Female 88 years old Lillooet Canada
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Jun 05 2010, 4:39 pm by BarbB
May 23 2008, 9:24 pm by BarbB
Not much of a movie buff. Haven't seen a full lenght movie for quite a long time.
Everything from classical to rock and roll.
Eclectic taste in music.
Haven't done a lot of reading in the last while but used to be an avid reader. Loved all of Jean Aul's books - Clan of the Cave Bear, etc.
As I do a lot of painting and drawing, I like all colours. For my own personal likes, I prefer blues, purples, fuschia and pinks,
I love all food too much. Both my husband and I love to cook and experiment with different recipes and foods. Can't think of any food that I really dislike. Oh what a problem that is!!!!
How could I forget?!!! Absolutely love chicken - could eat it every day, day in and day out. So many great ways you can prepare it. yummmmmm!
I'm inclined to take myself too seriously sometimes and sometimes I'm overly sensitive.
I try and live an active life which I enjoy but can't do as much as I used to now. Old age takes its toll but when I look around, I'm not doing too badly. Enjoy people and yet sometimes I think I could be a hermit. Have a terrific relationship with my husband which is great. I think I'm a little too regimented but I'm not looking for perfection. I think I'm kind of nice!
I like straightforward, honest, caring, loving people who aren't afraid to be honest. Honesty is a big thing with me but my husaband tells me that I should try and temper a little tact with my verbalization sometimes.
Love animals and have had dogs, cats, and horses. I really love horses.
Enjoy the outdoors.
Love food too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't really think of too much that I dont' like.
Don't care for supercilious, ostentacious people.
Don't like never ending rainy periods and gloomy surroundings.
Painting, drawing, gardening, cooking, computers,