Sci-Fi, Horror, Mysteries, and anything else that makes me laugh hard, get really mad, and gets me thinking. Even better a good story that keeps one looking over their shoulder.....
Just getting into photography.
Am slowly returning back to the amateur radio world.
Currently looking for a different company to work for. Put in over 2 hrs of drive time home to work and back.
I was born in the state of NY. Father was Air Force so I had the chance to being in places like Texas, Louisiana, and 2 different areas in Alaska. Spent 3 years in High School in Anchorage Alaska and spent 1 year at South Glens Falls high school where I graduated. Same year entered the military. Stationed in Louisiana, Texas, Germany, and Hawaii as a Cavalry Scout. In for 15 years before I was put out for injuries that would not allow me to continue to perform my duties. Since then I have worked with explosive teams, team leader in a mobile home plant, and for the last 22 years as a truck driver. Currently I pull alum coils for different auto companies in MI.
Chess, Ham Radios, Riding bikes, hiking, camping, fishing, shooting, drones, photography, and many other things.