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Time to plant flower bulbs
Posted On: 11/02/2021 20:11:07

I began my flower bulb shopping online three months ago. I have anxiously been waiting for them to arrive, and they did two weeks ago. As if I didn’t have enough of them, I placed yet one last order a few days ago. 

It’s hard to imagine winter is upon us, but here we are. This time of year should be a reminder that brilliant color can happen in your yard….it just takes thought, effort, planning, and of course, a love of everything in gardening. No matter if you’re a newbie at this, or like me, just enjoy creating and designing new layouts to welcome you come spring time.

Daffodils,tulips, and hyacinths will make their appearance soon after the crocus. These all being spring flowering plants, their bulbs need to be planted in the fall. This will allow the bulbs to become acclimated to their new home before the ground freezes…and to get a head start on spring.

I managed to finish planting all of my bulbs and plants this past week. Working in stages, as well from a layout my sweet neighbor drew for me. Can you say excitement is in their air? Now we wait.

I found myself the last three days walking around my yard inspecting every spot where I had dug. I keep thinking the squirrels have been sitting back watching me, all the while, they have devised a plan of their own. I pray my bulbs don’t become dinner for a critter.

Even though it feels really strange to be thinking about spring now, I promise it will be worth it. Before you know it, the new spring season will be here. 

Flower gardening is one hobby that just keeps getting better every year. Bulbs and perennials naturally multiply and reappear year after year. The soil grows healthier with each application of fertilizer and mulch used. Plus, the more gardening friends you make, the more free iris and peony giveaways you can be a part of every spring.

“Where flowers bloom…so does hope”


Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Comments

11/06/2021 07:46:09

this has to be a mistake

11/03/2021 04:36:07

You have a green thumb my friend!
Love the quote!

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