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12/28/2018 06:42:53
Good morning on this Friday morning.  We are moving closer to the new year where one will have to completely change the calendar.  I have secured all three of my new calendars and had actually installed two of them.  The one that is not installed does not have the month of December for this year on it and therefore cannot be installed safely.

MOVIE DAY has been canceled due to a lack of interest.  There is nothing playing I wish to see.  It will make more of a relaxation today where the pressure will not be on this writer to be on time.  I'm off to a good start this morning, although a late start for various reasons.  But considering I have no real life, it is almost impossible to be running late.  I did not think I would be able to get out for my exercise protocol this morning due to the weather, rain.  However, upon rising I noticed it had stopped raining.  I thought I would give it a try and see if I could at least get a couple of miles in.  I actually exceeded my goal.  I was out over an hour which indicates a good exercise.  During that time, I noticed a mist every so often.  Nothing major, just a mist.  I completed my protocol and reentered my FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE.  I was an my domicile for approximately 20 minutes when I heard something resembling rain on my shingles.  I have now had a chance to preview the weather for today and it is not good.  Icy rain this morning, changing to snow this afternoon.  I was thinking of organizing a safari to the grocery store but that shall be a game time decision.  For those of you who received a book as a Christmas gift from this writer, you have to return it to the library in about a week.  It is due back at that time.  I was just going to buy the books at a bookstore but it is so much more convenient to get the books at the library.

Yesterday, Thursday, was a sad day indeed. The second anniversary of Carrie. In my neighborhood, despite the rain, crowds were milling around the monument to Carrie, and her mother. Some of the people brought flowers and such. Fame is fleeting, but not when they build a monument to you.

I leave you now in the hopes that you have a good weekend, this the last weekend of the year.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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Image may contain: outdoor

12/27/2018 17:02:50


12/27/2018 04:08:45
Good morning.  Garbage Day has been postponed due to a holiday appearing before Garbage Day.  It is 35° out, and that is pretty warm for this time of year.  It has been raining all night, and that is the good news.  It could have been snow.  In either case, that has restricted my use of the outside.  Fortunately, I managed to get in a long walk yesterday.  I ordinarily do not take walks competitively, however, there are no men's facilities along the way and so one does not to dawdle.  In either case, everything went well and I felt like I got some exercise in.  Psychologically I am prohibited from jogging during the day.  This morning I am drinking the good coffee.  Since I do not plan on going anywhere, I feel I can sit back and enjoy the coffee.  Last night was the finishing touches on my final serving of salmon.  It went well including my baked potato.  It was not rotten.

I hope everyone scored big yesterday on BOXER DAY.  A lot of sales, a lot of money being pushed across the aisle.  I did not attend any of the events.  As previously stated , I shall not be going out and doing anything today unless there is a cessation of the rain.  I'm too lazy to get the car out of the garage.  Have a good day.  Live long and prosper.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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Image may contain: horse, tree, sky, outdoor and nature

12/26/2018 04:39:07
Good morning.  Happy Boxing Day.  I have done some study on this subject and it seems to me that all it is is another day for store owners to have a sale and take some more money.  I really never heard of this until I entered the Internet.  This is mostly something for Her Royal Majesty's subjects.  In either case, time for the great populations to head to the stores and take advantage of the huge sales.  I went out at about 3:30 AM, and surprisingly it was warm for this time of year.  30°.  It is just too bad that there is snow which has prohibited this writer from going out and getting some exercise.  I did a brief preview of the weather for today and there is supposed to be some rain later.  Hopefully it will not freeze.

Last night I made salmon again.  This time the potato ended up fairly good.  I think I published about the potato being partially rotten for my salmon meal on Sunday.  I had to eat around the part inside which was almost tainted.  I think I could've done it but there was no sense in ruining a meal where salmon was prepared.  I have one more serving of salmon and will most likely be preparing for my evening meal tonight.  We did not get much snow, I published some pictures of the snow with a broom indicating I was able to sweep it.  There's just enough which gives me the ability to complain for medicinal purposes.

Have a good day.  I am planning on continuing my seclusion in my FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, with maybe a constitutional around the neighborhood.  Always good to get out for conversation not electronically produced.  And then of course I can hear about what people got for Christmas.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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A panda discussing the problems of the day over the washing line with a young admirer, 1939.

12/25/2018 04:23:46

Merry Christmas. I was going to go for a jog this morning but unfortunately... snow.. Not much but enough to not go for the jog. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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12/24/2018 15:52:00

12/24/2018 05:05:42
Greetings. It is the Eve today so the agenda is what it is. Church tonight. Pushed out to the doors by the crowd. People you never seen before who attend only on Christmas. I get there fashionably late as I do all occasions. I may go to the mall today for observations only................... maybe. Felt myself coming down with a cold overnight. Tremendous assault overnight, and then this morning. nothing. I had some salmon last night, and will for the next two nights. Salmon turned out alright but the baked potato was not and I had to martyr myself and eat around it.

Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!  

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12/24/2018 04:36:15

Good Eve.

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12/23/2018 16:54:19

Unto Us a Child is Born, Unto Us, a Son is Given...And His Name Shall be Called: Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace.

Wishing you a Wonderful Christmas filled with Peace, Joy, and Love.  Merry Christmas Connie PS I left my 2018 Christmas letter on Bulletins.

12/23/2018 15:39:42

12/23/2018 05:43:31

Happy Sunday Celtic Angel. 

12/23/2018 05:16:08
Good morning.  Sunday morning has arrived and so has this writer.  I have checked my personal log and found that this is the second straight day of my exercise protocol.  While I was out and about, I noticed it was 32°at 2:30 AM.  There was no wind and so consequently it actually felt nice out, for this time of year.  Upon completion of the exercise, I was walking down my street and I felt some precipitation in the air.  It seemed to border between rain and snow.  Not a good sign.  There are rumors coming out of the southern part of the colony that there is a danger of a white Christmas in parts of my colony.  I shall persevere.  I was somewhat surprised this morning not to find any slippery places on my route.  The route I took yesterday had some places where one could fall down if there was no vigilance.  I felt I should take the opportunity to get this exercise in as one never knows if the weather will change and I will be in isolation for the remainder of winter.  Humbug!

Yesterday I purchased some salmon.  I have not done that in quite a while.  Salmon is expensive and so one does not want to do it every week.  I just could not resist.  I was coming home from the mall and I had the urge to visit the grocery store even though I needed nothing.  And of course Christmas is upon us and so one has to let their hair down once in awhile.  I would imagine some of you will remain closed on Christmas, and maybe even on Christmas Eve.  So for those of you who shall enter the real world for the two holidays, Merry Christmas.  I shall wait until Christmas, or Christmas Eve, to wish the rest of you will remain in the virtual world a Merry Christmas.

Have a good Sunday.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

children in my third grade class

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12/22/2018 12:22:09

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12/22/2018 05:55:21

Happy Saturday.

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12/21/2018 04:48:17
Good morning.  It is MOVIE DAY.  I'm planning on attending today.  It shall not be my favorite movie, however, it shall be acceptable.  The person starring in the movie is a person who was a costar on one of my science fiction series on television Jason Momoa.  Some person I correspond with is constantly publishing pictures every day of this guy.  If I did not know better I would think she is a fan.  I believe this series on television was named, Stargate: Atlantis.  In either case, approximately 4 1/2 hours to game time.  Give or take.  I think it has been a couple of weeks since I have been able to attend the cinema for reasons stated previously in communiques.

Today is the solstice. In the interest of correctness, 4:23 this afternoon. I dread the word; the season; the weather.  The only good thing is it gives me something to complain about.  I am hoping they're having a contest for best Christmas Page.  I intend to win the contest, if not, I shall be the runner up.  In the past, I have always fared well with my seasonal decorations of my pages.

A side note on a project from yesterday.  I was able to return the laptop that I mentioned yesterday in my communique.  I did it honorably by putting it on the person's porch and running.  Actually I did not run because I thought it would draw attention to me, and if the person were looking out the window, it would make it look as if I were guilty.  I shall be fairly safe and not pass this house if I go out today for a constitutional.

Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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Image result for jason momoa

12/20/2018 03:55:21
Good morning on this Thursday morning.  The temperature is reasonable outside, about 35°.  I don't know how long this weather can hold but it is a good reprieve for winter.  I really don't have any plans for today although I may participate in GARBAGE DAY.  Someone has given me a laptop.  Apparently it was someone's laptop who has died.  They tell me that when they turned it on it did not have an operating system.  This is an old machine and comes differently than the new ones.  I installed the operating system and it works fine.  However, it is considerably heavier than the new laptops.  It actually would not be convenient for this writer to use.  I have sent an e-mail to the donor of this machine offering to return it.  I now wait for a response.  A person gets spoiled with the new technology.  I assume this machine was manufactured in circa 2000.  I think if someone were to use it as a desktop computer, it would be fine.  If nothing else I shall give it away to someone walking down the street, or leave it on the bench by a bus stop.

Do you enjoy the controversy of what do you call Pluto, planet, dwarf planet, or something in between?

