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Embrace the New Year
Posted On 12/31/2021 16:35:37

It has, once again, been a doozy of a year. That is, at least, something we can all agree on. I will embrace 2022 with a hopeful spirit we will all see light at the end of the tunnel. We know it’s there..we simply must choose to see it and believe in it.

Most New Year’s adages urge us to put the events of the recent year behind us. “Out with the old and in with the new”…yet, if these adages encouraged forgetting…if they insisted that we erase the past, then I would want nothing to do with them. History likes to show us who’s boss when we’re foolish enough to try and pull a fast one.

A new year reminds us to also begin a fresh start. Like the simple turn of a calendar page, we somehow figure these new beginnings and fresh adjustments in how we did things prior, will happen effortlessly come Jan 1. I’m sure you can write a good story on that one. This simple feat usually ends up becoming a tall order. But we must acknowledge that whatever happened in the old year, (easy or hard), led us to this moment. That it had purpose, even if we can’t yet understand what it is.

2021 had a fierce grasp. Typing this, I wonder if years from now, I will look back and find myself feeling very much the same. Still, my heart prevails by reminding me no matter what transpired this year, I was truly blessed.

So as we embrace yet another new year, don’t look back with regret. Let it open up positive elements in your day to day world, no matter what comes your way. When I think of the new year in terms of my own family and friends, my wish is that 2022 opens up beautifully, with all of my dear ones in good health…and each busy and happy in their own peculiar way.

Never regret a day in your life; good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.

Happy New Year

Tags: #NewYear #2022 #Old #New

Christmas lights and Coffee~
Posted On 12/10/2021 19:22:24

It’s that most wonderful time of the year. It came too fast, but I am ready. 

Most of you who have been following my writings here should be familiar with my love of many things. Two of them are Christmas lights and coffee. These go together (to me) like ham and eggs. Let me explain.

The house is currently quiet..for I’ve been sitting at my kitchen table working on Christmas cards. I think they’ll be done by this weekend. I’m also staring at an iced mocha frapp….it warms my soul..(even with ice). The Christmas music is playing ever so softly in the background. The Christmas lights outside my window make me smile. I know this evening, I’ll find myself once again enjoying a divine cup of goodness..no matter the flavor. For the weight of my coffee cup reminds me of the serenity of the darkness at the edge of those Christmas lights outside. And I’m doing what I love to do…writing. 

Creating a moment with words to share with friends and strangers. Like Christmas lights, these moments in time can transform our life stresses into a tranquil and peaceful escape. Coffee can do that too..no matter it’s temperature or flavor. This special season brings so much to be reminded of.

My words may never change the world, but the aroma of a good cup of coffee, along with blinking, colorful lights, can surely ignite the inner child in us all. Sharing a moment of peace that shines like a Christmas tree can do wonders.

So I hope this writing brings a connection for you in the simple things in life. Like a good cup of coffee, and those surreal Christmas lights..wherever you are seeing them. I hope my words here warm your heart. Even if it’s just for a few minutes.

My mocha frapp is now empty, and the hours are ticking away. I must finish those cards.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas (and a good cup of coffee too)

December… buckle up ~
Posted On 11/26/2021 19:52:49

The last month of 2021 is upon us…31 days on the calendar..we will welcome old man Winter in a few weeks. A busy month it will be indeed. Are you ready?

Here are some fun facts about this hectic month we all love to either hate (or love). Snow, cold, no sunlight for too many hours, larger shopping crowds, traveling more miles here and yonder, eating more… you get the picture. According to Wikipedia, December starts on the same day of the week as September every year….and ends on the same day as April every year (who knew?) December is also the month with the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.

Can you say parades? We will begin seeing lots of them..and by the time this prints, you very well may have already been to one, or more. For the last few years, I’ve chosen to view the local parade here from the comfort of my recliner..thanks to the folks at the Montcross chamber and their webcam. It offers a perfect view of all the excitement and splendor of the Belmont parade.

