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Posted On 12/22/2024 13:29:47

Here are some fun facts about this hectic month. December is almost coming to an end, yet again. It's all around us. Snow, cold, no sunlight for too many hours, larger shopping crowds, traveling more miles here and yonder, eating more… you get the picture. According to Wikipedia, December starts on the same day of the week as September every year….and ends on the same day as April every year (who knew?) December is also the month with the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.

Can you say parades? We have had several here... you may have already been to one or more. For the last few years, I’ve chosen to view the local parade here from the comfort of my recliner..thanks to the folks at the Montcross chamber and their webcam. It offers a perfect view of all the excitement and splendor of the Belmont parade. It was early..December 3rd.

And, don’t forget to celebrate. You need to take time to smile this holiday season. Maybe even breathe a little. It can be pretty stressful, what with all the parties, gatherings, shopping, cooking, recitals to attend, and meals to cook. Just because it’s the end of the year doesn’t mean you should become totally frazzled.

One element of this season I truly enjoy is writing a personal note in each and every Christmas card I send out. I can take the time to reflect on special moments and remind the receiver of how special they are, not only during December, but for every single day of the year. I tend to begin to wind down and catch my breath, as I prepare in reminiscing of past memories, and most of all, in looking forward to new memories to come. I do believe December goes by the quickest of any other month.

Let’s embrace December for *all it brings*. So, in honor of the 12th month, I present you an awesome quote from the epic book, “Oh the Places You’ll Go” by our good friend, Dr. Seuss.  “How did it get so late so soon. It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”- Dr. Seuss.

Have a safe and wonderful rest of your December.🎄🎄🎄

A New Year..A New Beginning…A Gift of Time
Posted On 12/31/2023 16:55:30

The New Year, like a new born child, is placed in our hands as the old year passes away. The days and weeks to come are God’s gift; they carry God’s blessing. As a blessing, we welcome them. Our hope for the year ending is that all that was good in it remain with us an all that was harmful be left behind.

Though even thinking on the subject of time may prove discomforting, it is not a bad idea—especially at the beginning of a New Year.

 As we look ahead for 2024, we look at a block of time. We see 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, 31,536,000 seconds. And all is a gift from God. We have done nothing to deserve it, earn it, or purchase it. Like the air we breathe, time comes to us as a part of life.

The gift of time is not ours alone. It is given equally to each person. Rich and poor, educated and ignorant, strong and weak—every man, woman and child has the same twenty-four hours every day.

Another important thing about time is that you cannot stop it. There is no way to slow it down, turn it off, or adjust it. Time marches on.

 And you cannot bring back time. Once it is gone, it is gone. Yesterday is lost forever. If yesterday is lost, tomorrow is uncertain. We may look ahead at a full year’s block of time, but we really have no guarantee that we will experience any of it.

I never did understand all the fuss about New Year’s Eve and New Year resolutions. Every single one of us is a different person just a day before. We are all survivors of yesterdays. Yet, at the same time, there are also things within us that are just so resistant to change. It’s our inner core and the facets of this inner core, both the good and the bad, are unlikely to change just because we make a New Year resolution to change it. It’s a new year, but it’s always the same past. The same old fears and the same old anxieties that will return to plague us once the euphoria of the new year wears away and we know that this year is just another year in a long list of ‘new years.’ We struggle to make it to the next ‘new year’ where we make noble promises only to break them again and again, repeatedly.

Maybe this desire for ‘new years’ is just a reflection of our desire to feel alive once again instead of trudging through life. Or perhaps it’s something even more basic. It’s the desire for hope that something will be different this time around, that this time around; our dreams can actually come true. Who amongst us have not secretly hoped for the silver lining or the ‘happily-ever-after’ in our hearts?