As we get closer to Christmas, I entertain the idea that you have a good day even more so than in the past.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

                  Everyone's favorite person

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And meanwhile, in Turkey, Alanya Cleopatra Beach Alanya Kleopatra Beach

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Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: sky, plant, flower, outdoor, nature and water

12/19/2018 05:02:58

Good morning Celtic Angel 

12/19/2018 04:52:04
Good morning.  Happy HUMP DAY.  Yesterday was highly successful, as far as getting things done I wanted to get done.  And since the United States mail cooperated with this writer about getting the bill for his property tax, everything is good in the world.  The weather is really good this morning.  It is 38°and clear.  We were supposed to get some rain overnight and apparently we did not.  Always a good thing this time of year to stay away from the precipitation as it gets slippery.  I almost felt like going out for some exercise this morning but of course there are still some slippery areas.  I would not like to have to go on injured reserve during the wintertime.  As matter of fact, I don't want to go on injured reserve at any time.  We are now within one week of Christmas.  When I had my real life, this was always hectic for me.  Now that I am only a computer-generated image, there is no difference except the inconvenience of long lines at the store.  Hopefully you have all of your things finished and can enjoy Christmas.

Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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Toto with a 16 year old girl

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12/18/2018 04:59:04
Good morning.  I am one week away from Christmas.  The countdown is intense.  Yesterday I got out and about to do some things. I thought I was going to get downtown but changed directions and got things done at the branch near my house. I did not receive the bill for the taxes and so no need to go downtown. Now I got the bill and I am armed with the check and will embark on the mission today. I have not been in that bank in a couple of years and people warned me of the changes. I shall be intimidated but I shall succeed. And of course walking into City Hall is always challenging as the phrase indicates. While out yesterday, I failed at another mission, finding Gedney's Sweet Snackers, or whatever they are called. Could not find them at reputable places so had to go into Walmart. Google told me to do it. The brand was there but not the specific one. Now I fear they are no longer made and it will be eternity without them. And to compound my day today, I shall have to get the car out of the garage. I was successful in doing the laundry yesterday. Everyone on the site is always bragging of doing that so I gave it a shot. I like to do it three or four times a year unless emergency pushes it forward. I have a lot of clothes.

Keep the countdown going..... and good luck. Ciao for now and watch your wallet! I was going to make a disparaging remark about Clint Eastwood's new movie, but that can wait for a future episode of my newsletter.

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12/17/2018 04:19:51

Happy Monday on the final countdown to Christmas. Good luck. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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Detroit’s Mark Twain Library, which was closed in 1996 for renovations and never reopened.

12/16/2018 04:59:28
Sunday morning, and a good morning to you.  It is 33°and this is the first time in a long time that he has been above freezing overnight.  I also noticed the stars.  There are so many and yet I could count every star in this quadrant of the galaxy.  I was not out long enough to notice if the rock I like to call the Moon was in the vicinity.  It almost made me feel like going for my exercise but it was too late.  I had already taken some nourishment and coffee and I never exercise after eating anything.  And to be quite frank, there are still areas that are slippery.

Yesterday I was able to remedy the situation at the grocery store where I was cheated.  I was able to make things right and I felt afterwards that everything was right in the universe.  I think I shall return to the store today as I wish to get some Jewish Rye with caraway seeds.  I have exhausted my supply at home.  It is rather expensive but enjoyable.  I have purposely left my motor vehicle out of the garage to enabled this writer to get some things done today, and tomorrow.  I was hoping that I would have received my property tax bill in the mail so I could also get that done at the same time I have to do something else.  Alas, it was not meant to be and I shall have to take care of that in a separate action.  It is one of the few bills I do not pay online.  It is not that I discriminate against this for security.  I just want the paperwork for completion of my tax returns at a later time.  I'm always the one to suffer.

I leave you now with my status the same as usual.  I'm drinking the good coffee, listening to the stereo, and composing communiques and other compositions online.  Have a good day.  Ciao for now in watch your wallet!

Talk about something lasting! This is Italian and built January 30, before most of use were born

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12/15/2018 04:47:44
Good morning on a Saturday morning.  It is 22° out and I can see every star in this quadrant of the galaxy.  I was not dressed properly and so it did feel somewhat cold.  Yesterday, I actually got some things done as far as getting out of the house.  Unfortunately I was the victim of a crime or ethics violation at the grocery store.  I must have taken the wrong salad dressing because I was charged inappropriately (too much).  Some people might say that is my fault but I would issue a retort that someone should have realized I had the wrong item considering it was not the coupon item.  Fortunately I have my automobile in the street ready to go today and so I shall be able to rectify this matter in a timely fashion.  I have also closed the book on the attache case test.  I'm just wondering if there will be a time when the attache case reappears at the bus stop.  It sort of reminds me of the time someone stole some garbage I was going to throw away at the garbage receptacle at the grocery store.  I can only wonder what that person thought when they stopped running and realized it was garbage.

My agenda is the usual for a Saturday.  Nothing spectacular.  The only thing that shall be interesting is my return to the grocery store.  Have a good day as we move one day closer to where I like to call Christmas.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

Policemen wear masks provided by the American Red Cross in Seattle because of the flu.

