Ravin's Reflections
Female 72 years old Turlock, California United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 3025
 [ 132 ]
Christian - other |
06/01/2022 18:33:15 |

Anything by the Masters Of Macabre Stephen King and Edgar Allen Poe I also love old classic movies, even silent ones. The classics like It's A Wonderful Life, Gone With The Wind, Rebel Without A Cause and the Robert Redford/Paul Newman version of Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid... This list also is far to long to list all.

 AND, There MUST Be Cartoons! :)

Very versatile in my love of music. Classic Rock especially Journey with Steve Perry, KISS I love Stevie Nicks Ambient, Smooth Jazz, Oldies.. This list goes on and on but, DEFINITELY Journey with Steve Perry Oh and did I mention KISS? !!

Any of the ones written by the Masters Stephen King or Edgar Allan Poe ( Insane OR Genius )?? I love reading about Psychology, anything having to do with the Mind and how it works and its effects on the body.


I am a Mother, I am a Nonnie, I am a Writer, I am an Advocate against Child Abuse and will fight for the little ones who can not fight for themselves! I am Me, therefore I just am. Just ask if you would like to know more.
I love the Mountains, Deep Green Forests, Rainy Days & Nights, walking in the rain. I am a total Nature Freak :).. My Native American Blood shows through when I am in Nature. I love Flowers, Angels, Fairies and Butterflies and anything Mythological. Yes, I DO hug Trees!

I detest Liars, Cheats, Thief's, and people who refuse to be themselves no matter what their faults, disabilities, or downfalls may be. I hid for years, I hide no more... Maybe you should ask me if you would like to know why I did. People should be accepted just as they are ( unless they are known bad people ) or, one can always just walk away and have nothing to do with them if they wish

My writing, working with children who have been in abusive situations just to see their eyes light up when they know they can actually trust someone I Have Been There I Know The Pain It Is Never Over!! If You Suspect Child Abuse There Probably Is Report It, Help The Little Ones Please
