
We just call her our "Cutie Patootie" (mostly patottie) or our "Scruffy" dog. She taught all our dogs to STRETCH when you first get up. We love our Spoiled Rescues!!!
Now go catch that frisby and bring it back to me. Hope you have a Blessed Day!
This is the last FULL week of the month and it is flying by!
October just got started. Do your leaves all turn beautiful shades of orange and yellow?
Autumn is here to stay for a while even after October is over. Our trees drop leaves slowly this time of year. Then they all fall off when we get below a freeze.
We still have some plants that are just now blooming and show their beautiful colors for our fall.
Even though it feels like Fall for most of us now, the season for sweaters hasn't reached us yet. In Texas our sweaters come out in January and February.
Some of our Oak Trees never lose all their leaves. So let's just enjoy this season as the days get shorter and shorter with less and less daylight.