Female 68 years old United States
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Profile Views: 1896
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05/19/2024 11:11:05 |
Puss in Boots!
Lord of the Rings
Pirates of the Caribbean
Tank Girl
First Knight
Master and Commander
Conan the Barbarian
Spirited Away, and other Miyazaki films
No one asked, but my favorite Tv shows are Elementary, BTVS, Xena,The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Walking Dead!! Game of Thrones, Supernatural
Andrew Lloyd Webber, Elton John,3 Dog Night, Jewel, Loreena McKennitt, Enya, Blackmore's Night,
Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart, Rachmaninoff
Trans Siberian Orchestra!
Love reading old books from back when people knew how to use the English language.
Like reading about paranormal stuff.
Anything Oriental,Victorian, pirate, Buddhist, pagan. Flowers, birds,dragonflies, animals (esp.cats) trees. Fabrics, fragrance, all that glitters! Sunlight, moonlight,snow. Solitude. i love my bath, my books, and i really love the internet!
Whiners, Bigots, Bullies, Political Disgrunts. Do NOT talk politics to me!! :)
Have taken up knitting- learned off the internet. It's magickal! i like to read, work out, do yoga, visit yard salesand thrift stores.
i've suddenly become very fond of working jigsaw puzzles, but they have to be beautiful and less than 1000 pieces!
i like coloring in the new coloring books and jazzing them up with glitter!
Have recently started playing the harp. Love it!!!
Have learned to play recorder, tin whistle and crystal flute. What fun! Love Irish folk tunes.
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