And, don’t forget to celebrate. You need to take time to smile this holiday season. Maybe even breathe a little. It can be pretty stressful, what with all the parties, gatherings, shopping, cooking, recitals to attend, and meals to cook. Just because it’s the end of the year doesn’t mean you should become totally frazzled.

One element of this season I truly enjoy is writing a personal note in each and every Christmas card I send out. I can take the time to reflect on special moments and remind the receiver of how special they are, not only during December, but for every single day of the year. I tend to begin to wind down and catch my breath, as I prepare in reminiscing of past memories, and most of all, in looking forward to new memories to come.

Let’s embrace December for *all it brings*. So, in honor of the 12th month, I present you an awesome quote from the epic book, “Oh the Places You’ll Go” by our good friend, Dr. Seuss.  “How did it get so late so soon. It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”- Dr. Seuss.

Have a safe and wonderful December folks.

Tags: Christmas.fun.snow.cold.parades.food

Thanksgiving…the lost holiday
Posted On 11/09/2021 18:27:34

I remember so clearly walking into a big box store a few days ago. What did I hear upon entering the front door? Can you say Christmas music? Oh, and by the way, this was on Halloween day.  Even before the Halloween candy has been consumed, the Christmas decorations and related products are on the store shelves; Christmas movies are on TV. Plain and simple, Thanksgiving gets gobbled up by the ads and promotions…year after year. But wait, not so fast…somewhere between Halloween candy and Christmas tree lights, Thanksgiving seems to (every single year) simply get lost. There’s more emphasis on Black Friday sales than gathering around the harvest table to offer thanks for the blessings we often take for granted.

Thanksgiving is simply a special time to pause and reflect on all the blessings in our life…to step back from our busy lives, our computers and phones, and be reminded of what really is important to us. Families and friends gather around the table to connect and make memories. It is nice to have at least one day dedicated to give thanks without expecting something in return. It is a simple holiday, but one with a clear message,

Thanksgiving is also a call to action. It’s important for us to remember that the word thanksgiving is composed of two words: thanks and giving. We give thanks, and we give and share our time and talents with other people who could use our help. In terms of thought and deed, the Thanksgiving holiday gives us an enriched perspective on the abundance in our lives.

So, before you bury Thanksgiving under the lights and wrappings of the fast approaching holiday season, hold out to at least December 1. That is what I have done for as long as I can remember. I decorate autumn scenery inside and outside of my home..always on the official first day of Fall. These decorations will remain up until the last day of November. Regardless of the sights and sounds around me, I will relish the memories of Thanksgivings gone by, and look forward to new Thanksgivings to come. Don’t rush through the holidays and turn them into one. Appreciate and honor the unique significance each one of them brings to our lives.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” - Melody Beattie

Time to plant flower bulbs
Posted On 11/02/2021 20:11:07

I began my flower bulb shopping online three months ago. I have anxiously been waiting for them to arrive, and they did two weeks ago. As if I didn’t have enough of them, I placed yet one last order a few days ago. 

It’s hard to imagine winter is upon us, but here we are. This time of year should be a reminder that brilliant color can happen in your yard….it just takes thought, effort, planning, and of course, a love of everything in gardening. No matter if you’re a newbie at this, or like me, just enjoy creating and designing new layouts to welcome you come spring time.

Daffodils,tulips, and hyacinths will make their appearance soon after the crocus. These all being spring flowering plants, their bulbs need to be planted in the fall. This will allow the bulbs to become acclimated to their new home before the ground freezes…and to get a head start on spring.

I managed to finish planting all of my bulbs and plants this past week. Working in stages, as well from a layout my sweet neighbor drew for me. Can you say excitement is in their air? Now we wait.

I found myself the last three days walking around my yard inspecting every spot where I had dug. I keep thinking the squirrels have been sitting back watching me, all the while, they have devised a plan of their own. I pray my bulbs don’t become dinner for a critter.

Even though it feels really strange to be thinking about spring now, I promise it will be worth it. Before you know it, the new spring season will be here. 