Yet, there is really no reason to place all our hopes in a New Year and resort to a sort of ‘magical thinking.’ How we live our days is how we live our lives. The true power that can change a person can only come from deep within the person. New Year is just a date on the calendar; a record keeping based on the rotation of the Earth about the Sun. The light within a person’s soul can be lit anew every moment, every instance. It doesn’t require any dates, any appointments or any advanced planning. It’s just a matter of having that spark of something intangible, unnamable; the ability to see the world fresh once again. To use experience as a guide rather than having experience be something that makes us lose wonder in our world. Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci and many other prominent figures all understood the raw beauty and wonder in living and in life. It’s not that they have special abilities that the rest of us do not possess. Rather, it is we who have lose the natural desire to marvel at the miracles in the world. We have become immune to miracles simply because it is all around us.

Older technology is scoffed at as newer ones replace them. A small raise angers many of us when we should be grateful for it. The spark of love is slowly smothered by the mundane married life when it should be blazing ever brighter. Then, when the New Year comes, we get along for a while to pretend that everything is going to be alright and immediately after, resume our old habits. The celebrations, loud cheering and ridiculous expenses are just an excuse to feel good for a moment… the candy sugar rush that leaves one feeling as tired as ever later on.

Obviously, time is one of our most precious possessions. We can waste it. We can worry over it. We can spend it on ourselves. Or, as good stewards, we can invest it in the kingdom of God.

The New Year is full of time. As the seconds tick away, will you be tossing time out the window, or will you make every minute count?  This is a time for reflection as well as celebration.  As you look back on the past year and all that has taken place in your life.

Remember each experience for the good that has come of it as well as for the knowledge you have gained. Remember the love you have shared and the happiness you have brought. Remember the laughter, the joy, the hard work, and the tears. And as you reflect on the past year, also be thinking of the new one that lies ahead. Because what matters most is that this is a time of new beginnings and the celebration of Life.

Happy New Year


Tags: #NewYear#NewBeginnings

Thanksgiving….the lost holiday
Posted On 11/13/2023 17:33:03
I remember so clearly walking into a big box store a few weeks ago. What did I hear upon entering the front door? Can you say Christmas music? Oh, and by the way, this was on Halloween day. Even before the Halloween candy has been consumed, the Christmas decorations and related products are on the store shelves; Christmas movies are on TV. Plain and simple, Thanksgiving gets gobbled up by the ads and promotions…year after year. But wait, not so fast…somewhere between Halloween candy and Christmas tree lights, Thanksgiving seems to (every single year) simply get lost. There’s more emphasis on Black Friday sales than gathering around the harvest table to offer thanks for the blessings we often take for granted.
Thanksgiving is simply a special time to pause and reflect on all the blessings in our life…to step back from our busy lives, our computers and phones, and be reminded of what really is important to us. Families and friends gather around the table to connect and make memories. It is nice to have at least one day dedicated to give thanks without expecting something in return. It is a simple holiday, but one with a clear message,
It’s important for us to remember that the word thanksgiving is composed of two words: thanks and giving. We give thanks, and we give and share our time and talents with other people who could use our help. In terms of thought and deed, the Thanksgiving holiday gives us an enriched perspective on the abundance in our lives.
So, before you bury Thanksgiving under the lights and wrappings of the fast approaching holiday season, hold out to at least December 1. That is what I have done for as long as I can remember. I decorate autumn scenery inside and outside of my home..always on the official first day of Fall. These decorations will remain up until the last day of November. Regardless of the sights and sounds around me, I will relish the memories of Thanksgivings gone by, and look forward to new Thanksgivings to come. Don’t rush through the holidays and turn them into one. Appreciate and honor the unique significance each one of them brings to our lives.
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”

Reflections of Halloween days gone by~
Posted On 10/31/2023 11:44:24

Back in the dark ages when my twin sister and I embraced the Halloween season, there was anticipation in the air. This one day event consisted of seeing who could come back home with the biggest candy haul. Remember grocery store paper bags? No, not plastic bags, the big crisp brown bags. They worked just fine for our night of spooks, as we tried to out do everyone else with our homemade costumes.

Unlike today, this boo-tiful holiday event seemingly begins earlier each and every year. I’m pretty sure I saw Halloween costumes and the like on store shelves in early September. Lest we forget the vast array of candy and other sugary treats, that in due time, will keep the dentists busy through next Spring. Of course, there would be a few houses that did not hand out candy. Remember those popcorn balls? Also, I can’t forget the other disappointment in reaching into my bag…only to find an apple or two.