Eerie Look at History's Deadliest Pandemic

12/14/2018 04:03:37
Good morning. Temps are heading for 35* today. Able to walk on the streets and sidewalks again, for the most part. It is MOVIE DAY, but status is uncertain. I have to activate my car for a trip to the store later. Outside of that, the agenda is open.

I decided to go through my house and find all of the things I wish to scan.  Things such as important papers, pictures, etc.  In either case, I started this action but it is going to take quite some time.  I have several attache cases, some of them in poor shape.  I decided to get rid of one of them.  I took it out and left it by a bench at a bus stop.  One of those enclosed bus stops.  I think tomorrow I shall go back and find out if there are any dishonest people who have stolen the attache case.  I was going to do that later but I got lazy.  I may give a report on my findings a later time.

Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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12/13/2018 03:55:08

12/13/2018 03:54:17
Good morning.  It is GARBAGE DAY. I shall not be participating, not even to assist my neighbor who does not even live in the house.  She sometimes brings her garbage to her house because she lives across the border in another state and they have various rules and regulations that are more stringent than in my backyard.  In either case, yesterday, as I inspected her garbage receptacle, she had not delivered any garbage by that time.  Also, in the winter, I am not that ambitious to take care of other people.  There is a rumor going around about the temperature reaching 34°today.  When I went out yesterday, the streets and sidewalks were extremely slippery from the morning precipitation.  I think we're supposed to have some fog this morning and will probably freeze on the pavement and will give a temporary slipperiness to the streets.  As usual, the streets in my area are the most slippery in the city.  I complain only for medicinal purposes.

A big meteor shower is occurring high in the sky.  Be careful that you are not hit by a rock in the head.  If anyone wants to buy a piece of the meteor, I shall be selling.

Uncertainty today concerning my agenda.  As of right now, I plan nothing.  If it is not too slippery later today, perhaps a constitutional around my area.  It shall be a game time decision.  Have a good day.  Live long and prosper.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

When you come to the fork in the road................

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12/12/2018 03:00:06
Good morning.  Happy HUMP DAY.  It is too early to start my day, but since I'm awake, let it be done.  Of course it is too early to make coffee.  I shall refrain from all other activities for now.  I actually have started quite a bit earlier, but I insisted on staying in bed.  Thus, looking at the ceiling and hoping to fall asleep.  When this did not happen, all hope had left the scene and I was forced to give up the pleasure of dreamland for reality.  A look out the window has indicated that the snow has not started a as of yet, however, it sounds as if something is tapping on my window.  It is hard to be certain as my furnace makes noise.  I have previewed the weather forecast and I am expecting only up to 1 inch of snow.  Considering my agenda is for not doing anything outside today, this would be sustainable for sanity.  I am on my countdown for spring.  Of course there are certain formalities that have to come first, WINTER.

Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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12/11/2018 05:13:50
Good morning on this Tuesday morning.  About 16°outside.  I went out and threw out the water and it does feel cold.  I think I will have to take a zinc pill as I feel a slight discomfort in my throat.  Woe is me!  I was thinking of going over to the grocery store for one final challenge on this week's coupons.  For some reason they changed the coupon period from Wednesday to Tuesday.  I really don't like that although it has saved me some money from buying useless items I do not need.  The decision on whether to mount a safari to the grocery store shall be based on laziness on activating my motor vehicle in the garage.  As of right now, it does not look good.

Rumors are circulating that we may get some snow tonight.  I had a total lack of interest and so I did not preview the weather forecast.  I may remain secluded depending if I decide to make an illegal garbage deposit in a city garbage can.  More on this at a later time, maybe.

The burning question today will be, will Harry von Zell get a raise or get fired.  I leave you now with the full expectation that you shall have a good day wherever you may be.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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12/10/2018 04:53:56
Greetings and salutations Celtic Angel 

12/10/2018 04:53:20
Good morning.  Monday is here and so is this  writer.  It is about 16°outside, but it did not feel too bad when I went out semi-decent to throw out the water at 3:00 AM.  When I went out yesterday to purchase some postage stamps, I walked to the store.  It was somewhat cold but it did not feel too bad as the sun was out and there was no wind.  It was a mile each way so I did get some exercise.  The truth of the matter was, I was too lazy to get the car out of the garage.  I have nothing planned for today.  If you are going to drive my my fortress this morning, be careful.  There is a weather warning about slippery conditions due to freezing fog.

I leave you now with the hope that you have a good day.  Monday is a fresh start in the real world.  Most of you will be able to come in contact with human voices not electronically produced.  Live long and prosper.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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Image may contain: christmas tree, table and indoor

Image may contain: dog and indoor

12/09/2018 15:08:25

Dropping by to wish you a lovely Sunday. Hope you enjoy your day.. Take care and have a great week~~ hugs, debijo

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