And so begins a new week! Have a good one as we slide into August. Getting a back shot tomorrow; the last one I had was back in March. I'll be able to sleep better for awhile. 🍄
It's the height of summer in Wonderland. I love to eat outdoors; since it's been a rainy summer, I have only been able to do that for about half the time. August can be pretty dry here. Perhaps I will be able to go out more on the patio. Have a great weekend!🪅
It is a rainy Thursday morning here; kind of a sleepy sort of start to the day. It's been such a blessing to not have to water things and just let nature quench the plants' thirst. What are you up to today, Paula? Dave is going to do our grocery pick up and we'll see what the rest of the day brings.
Good afternoon. I'm late getting on here today. I've been busy. Its a warm day here, its 91* and going to get hotter everyday. I wish it would rain and make it cool off. It doesn't feel that bad out. I just don't like the heat. How are you doing? I woke up yesterday morning at 4 a.m. My left eye lid was tender so I turned on the bathroom light and looked in the mirror and my top and bottom eyelids were swollen. I took a Benadryl and got a washcloth wet with cool water and went back to bed. Still didn't look good when I got up at 5:30. Its almost back to normal today. I took Benadryl and put Visine in my eyes and both of those have helped. Both my eyes are a little itchy. I'm sure its just allergies. Not much else going on. Hope your day has been good and not to hot. Have a good rest of your day my friend and take care. Hugs, Cheryl
Hope you are able to rest & relax this weekend! I keep thinking about how nice it was for you to bring the neighbor some fresh eggs. Must be fun & rewarding to raise chickens. I know they can be real characters! 🐈
We made it to Friday! Aren't we amazing? Currently my immediate area is getting some much needed rain. Where my girls live just across town, no rain. Hoping everyone in our vicinity gets some eventually as we are all very, very dry. How is your day so far? Do your best to make it a good one. Paula, how is Den doing?
Good afternoon to you. It sure is a hot one here. Its 105!! Getting my laundry done from being gone since Wednesday. Got the last load in the dryer. Went up and saw our son Trey this morning. He has gotten the boot off of his leg and he starts physical therapy on the 22nd of this month. He will have therapy for 4 to 6 weeks. I went to Walmart before I came home and got the things I needed. Not doing much else. Just staying in where its cool. Take care my friend and stay cool. Hugs, Cheryl
Well it's hard to believe that I could be old enough to be a great grandma but it's happening..and tomorrow we will find out along with even the parents what the gender is. Things have changed so much since I had my kids..had to wait and see ..So should be a fun day other than it is suppose to be hot and rain and its suppose to be outside...Stay tuned for the results :-) Make it a good day friend..Hugs and Love...Wanda
Rainy Wednesday in Wonderland! Remnants of Hurrican Beryl delivered an overnight drenching & is still going on--until 8 pm tonite. While flooding is always a concern, we did need rain.
Thx for the Alice graphic!💙 And so good to hear Dennis is doing well. Hopeful for his continued improvement.
My wildflowers never took. The bramble that is growing on the hilltop has taken over. Previous lawn ppl mowed the back of the hill. These new ppl don't. The tiger lilies bloomed-about 8 flowers over a 3 wk period, but then my husband didn't deadhead them (I can't climb up there), so they stopped blooming. I need the wild ones that don't require such care. lol ☔
Good afternoon to you. Its a warm 93* here today. I don't care for the humidity that we have been having. Makes me sweat to much. I went up and saw our son Trey today. He is doing good. He has a doctor appoinment on Friday. Hopefully he will be able to start putting weight on his left leg and start getting physical therapy. I won't be on here for the rest of the week. We have to go out of town tomorrow for a funeral that is on Friday. We are taking Tony's mom with us as this is her sister's funeral we are going to. Going to be staying with family in Arkansas. So it will be a long drive to get there and we will be coming back on Sunday. I hope you have a good rest of the week. Take care my friend and I will get back on here on Monday afternoon probably. Hugs, Cheryl
Stopping by to wish you a pleasant 4th of July. How have you been? George and I have been doing alright. Things could always be worse. I walk with a cane now since breaking my ankle falling on the ice. George turned 74 recently and since retiring 4 years ago, doesn't seem to have the interest to do much of anything. Seem as though he got old all of sudden. Miss hearing from you. Wanted to stop by to say hello.
Wishing you and Dennis all the best *hugs* Darlene
Hi there. I hope you have had a good day and it hasn't been to hot for you. Its a hot 99* here today and windy. I went up to see my son Trey this morning then after that I went to Walmart and got some groceries. Came home and put the groceries away got the laundry folded and put away. By that time I was just worn out so I layed down on the couch and took a much needed nap. So that is why its late in the day before I got on here. Take care my friend and have a nice evening. Hugs to you, Cheryl
And enjoy a relaxing Sunday! Paula, I hate that Den's still having issues with his heart. Hopefully the test in July will determine EXACTLY how to treat him if treatment is necessary. I know it must be so frustrating. Ah, moving your mom into assisted living. When we moved Dave's mom, it was interesting and not fun. She didn't want to part with anything and felt each item was a necessity. She is now in the same facility but in the nursing home section. Her dementia/Alz gets increasingly worse and her physical abilities are few. She falls a lot because she forgets she isn't able to walk. I hope your mom settles in nicely to her new digs, Paula. We canned 18 pints of dill pickles recently. Couldn't let the cucumbers we'd grown go to waste. We are starting to get ripe tomatoes now and I'm thrilled. I've been picking and freezing our blackberries for weeks now and still will have more to do. They are starting to dwindle though. Going to try a new recipe for squash casserole tonight. We've been getting yellow squash and a few zucchini. So Dave is going to grill out chicken breasts and I'll make the squash casserole. I just love summer produce. Because bantam chickens and silkies aren't sexed when chicks, I have ended up with way more roos than I wanted. I belong to a couple chicken groups on FB and learned that roos can be homed together without trouble if there are no hens with them to fight over. So our lone duck now has most of our roos to keep him company. We call the back pen The Boys Club. The front pen is hens and two bantam roos and one silkie roo. Good gravy. Next time....if there is a next time....I will get regular chicks that have been sexed so I can have all hens. Time to make us some lunch. Turkey and provolone sandwiches. Want to come join? Have a great rest of the weekend. I've prayed for Denny and will continue to do so.
Our patio pots & boxes include cherry tomatoes, peppers, lavender, cinnamon mint, oregano, thyme, a shamrock . . . and there's Dusty eating a carrot I tossed to him. Keep be-leaf-ing in yourself!🌿
Its a hot afternoon here. Its 100*. You go outside and it feels like a oven out there. I just got finished making a wreath a little while ago. I posted a picture of it in my photos. Not a lot going on here. Just staying inside where its cool. I hope you are doing good and staying cool. Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your afternoon and evening. Hugs, Cheryl
Good afternoon to you. Its a warm and humid day here today. We are in a heat advisory until 8 p.m. tomorrow. I got up and went and got groceries this morning. Didn't go see my son today as his wife isn't feeling well and I didn't want to catch anything she had. Not much else going on. Just staying in the house where its cool. Take care my friend and stay cool. Hugs to you, Cheryl