We have made it to midweek, my witty and wonderful friend! How's your week been so far? It is a perfect day here and I'm accomplishing much. 70* F and sunny. Getting my household work done so I can spend time outside this afternoon. My daughters are all lamenting the fact that they are at work and can't play outdoors on such a beautiful day. I will enjoy some sunshine on their behalf. Think they'll notice? LOL
I know it is too soon to expect this weather to stay just yet but, WOW, is it perfect. A beautiful preview of what's to come. One must take full advantage of the days that aren't icy cold or sticky hot and humid. Seems here in the south, those ideal days don't last nearly long enough. I've been outside working a bit and, guess what? Pollen is starting. My sneezes can confirm....as well as my weather man and his pollen report. But did I mention it's gorgeous and 70*? Paula, the deed is done. The boys club is no more. Yesterday was horrible because they were fighting each other so badly and there was a lot of blood. Dave decided it would be more humane to cull them then to have them slowly but surely kill one another. Their desire to kill each other made the decision a no-brainer. I will never again get chickens that aren't sexed.
It's always time to have a fabulous day and, since it's Friday, it's an absolute MUST. I've been doing my daily stuff and, after lunch, will be pretty much free to do some crafting/crocheting. What are you up to, Paula?
It is snowing here, Paula! Beautiful fat flakes. Since it isn't to last long, I will enjoy being mesmermized by watching it come down while I can. Have a nice afternoon and evening.
It's been a terrific Tuesday for me and I sure hope the same for you. My house is an interesting combination of smells at the moment. Spaghetti sauce and meatballs in the crock pot and a pumpkin pound cake in the oven. I had frozen pumpkin I needed to use so decided to make the pound cake. Switched out my Valentine's garden flags and enjoyed some fresh air. Low 50s currently. Now to rest until time to cook spaghetti. Have a nice night, my far away friend.
It is a cool (48*) and sunny Monday here. And I've been busy doing housework since I neglected to do so this weekend. Now I'm ready to call it quits and enjoy some downtime until dinner. How was your weekend and how about your day today, Paula? We still have all but one of the roos in the "boys club". Reggie the Red has disappeared without a trace. Not sure where he got off to or how. The other 5 are still there and fussing and fighting a good bit. Maybe instead of the boys club their coop should be the fight club? We have one bantam roo in the with the hens in another area with their own coop. At the rate the silkie boys are carrying on with each other, they may cull themselves! Like Den, Dave knows how to cull and figures he should but can't bring himself to do so just yet. You and I are at an advantage having our own eggs. Looks like, so far, my three chicks are hens but time will tell. The other hens are good layers. I told Jenny she could have some eggs for Jude to dye for Easter.