Female 88 years old Bedworth England United Kingdom
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Christian - other |
03/06/2025 08:13:03 |
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Jun 29 2020, 8:37 am by Minnie
Apr 14 2013, 7:13 am by Minnie
Apr 13 2013, 3:23 pm by Minnie
May 12 2012, 4:48 am by Minnie
Jun 26 2011, 12:38 pm by Minnie
I usually watch most Films on the TV, such as The XFiles, and All Good Science Fiction, also The Jane Austin's Drama's, her Historical Themes, are lovely to watch .
I enjoy nearly All Music, some Old, some New, some Classical, but I am not into Rap, maybe its an Age Thingy lol !! ************
As an only child, I was a little "book Worm" as they say, but through my Adult life, other interests, and Family Life took me away from books, but recently I have just started to read the occasional book, one I enjoyed was,The Five People You Meet In Heaven, the Author is Mitch Albom, and at the moment I am reading some of Catherine Cooksons lovely books, also Life in Spirit by Harry Edwards. ************
Colour is one of the wonderful free gifts we all enjoy, for me to choose just one would be impossible, so I shall just say, all the colours of The Rainbow, after a storm, and the colours of Crystal Gem Stones. ************
I am very fond of all kinds of Fish Dishes, Pasta Meals, A Mild Indian Curry, Chinese Food, and ofcourse Roasted Chicken, Pork, and Beef, sorry vegetarians, but I am "Too Old To Change The Habits Of A Lifetime" I also Love Apple Pie's with Custard, or Cream, as I do have a "Sweet Tooth", and also enjoy The Naughty but Nice Chocolate, and not forgetting a Nice Cup Of Tea, and Coffee, also the occasional glass of Wine lol. **********
I am a Widow with two Sons, two Grandsons,and one Grandaughter, my youngest Son lives near to me. the eldest Son lives in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England, a few miles away. After my Husband passed away, in 1999 I became a member of our local Spiritualist Church,but have not been for quite some time. In the Summer I enjoy my garden. I have always been very interested in Art, the Soft Pastels, and Chinese Art, and would have loved to go to Art School, but "it did not happen",so I have my Computer to visit Art Galleries, and admire the Beautiful Paintings.
I have tried to add something to my Noth Pages that is pleasing, and hopefully a little bit different, I am still on a Learning Curve, and that is a good thing as one gets older. It keeps The Little Grey Cells Working, for as long as possible,lol!. ************
I like the Spring and Summer Time, visiting my Sons and their families, I like watching my youngest Grandson aged 17 years old growing up ,I enjoy Holidays near the Sea. I love watching the birds in my garden. I also enjoy going for walks in the Country-Side near my home. ************
As I am quite an "easy-going" sort of person, I dislike Aggressive Pushy People, the Know-All's, and Mean Thoughtless Types, and Bullies. All Cruelty to Children, and Animals. ************
Hmm, Hobbies, I have had many different Hobbies in the past, to name but a few, Competative Ballroom Dancing with my Husband. many different types of Handcrafts. Crochet, Tatting, Silk Shadeing Embroidery, but last year I did attempt some Acrylic Painting, may have another try later in the year.At the moment I spend a lot of time on my Computer, so I guess its become my Main Hobby. ************