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09/19/2024 15:33:06

Hi there. I haven't been on here this week cause I have been sick. I went to the doctor this afternoon cause I thought I had a sinus infection. They did a test for strep and covid. Came back positive for Covid. I have all the symtoms for it too. Not happy about this at all. I have been spending most of my days laying on the couch. Hope you are having a nice week. Take care. Hugs, Cheryl

09/17/2024 09:31:10


Good morning my dear friend….
I hope things are well with you.
I’ve been enjoying NFL football and the end of the MLB games.
Warmish days and cooler nights but I’m
looking for a bit cooler days to come.
Haven’t seen any leaves change color yet.
Take good care of yourself.
Love, Augie

09/14/2024 14:44:48

Happy Weekend Heart GIF - HappyWeekend Heart Love - Discover & Share GIFsHi Pat hope you are doing  good .We still have this hot  awful weather still in September.  

Next sunday we be in Autumn so it should last  too long :)   God bless 

Who needs a working oven in a summer we had this year .

I learning how to  use  the microwave  for things i would use the oven for lol

09/12/2024 15:43:34


Hi there. I like the cool mornings we have been having. The afternoons are still warm. Next week it will be in the low 80's.  Not much going on here today. Feeling tired this afternoon. I still have time for a nap. Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs--Cheryl

09/12/2024 07:06:24


09/10/2024 15:43:12


Good Afternoon. I hope your day is going good. Its a little warm here this afternoon. The mornings are cool and need a jacket. The afternoon are warm and you need shorts on. Not much going on here. Just stopping by to check and see how you are. Take care my friend. Hugs--Cheryl

09/06/2024 14:47:55

Good afternoon. Its a beautiful day here today. Its only 82* and partly cloudy. I hope you are having a good day. This week went by so fast. Went shopping this morning and spent to much money. Then went by and son my son and his wife. Back home doing laundry. Have a good weekend my friend and take care. Hugs--Cheryl

09/06/2024 07:32:45


Good morning my dear friend….
I hope this greeting finds you well.
Our weather has been beautiful.
Warm days in the low 70’s and
cool nights.
I love it!
Take good care of yourself.
Love Augie

09/05/2024 09:52:11

09/03/2024 15:42:43

Good afternoon. Its a lovely day here. Only in the mid 80's. Last night it got down in the 50's. I thought the air was so nice but my husband didn't. He is cold natured so he thought it was cold. I hope you are having a good day. Not much going on here. Had a good weekend. I was just lazy. Take care my friend, hugs, Cheryl

09/01/2024 08:53:37


September is here! Yeah!
Fall is my favorite time of year.
I love the cooler weather and
the beautiful colors of the
leaves changing.
And I love that NFL football
is back! 🏈
Have a good week my friend…
Love Augie

08/29/2024 09:42:12


08/28/2024 15:00:04

Good afternoon. Hope you are doing good. I went to my diabetic doctor appoinment this morning. Everything is going good. I found out that 2 of the pills I take make my mouth dry. And he did say my blood sugar was a little high, but other people's is even higher. He didn't change my metformin any, but he did put me on a pill called Glipizide(it lowers blood sugar by causing the pancreas to produce insulin). Not much else going on. After my doctor appoinment I went and saw my son and his wife. Trey is doing good with physical therapy. He has 6 more weeks of it. And he is back to working, he is on light duty. Well take care my friend and enjoy your afternoon. Hugs, Cheryl

08/28/2024 12:48:33

Hope all is good your way...getting cooler temps next week. Summer is almost over in a few weeks, but with Labor Day weekend a few days away, hopefully these cool temps will be permanent. Thank you for your friendship -:)

08/26/2024 16:04:31

Good afternooon. Its a hot 100* here. Feels hotter than that. I'm ready for cooler weather. Its supposed to be only in the 80's  by Friday. I hope you are having a good day. Mine has been busy. Got all my housework done this morning. Now I'm just being lazy. Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs, Cheryl

08/23/2024 18:18:58

Hi Pat Stopping by to wish you a lovely  weekend and new week ahead.   Its going to be very hot again here.

Won`t know anything about my checks until  the end of November will be near 120 days. 

There are many ahead of me with the same issues.

   God bless you

Wishing You A Lovely Weekend Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook ...

