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12/04/2024 00:27:10

12/03/2024 16:27:20

I'm still working on getting some Christmas
decorations out and about:) Do have the
diningroom table and buffet done, and that
took 2 days. lol Have fun today! -di

12/03/2024 13:35:09

Been slowly decorating since Saturday. Are you doing it up for the holidays?
One day I may not feel like going thru the trouble of putting up 2 small trees, 1 big tree & putting lights in 3 archways plus setting out all the gingerbread items. But for now I still have the energy & desire. πŸŽ„

12/03/2024 05:35:20


It is Tuesday and we are off and running errands today.  Yes, we will get Tacos sometime today.  


So we will put smiles on our faces and be the light with everyone we meet today because...  


Today is supposed to be just a bit warmer and there is a slight chance of rain tomorrow.  


After all, it is up to us how we feel about each and every day.  


Now share that feeling with everyone you meet.  


12/03/2024 00:06:06

12/02/2024 23:24:07

12/02/2024 17:41:06

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like
Christmas! Enjoy it all:) *hugs* -di

12/02/2024 14:54:29


12/02/2024 10:27:34

12/02/2024 09:13:16

This may contain: an owl with a bow on its head next to a cup

12/02/2024 08:01:46

⊱✺⊰Time passes so quickly,

as the stream flows in the distance...

Let's enjoy every moment,

so that it doesn't seem too bad...

Although life passes quickly,

it leaves a trace in the soul and

we are the same,

only we grow old. ⊱✺⊰

Hello dearest friend

Wishing you a pleasant day and week...

sunshine in the sky and in your heart...

Greetings from afar


12/02/2024 05:50:17


12/02/2024 05:12:19


Good Monday Morning!  I don't think that I am ready to get rid of Fall.  I am not liking these early morning cold temperatures.  


I know these are AI and I am not a big fan of AI.  I do use them and sometimes it is hard to tell what is real now.  


But I really do miss my Hummingbirds.  I still have lots of other birds in the backyard, but Hummers are just special.  


Almost as special as a Giraffe!  However, a giraffe takes up a lot more space and they eat a lot more too.  


I guess the Hummingbirds all have found warmer weather by now and are happy to have found fresh nectar.  


I will be excited when they come back in the Spring and build nests and have babies to come visit year after year.  


12/02/2024 00:09:15

12/01/2024 17:17:34


Blessings for a peaceful evening!  

12/01/2024 12:04:03

This December slow down, reflect and remember. 🀍

12/01/2024 05:52:03


Good Sunday Morning!!!  It is December!  The most wonderful time of the year and the last month of 2024!  






12/01/2024 00:19:01

11/30/2024 17:56:19

November died...
December, be welcome !

I hope this new month will be more agreable than the previous one !!!

Have a sweet and restful night.

I wish you a great new week ahead

Lots of love


11/30/2024 17:14:00

11/30/2024 08:36:10

11/30/2024 07:55:27

11/30/2024 07:52:01

Here we are at a crossroads again.  The last day of November.  Tomorrow will be the LAST month of 2024.  Time flies faster and faster.  

Our Grandson, Will, can see things before I do.  He is an awesome 18 year old Senior who loves Jesus and tells others all about Him.  At 6'7" and 220 pounds he is very good at Martial Arts and the most helpful to his Gram and Grandpa.  He is a blessing to us!  

We had a wonderful week of Thanksgiving and I pray that you did too!  Now let's say Goodbye to November as Christmas and the New Year will be here and gone in the blink of an eye!  Blessings & Hugs to you and your families!  Pam

11/30/2024 06:31:14

As if on cue a little less than an inch of snow fell making the landscape look magical. But the wind is bitter! Have a Wonder-filled weekend as we greet December. 🧣

11/30/2024 00:53:03

11/29/2024 12:37:46

Enjoy the weekend...December is almost here πŸ™‚πŸ‚πŸπŸ™‚

11/29/2024 10:29:18

This may contain: an old woman jumping up into the air with her arms outstretched in front of a sunset

11/29/2024 08:13:15


It is Black Friday.  Ok, the sales have been going on for several weeks already.  So I feel like they are just leading us on.  Now that our Thanksgiving is over, no more pumpkins or Fall.  


Now here we are waiting for Christmas and thinking of putting up decorations as the warm temperatures are now a thing of the past for most.  


There have been some beautiful days in between the temperatures changing.  So why does it feel like we went from one extreme to the other?  


The birds all seem to adapt to "whatever comes next" in the weather.  


So we say goodbye to Autumn and get prepared for Winter.  Well, are we ever really ready for Winter?  


Now I have to go build a fire, oh we don't have a fireplace.  So it might be time to turn the heater on.  I wish you a wonderful beginning of the weekend with lots of Blessings & Hugs.  Pam

11/29/2024 08:01:39


11/29/2024 00:14:16

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