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On Our Corner of Paradise
Posted On: 02/13/2013 20:37:12
We're sharing a picture of our son, Travis, and his father taken earlier this month.
A little over four (4) months ago I had an accident; don't remember if I mentioned before or not. I was starting to sit down on my office chair, which has wheels, and it rolled away from me and I landed on the floor. My knees were caught and twisted inside the center of my desk and I hit the left side of my face and had a little cut from that.
It took awhile for my knees to get settled down. I really didn't think I'd done anything to much to my back but the pain kept getting worse over the course of the four (4) months until I finally made it into our doctor. The pain was absolutely excruciating! Most times just stepping on my left foot caused such pain that I couldn't walk very well. I told Papa Allen that it felt like a terribly pinched nerve or something dislocated.
We told our doctor what was happening and he, of course, sent me to ex-ray. Laying flat on my back on that steel table was more than excruciating! But about a week later the pain was gone. It was like when I laid on that table something popped into place. The good news is I did have have a compound fracture as our doctor thought. The bad news is my arthritis, in the lumbar region, is getting worse. As long as I know what it is I can start doing my exercises again to strengthen the surrounding muscles. I'd stopped because I was afraid of making a bad situation worse until I knew, for sure, what was wrong. Hopefully, I can also resume my early morning walks when it gets warmer.
In-the-meantime, our doctor put me on a narcotic for the pain. He told me I might get sick, etc. What he didn't tell me is that I would feel like I was at death's door after taking three (3) of those things! I was so afraid that night that I asked Papa to sit with me until I felt better which took me several hours. I got sick to my stomach and everything. I was terrified of closing my eyes for fear that I would open them again. I've been close to death a couple of times before and this is what it felt like.
Anyway, I'm finally feeling much better. Oh, last week I got the flu, of course! Papa had it, got better and got it again. We've really been having our problems. But Papa has been out in the garage straightening it up; getting rid of a lot of things we no longer want to keep so we can have room for the new things Papa got last summer like new tool chests, etc.
It was such a beautiful day that Papa was going to replace the water pump on our truck but the toilet went goofy and he had to replace parts in it instead. He's hoping for tomorrow. So with what time was left we went grocery shopping. We needed just a few things but, I'm sure, you know how that goes. We came out with more than what was on our list!
We're hoping tomorrow will be another beautiful day; got to 57 today. That's very uncharacteristic of WC Iowa in February. I would have loved to been able to go outside and clean up a small garden we have between the deck and house. It's only about two (2) feet wide and the length of the deck; about 12 or 13 feet. It's hard to get into but the ground is wet from the snow and following Perfect for pulling up things we don't want. With all the traveling we had to do last summer and working on our kitchen in the fall we didn't have much time for yard work.
Wishing everyone a very good night!
Much Love, Junie and Papa Allen


Viewing 1 - 7 out of 7 Comments

02/16/2013 10:46:40

Good things are going better for you now. Keep up the good writing, I could just picture everything you wrote about.

02/14/2013 18:51:00

Hey, I'm a 69 year old over-weight gal! Papa tried to help me up but I was in such a position it was better for me to roll over and get up on my very much hurting knees and scoot my arms down, and  get on my feet, like a baby with my butt up in the air, and get up on my own! I'm a lot more careful now.

02/14/2013 18:21:06

Oh Junie I am so sorry about that fall!! those chairs can do that sometimes. I know mine did that one time.. only thing was I had jsut gotten out of the shower and sat in my chair with my towel under me to answer my phone.  and poof my chair went that way and its legs got trapped under the edge of my bed and I was stuck between my bed and my desk with my legs up in the air. and I could not make the chair move and I could not get up.. my roomate at that time was out side on the patio and finally i reached up and pulled the telephone down off the desk and I called her daughter.. and her daughter came over and said. Mom sue has been hollaring for  you she is trapped upstairs cause her chair fell over..... They both came up and started laughin so hard.  there I was an over weight 51 year old woman naked as a jay bird laying on her back.. they got to laughin so hard but they could not get the chair tomove either  so her daughter had to call her husband. they threw a blanket over me and he lifted the bed up off the floor and they scooted out the chair and Iwas able to get up....

Now there is a story for you to laugh about. Junie. !!  so not do your proper excercises as much as  you can.. and keep Papa Allen busy with chores and get ready for spring before we know it that garden will be redy to plant.. Like the pic of your son and Papa.  reall good looking fellas.. ! 

Hugs your friend Oppsie.

02/14/2013 11:46:34

Yes, I remember reading about what's been happening with you Ida. I'm so sorry. I, too, need Epidurals in my lower back (between L4 & L5) and have Synvisc 1 injections in both knees every six (6) months. I do need both knees replaced but I'm stubborn and won't consider it until I find the injections no longer work. It is getting so their not working as well. But I'll fight it as long as I can! Arthur is all over my body! And have COPD. I never smoked but it could have well been brought on by where I used to live and working in a furniture manufacturing company as a seamtress. That fuzz from the fibers was always in the air, even though, there were exhaust fans. Now, I live in a small farming community and across the street from some grain elevators. Sometimes the corn shaff makes it look like it's snowing. Those are the days I stay in. I find walking helps both my back and knees. Las tyear it was so ungodly hot I could do little walking hope it will be better this summer. If not, I just may brave anyway. Take care, Ida!

02/13/2013 22:46:54

Oh, and Allen has "pixie-type" ears whereas Travis doesn't.

02/13/2013 22:46:04

Yes, Travis and Allen do look very much alike. Just the day before I'd trimed Allen's beard and cut his hair. As you can see Allen is a little fuller in the face. and I'm prejudice, I guess but I believe my husband to be the most handsome of the two. But they have the same personality and character, which is, great!


Jean13 wrote:

Sounds like you have had a run of bad luck. Hoping you feel better soon. Your son looks almost like his father's twin in this picture!

02/13/2013 21:59:42

Sounds like you have had a run of bad luck. Hoping you feel better soon. Your son looks almost like his father's twin in this picture!

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