Halloween was a night of walking everywhere until dark. The neighborhood I grew up in was fairly large, and everyone knew everyone. We even visited several homes more than once, as did all of our friends. My favorite costume was easy to conjure up. Just find a long black dress, or simply make one out of fabric..which was never hard to do…because my Mom was a seamstress. Then it was always easy to find someone that had a witch’s hat in some shape or form. Those were the days.

Halloween memories are indeed cherished memories. Life was simple back then. The only decorations we had were carved pumpkins. We would always place two of them on each side of our front porch. No need for loud music or glaring bright lights. If we saw a porch light on, then that was our invitation to knock on the door.

The fun carried over to the next school day, because our friends would be showing off their stash of candy and gum. By the time our lunch bell rang, no one was hungry because most of the Halloween goodies would be gone by then.

I feel so blessed to have had a Norman Rockwell childhood. The memories are as vivid now as they were back then. Where has the time gone?

It’s been many years since my current neighborhood has seen trick or treaters. Though, I always try to have a bag or two of candy on hand…just in case someone shows up. For now. I’ll enjoy reminiscing about days gone by growing up in the 60’s and 70’s.

Wishing you a spook-tacular Halloween.

I survived the DMV office
Posted On 07/15/2023 20:19:28

So yesterday (Friday) I decided to renew my drivers license..even though it doesn't expire till end of next month. Earlier I had made an attempt to schedule an appointment, which would have made things so much easier. Apparently, that was no longer an option, as the earliest spot available is September. My courage and just plain annoyance of this dreaded requirement of life, nudged me on to their office mid day. Mind you, they don't even allow you to come in till after 12 pm. I drove up precisely at 11:50 am...hence, there was already at least 20 people in line. It was already heating up outside, but I just wanted to get this over with. Can you say 2 1/2 hours? I had not eaten lunch. The wait seemed endless. A State run office was short staffed..where have we seen this before? ....it seems to be the norm now. I headed home to find something to eat. My nerves were frayed, yet I was elated to have gotten this task accomplished. I'm good to go now for 13 years. NC renews license for 8 years..then after this time frame ends I can renew online..and by that time, the renewal will be for 5 years. It keeps swirling in my head that this will be a long time away, but in reality, I know it will come all too soon. Yesterday may as well have been Friday the 13th...but it's over and done with. I can sleep better now. The new license should arrive in snail mail within 10 days. Now we wait.

Tags: An Endless Wait..are We Done Yet

Good news on our local newspaper
Posted On 11/12/2022 19:11:58

Got word today from my editor the newspaper will remain in business. Guess new management*funding*...came in to place..so I will keep writing for them. December we will print two papers..then beginning January, weekly printing begins back up🙂🙂🙂

It’s not goodbye..but see you later~
Posted On 11/02/2022 20:57:28

So a few days ago, I learned that The Banner News would be ceasing publication. At first I was taken by surprise, yet at the same time, my inner being reminded me that with endings come new beginnings. I’ve witnessed this many times in my life.

I’ve churned out roughly 40 articles here, give or take, over the last 18 months. Where did the time go? Each time I sat down to begin writing another article, the words always flowed with such ease. There was always a thought, memory, or just a mere comment from someone or something that would push my brain into gear. 

Goodbyes teach us to value what we have. Life is indeed a rollercoaster. Goodbyes also teach us to not take anything for granted. If everything were to remain the same, maybe we wouldn’t learn to value those around us. Connection and reflection have become two very important thoughts for me this past week. 

Although leaving is discouraging, it does open up my eyes to the many blessings in my life…both of the past and future…as they say (The Best is yet to come)..so with this, I’ll keep writing, and who knows, maybe just show up locally somewhere else. Time will tell.

I will keep writing. It’s something I’ve done now for over 42 years…off and on. It’s a very important part of my life. I’ve enjoyed discovering that there have been many out there that have received a blessing from my writings…for they’ve told me so. A phone call, a note in the mail, or a sweet comment in the midst of a conversation. That’s why I will press on.

