Something I wrote recently... Just because ... Enjoy
Morning Joy
The morning sun has started its climb, just barely peeking over the distant horizon.
I stand on my deck just outside my bedroom sliding glass doors feeling the morning breeze.
Curtains have been spread wide, the edges flutter gently as the air blows past.
Holding my coffee within my hands enjoying the warmth with each sip I take.
The view of ducks at waters edge swimming, six hens running in search of morning bugs,
Horses grazing, traveling pasture green, birds singing their morning joy in trees standing near.
A smile forms from the pleasure of what I have, God’s creation in my hands for care.
An old man at rest, retired but not, chores to do, a farm with ranch duties that call out soon
First to get dressed in clothes laid out and breakfast to eat, be it fried eggs or cereal today.
Then out the door to only find, that plans don’t stay, something breaks, goes wrong we see,
A chuckle, a laugh, a shake of the head, flat tire on the trailer, and wagon too.
Things put back in order and now the sun is wide awake, beaming heat, sweat it makes.
Hours stretch, chores get done, before noon break, a trip inside to AC waits,
Chickens in the garden , dog barking, chasing ducks for the fun.
Must put a stop to critters gone wild, acting their part against the man made rules,
I scold and wave to send them scurrying and one chicken bucks up to stand its ground.
I pick some berries, a tomato too, peppers still green, peas just starting, in pods hanging.
Roses on bushes look real good, fish are jumping in ponds mirrored glare, frog bellows, calling out.
Dew has gone, hummingbirds drinking, servers hung with care., red nectar their aim to acquire
I have it all, a home that’s loved, peace and joy, a life enjoyed, thanking God for blessings given.