Flower gardening is one hobby that just keeps getting better every year. Bulbs and perennials naturally multiply and reappear year after year. The soil grows healthier with each application of fertilizer and mulch used. Plus, the more gardening friends you make, the more free iris and peony giveaways you can be a part of every spring.

“Where flowers bloom…so does hope”

The scariest part of Halloween
Posted On 10/17/2021 19:49:24
With Halloween fast approaching, many are now gearing up for this ghoulish holiday…buying up costumes and decorating, but most of all, stocking up on candy…and lots of it. Can you say 2.6 billion dollars?  This is an average in candy sales in most recent years.

Studies show kids can consume up to three cups of sugar eating Halloween candy.

This would be the equivalent of 169 sugar cubes. Which reminds me of a headline I read just a few weeks ago…we are not entering the flu season, rather… it is the beginning of *sugar season*… and this popular, celebrated event kicks this into high gear.

It is hard to resist the extensive variety of candy out there..especially this time of year. You may not have enjoyed some of these since childhood. Retro candy makes a comeback,  seemingly…enticing us even more with its limited availability.

It’s no wonder Halloween is one of the most eagerly-anticipated holidays, not only for kids, but adults too. We all have a sweet tooth..I was certainly born with one..but I have recently learned  sugar no longer likes me.  I crossed this proverbial bridge four months ago.

As a culture, we are becoming more health conscious and the choices we have in sweet treats is beginning to reflect that. Otherwise, those who digress will eventually see bad lab results in due time. Trust me on this.

For every sweet you consume, counter it with a healthy habit. That handful of delectable M&Ms? Allow them only after a full glass of water. Whatever your favorite is..caramel apples, pumpkin cupcakes, Hershey bar, etc..be mindful the work it takes to undo your indulgence.

Let the only scares this Halloween come  from the ghosts, goblins, and witches you’ll see walking in your neighborhood and town. Have fun, and watch out for those brooms and black cats.

Have a safe & happy Halloween.

How do you like your waffles?
Posted On 10/05/2021 21:13:52

I’ve always preferred waffles over pancakes. Enter Fall, and this time of year my taste buds crave more savory, sweet desserts. Though now, I am eliminating gluten and (gasp) sugar from my diet. I started this thing called Keto about three months ago. Slowly, but surely, the keto thing is working. My lab results two weeks ago proved this new lifestyle does work. I have dropped two dress sizes already.

I’ve discovered I can alter my diet one step at a time. I figure nothing happens over night, so my steps will remain at turtle speed. Waffles…gotta love them…and I do…though now, I will only allow myself the indulgence of this luscious treat a few times each month.

My favorite waffles are, and have always been Belgium style. I recently discovered this past week a new version of them. They are created using *pearl sugar*.  As a preferred European gourmet baking ingredient, sugar pearls add a sweet flavor to pastries, cookies, pies, and breads alike. No syrup needed when you have this unique ingredient already mixed in your dessert. (Your blood sugar will thank you). Less guilt too.

 It’s quite apparent Belgium waffles are either not popular, or they are in high demand. Just depends on where you shop for them. Most area stores never seem to have them. Of course, most store shelves are empty now..but that’s another story.  I use to buy them at a local food distributor, but the prices began going through the roof about a year ago. Just recently, I found the pearl sugar Belgium waffles online. The price was very reasonable….they  will be arriving at my door sometime over the next few days or so.

A  popular, savory dish here in the south marries two of my favorite foods together…fried chicken and  waffles. What makes fried chicken and waffles so magical is the salty, spicy crunch of the chicken, paired with the sweetness of the buttery maple syrup and fluffy buttermilk waffles as the base. It’s a beautiful thing,  and the flavors and texture are the most perfect pairing. Eating this dish also is kind to one’s blood sugar response, as the chicken will help absorb the bad stuff from the waffles & syrup... (gluten) and (corn fructose)...aka sugar...
provided you don’t indulge in any other food item (not on the Keto plan) …. it’s complicated..I know.
****Just eat carbs last with any meal****

For now, it’s time for me to restock grits and eggs. They are usually my go to staple most mornings..(with coffee).  I’ll be counting down the days till I can enjoy a Belgium waffle. I’m marking the days on the calendar now.