Just take heart in knowing that as much as goodbyes can be hard, our lives will carry on. A new door will open. It always has for me.

“Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting."

Peace and Blessings.

Tags: Newspaper#Writing#Goodbye#NewBeginnings#

Reflections of Halloween days gone by~
Posted On 10/18/2022 20:21:08

Back in the dark ages when my twin sister and I embraced the Halloween season, there was anticipation in the air. This one day event consisted of seeing who could come back home with the biggest candy haul. Remember grocery store paper bags? No, not plastic bags, the big crisp brown bags. They worked just fine for our night of spooks, as we tried to out do everyone else with our homemade costumes.

Unlike today, this boo-tiful holiday event seemingly begins earlier each and every year. I’m pretty sure I saw Halloween costumes and the like on store shelves in early September. Lest we forget the vast array of candy and other sugary treats, that in due time, will keep the dentists busy through next Spring. Of course, there would be a few houses that did not hand out candy. Remember those popcorn balls? Also, I can’t forget the other disappointment in reaching into my bag…only to find an apple or two.

Halloween was a night of walking everywhere until dark. The neighborhood I grew up in was fairly large, and everyone knew everyone. We even visited several homes more than once, as did all of our friends. My favorite costume was easy to conjure up. Just find a long black dress, or simply make one out of fabric..which was never hard to do…because my Mom was a seamstress. Then it was always easy to find someone that had a witch’s hat in some shape or form. Those were the days.

Halloween memories are indeed cherished memories. Life was simple back then. The only decorations we had were carved pumpkins. We would always place two of them on each side of our front porch. No need for loud music or glaring bright lights. If we saw a porch light on, then that was our invitation to knock on the door.

The fun carried over to the next school day, because our friends would be showing off their stash of candy and gum. By the time our lunch bell rang, no one was hungry because most of the Halloween goodies would be gone by then.

I feel so blessed to have had a Norman Rockwell childhood. The memories are as vivid now as they were back then. Where has the time gone?

It’s been many years since my current neighborhood has seen trick or treaters. Though, I always try to have a bag or two of candy on hand…just in case someone shows up. For now. I’ll enjoy reminiscing about days gone by growing up in the 60’s and 70’s.

Wishing you a spook-tacular Halloween.

Pumpkin everything season is here
Posted On 10/07/2022 12:25:49

So last weekend, I got off to an early start in completing my Fall decorating. The final stop was at a local garden center to find pansies and pumpkins. Both were a success. Now we wait on the summer temps to fade away permanently. Fall and cool temps are just meant to coincide..but we know all too well that here in the south, that doesn’t always happen.

I’ve already noticed the array of items both in stores and online scream pumpkin. Especially one of my favorite recipe sites I enjoy. Just the other day I’m almost positive I saved ten or more recipes that entailed pumpkin spice… or the orange stuff that comes in a can. Though, I’ve been tweaking recipes and dishes since last summer, there remains an abundance of wonderful Fall main meals, as well as desserts, that won’t bite me next time I step on the scale.

Did you know the pumpkin is symbolic of prosperity and growth? Giving us all the more reason to visit a patch near by. Or, my favorite, seeking out a pumpkin patch that offers an array of fun and food. When our son was small, our annual trip this time of year usually meant a stop just across the SC border. There we would spend time enjoying the flavors of this season. Ice cream, jellies, and of course, pumpkins were readily available. Where does the time go?

Seriously though, the only pumpkin flavor I don’t like is when it’s introduced to anything coffee. I’ll keep drinking mine plain and simple. Everyone is different, and those long lines we see now wrapped around a certain coffee business, proves otherwise… the taste buds of others digress.

Every year, it feels like pumpkin mania comes earlier. Though some of the products may seem to be marketing ploys, some segments of society seem to welcome it back with open arms every time.

Simply put, there are powerful cues that play into the nostalgia surrounding Fall. Pumpkins are indeed the mascot this time of year.  Possibly even more so than with other seasons. My favorite time of the year is here, and I am glad.

When life gives you pumpkins, make pie.

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