08/23/2024 08:32:22


Good morning my dear friend!
I hope this greeting finds you well.
Be sure to take time for yourself
this weekend and do something
you enjoy.
Love, Augie

08/19/2024 15:38:36


Sorry it has been a few days since I was on here. I wasn't feeling well. Wasn't drinking enough water and its been hot and humid here. But I'm feeling much better now. I hope you are having a good day. Its a warm one here. Well enjoy the rest of your day and take care. Hugs, Cheryl

08/17/2024 08:12:20


08/16/2024 15:00:58

Beautiful weather today..low humidity..sunny skies. Maybe rain chances over the weekend. Had one errand mid morning, so was back home @ 11:30. As I've grown older, I'm becoming a homebody, or so it seems. Hope you're doing well..enjoy the weekend ahead Pat 🙂

08/14/2024 15:15:34


Good afternoon to you. Its another warm day here. I'm ready for Fall. Not much going on here today. Just taking it easy. I hope you are doing good and it isn't to hot for you. Take care my friend. Hugs, Cheryl

08/13/2024 09:05:45


Wishing you a good day.
Thank you for being my friend, Pat!
Love, Augie

08/11/2024 11:12:17


 Thank you for your prayers, Pat:) *hugs*

08/10/2024 17:11:47

Hey Pat...been a super busy weekend..but have made progress getting all done. We've had so much rain here..storm hit in Thursday dumping close to 6" of rain in just 12 hours..and more this morning. It's been very crazy weather especially since May. Counting down the days to Fall, probably like 42 days now left. I was thinking about Christmas a while ago..most of my decorations are getting old, so need to start replacing most of them. We usually decorate outside on our front porch. It's going to be a different setting this time as our sweet neighbor just got moved permanently to assisted living..she is 94. Been neighbors for almost 29 years. She's like a second Mom to me. Our dog died in April..son moved out a few months ago, so lots of changes. I try and keep busy and occupied, otherwise everything sometimes can become overwhelming. I'm so grateful for your friendship.

08/10/2024 15:00:49

Pat  hi  its the same now here .Last night  it was in the 50`s   during the night.

Crazy weather. You know i was supposed to get a test for men done this year.

But after all of this that has  happened   its going to go on hold for a bit .:)

Even though my bank has all the information now  i been spending time writing  a couple letters  to the main post office here in Chicago that deals with fraud. 

Just to let them know what has been going on . 

Those squirrels      think they are going to control me .  

They sit by my garage  door  in the shade and expect me to walk up to them with nuts lol

  I do that when its very very hot outside ,but not every time even on beautiful days like today .

Ill break them out of that habbit quick.:) 

Have a beautiful week  ahead Pat

Of pistol barrels and bushy tails: Six great squirrel hunting handguns ...

That`s what he thinks

Ill show that guy,come out with those peanuts lol

08/10/2024 13:52:18

Thank you for the b'day wishes, Pat! ❤️

08/09/2024 15:17:11

Good afternoon to you. Its a cloudy and cool day here. We had a cool front come through here yesterday. Its only 67* here. Its wonderful. Sunday is going to be back in the 90's, so I'm enjoying the cooler days. I've been enjoying watching the Olympics, and it will all end on Sunday. I have a couple of new pictures up in my photos. Take care and have a great weekend. Hugs, Cheryl

08/09/2024 10:43:22

Happy Friday, and best wishes for a
great & fun weekend. Glad the
Southeast is seeing the end of Debby.
I hope it whizzes past the Northeast
much more quickly.  
DH goes in for 2nd
reconstructive/graft surgery 9/3.

His outlook is  positive and good.
Take care...  *hugs* -di

08/07/2024 08:48:56


Hello my dear friend…
Here in the Northeast we’re getting a lot of rain from that tropical storm.
I hope things are well where you live.
Take good care of yourself!
Love, Augie

08/05/2024 15:45:18


Hi there. Its a nice day here. Kind of hot, 96*. Its been a busy day here. Had errands to run this morning and bought groceries. Accidently washed one of my husbands shirts with a blue towel. Now I have to take the lent roller to it as it has fuzzies all over it. Won't do that again. I hope you had a good weekend and will enjoy your week. Its going to be hot here all week. Take care my friend, hugs Cheryl

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