How do you like your coffee ???
Posted On 09/25/2021 15:02:02

Way back ..... when I was probably 12 years old, I stumbled upon the unique, divine  taste of coffee. My grandmother and mother both kept the coffee bean aroma swimming in the air most mornings. Fast forward to my early 20’s, I found myself guzzling coffee all day in order to keep my sanity. I still enjoy a good brew now, though I’ve limited myself to just 2-3 cups each day. Back then, succumbing to an entire pot of liquid gold was not unheard of.

Coffee can obviously be obtained in a variety of places. Convenient stores, coffee shops, or as I prefer to do, brewing my own. It’s cheaper, and allows me to experiment with brands I’ve never tried before. I do have a couple of favorites, but often find myself walking in slow motion down the coffee aisle just so I can pick out a new favorite.

I have a simple Hamilton Beach (one-cup) machine. It was a gift from our son over 8 years ago. I also have a 4 cup percolator for back up. That little machine is over 20 years old, but it’s a great feeling I have it just in case the one cup maker croaks.

Ironically, my husband hates coffee..he can’t even stand to smell it. Can you say opposites attract? Twenty six years later, we haven’t killed each other.  It’s been even more comical given the fact his home office (in our very small domain)… replaced his daily commute to work over 17 months ago.

Regardless of where or what kind of coffee you prefer, coffee bean production and brewing is a huge industry. A large portion of the world depends on a lot of other folks to obtain their favorite cup of Java. Next time you sip your coffee at Starbucks, or wherever you choose to get  it from, thank all of the farmers, retailers, wholesalers, and people who forecast coffee prices…as each of them have a hand in helping you enjoy a well brewed, rich, aromatic cup of coffee.

Legend has it that the Ethiopian shepherd Kaldi, first noticed the effects of caffeine circa 800 A.D. when he noticed his goats becoming energetic and starting to *dance* after eating red coffee cherries off shrubs. Who knew?

My order of coffee (from yesterday) has arrived and is at my front door. 

Right on time -

September…apple picking time-
Posted On 09/09/2021 14:25:34
In September, I think of two things…apples and apple recipes. Ironically, just today I received a cookbook in the mail from a Tennessee church. I had just ordered it about 10 days ago. Can you say RECIPES?  I couldn’t put it down. Of course, the first pages I thumbed to  (desserts). I have already marked my favorites.

Looking at a chart online, I discovered several apple varieties ripen in September. They are Cortland, Golden Delicious, Jonathan, Red Delicious, Fuji, Granny Smith, and Rome Beauty. Others will soon follow in October. Regardless of when you prepare to search for your favorites, we have local orchards and farmers markets right here in our county. As well, local and NC area apple festivals kick off during the month of September. 

One of my favorite cities to explore and shop for apples is Hendersonville NC. It’s not too far away, plus it offers an array of activities once there. Driving to the mountains is enjoyable and an added bonus. What a wonderful getaway to kick off this time of year.

Some fun facts: 

One of George Washington’s hobbies was pruning his apple trees.

A bushel of apples weighs about 42 pounds (up to 48 lbs) and will yield 12 to 15 quarts of applesauce.

It takes about 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider.
The pilgrims planted the first United States apple trees in the
Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Apples are a member of the rose family.

On the nutrition side of things, one half cup of apples is only 42 calories. Apples contain no cholesterol or fat and are low in calories. They are high in fiber, vitamin A and niacin. They contain iron and other trace minerals and offer a good source of vitamin C. Their ranked #1 in antioxidant activity..which offers all the nutritional power you need to fight aging, cancer and heart disease.

So the old adage..”an apple a day keeps the doctor away” …stands true.

My cookbooks are calling me.

Enjoy September…


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