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Reflections on Graduation Day
Posted On: 05/29/2021 16:23:47
I just read this week’s Banner News a few hours ago. I enjoyed seeing the highlights of upcoming graduates in our communities. Afterwards, I began reminiscing way back to 1980 when I walked across the stage to receive my high school diploma. Seems like yesterday, but then again, an eternity. My thoughts drifted to the many changes in our world since I graduated. There were no cell phones or computers. I do remember the many hours I spent in class using a typewriter, and encyclopedias at home. My sister and I walked to and from school many days. 

What hasn’t changed, and what the graduates this week will encounter is the road ahead of them. They will be joining either a work force, additional education or both. Disruptions have been and will continue to upend work and college life. In order to thrive, they will need to  continue learning and adapting to change. They must also remain mindful of the responsibility in each and every one of us to help create the kind of society in which we want to live and thrive in. The opportunities that lie ahead of our graduates is just as important today as it was when I graduated. 

Today marks the ending of one chapter, but also the beginning of a new one. The pages are blank, the plot is yours to create. And even when the pages ahead bring hardships, press on. Tap into those same reserves that helped you before. In the end, you will emerge even stronger for whatever challenges come before you.

Graduations instruct you on one of life’s greatest lessons, which is to appreciate and cherish every moment of your life. Reflection should always be a part of your life, even after you’ve moved your tassel from one side of the cap to the other. And so a new journey begins.

Congrats to all of the 2021 graduates. 

“Nothing in life is impossible as long as you take that first step.”


Viewing 1 - 1 out of 1 Comments

05/30/2021 04:27:00

Great post! I know what you mean when you say it seems like yesterday and yet an eternity. I wish now I had taken typing in school. But who knew? It sure is a different world today than when I graduated from high school.

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