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How do you like your waffles?
Posted On: 10/05/2021 21:13:52

I’ve always preferred waffles over pancakes. Enter Fall, and this time of year my taste buds crave more savory, sweet desserts. Though now, I am eliminating gluten and (gasp) sugar from my diet. I started this thing called Keto about three months ago. Slowly, but surely, the keto thing is working. My lab results two weeks ago proved this new lifestyle does work. I have dropped two dress sizes already.

I’ve discovered I can alter my diet one step at a time. I figure nothing happens over night, so my steps will remain at turtle speed. Waffles…gotta love them…and I do…though now, I will only allow myself the indulgence of this luscious treat a few times each month.

My favorite waffles are, and have always been Belgium style. I recently discovered this past week a new version of them. They are created using *pearl sugar*.  As a preferred European gourmet baking ingredient, sugar pearls add a sweet flavor to pastries, cookies, pies, and breads alike. No syrup needed when you have this unique ingredient already mixed in your dessert. (Your blood sugar will thank you). Less guilt too.

 It’s quite apparent Belgium waffles are either not popular, or they are in high demand. Just depends on where you shop for them. Most area stores never seem to have them. Of course, most store shelves are empty now..but that’s another story.  I use to buy them at a local food distributor, but the prices began going through the roof about a year ago. Just recently, I found the pearl sugar Belgium waffles online. The price was very reasonable….they  will be arriving at my door sometime over the next few days or so.

A  popular, savory dish here in the south marries two of my favorite foods together…fried chicken and  waffles. What makes fried chicken and waffles so magical is the salty, spicy crunch of the chicken, paired with the sweetness of the buttery maple syrup and fluffy buttermilk waffles as the base. It’s a beautiful thing,  and the flavors and texture are the most perfect pairing. Eating this dish also is kind to one’s blood sugar response, as the chicken will help absorb the bad stuff from the waffles & syrup... (gluten) and (corn fructose)...aka sugar...
provided you don’t indulge in any other food item (not on the Keto plan) …. it’s complicated..I know.
****Just eat carbs last with any meal****

For now, it’s time for me to restock grits and eggs. They are usually my go to staple most mornings..(with coffee).  I’ll be counting down the days till I can enjoy a Belgium waffle. I’m marking the days on the calendar now.


Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Comments

10/11/2021 06:23:01

The only way I like waffles is if they are eggos

10/06/2021 05:11:13

I must admit I haven't had any waffles or pancakes in many years. I've always liked waffles better than pancakes and yes the Belgium waffles. These days I don't have much in the way of sweets. I stick to a cardio diet the best I can.

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