Female 83 years old Lawton, North Dakota United States
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11/16/2021 13:43:47 |
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I record movies and watch them at my leisure. Some favorites would be Dr. Zhivago, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Bridges of Madison County, Dances With Wolves, Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, Scent of a Woman, just to name a few older movies, and have enjoyed many newer movies, as well...The Notebook, Once, Mamma Mia etc.. Enjoy most genres, other than science fiction or horror movies.
TV shows I like, consist of a few reality shows;
Dancing With The Stars
American Idol
America's Got Talent
Cops, and any shows of that nature...also any kind of forensics/investigative shows
Love music...most all kinds, with the exception of Rap. Some favorite artists are Josh Groban, Neil Diamond, Elton John, Celine Dion, IL Divo and many, many more. Also like "old" country...
Mostly mystery or suspense..Love to read, but don't find a lot of time for reading.
Several! Oriental...steak...fresh perch and etc. I actually like most foods, and oh yes, CHOCOLATE!!!!
Sadly and regretfully, I'm going to have to "sign off" from The Hill, at least for a while, until such time that everything slows down a bit for me, if/when that happens. I just don't have the time on my computer to maintain the contact that you all deserve and that I enjoy also. Thank you for all of your comments and you all remain very dear friends to me, and will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
My husband and I celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary on February 4th. We live on a farm, 2 1/2 miles from our little town, retired from farming. We have 3 sons, the oldest lives in Phoenix, and the other two both live in Grand Forks,ND.Each son has a child,so we have 3 grandchildren...2 boys and a girl, and 1 great granddaughter, who will be five years old in December.Two of our grandchildren live in Grand Forks, and the other one lives in Virginia.
Life!!! Following 2 life-threatening situations in 2007, I appreciate each day, even more than before. Love spending time with family and friends. I cook..have a ridiculous amount of cookbooks, recipes etc.!! I love my personal time also. I bowled for many years, but, because of a bad left knee, can't do so any more. Miss it terribly. I have many plants in my home and enjoy them, even though they tend to be lots of work!
Selfish, self-absorbed people. Phoniness, back stabbing. Cruelty towards children and animals.
Have no major hobbies, just lots of little things. One thing that I really enjoy, is watching to see how many different birds we can attract, with 3 different bird feeders that we've hung on a huge tree, just outside my window here. (where I can keep an eye on them!) Am now trying to attract cardinals, with a new gazebo-type feeder. Have bunches of other types of birds, feeding every day.
I love spending time on my computer, and meeting friends on The Hill. It truly is a special place, with many special people.