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03/06/2025 08:31:27

One day closer to Spring ๐Ÿ™‚๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ™‚

03/06/2025 08:29:28

Minnie, hope your Thursday is going well! Rain or snow? Every day for a week in Wonderland it's one or the other. Waiting for the sun & a ๐ŸŒˆ!

03/06/2025 07:37:05


03/06/2025 07:14:05


Wishing you a good day today Minnie๐Ÿ’œ

03/06/2025 05:14:46

Good morning Minnie, wishing you a beautiful Thursday.

Happy Thursday
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

03/06/2025 05:04:33

Hello good morning, Thursday is here,

this week flew by,

enjoy a BEAUTIFUL DAY full of PEACE, and

new joys, I wish I had them but

how nice that on this new day your routines

become new surprises, anger, smiles and sadness,

in hopes, face your day with a smile

on your pretty face, a new illusion in your

soul and a lot of love in your heart, the weather here

is crazy cold, rainy, sad days,

if tomorrow it changes I will grow wings, and I will fly

it must be relaxing, in the sky, and see

new things, get into a white cloud

and let the stars illuminate me, and I send you hugs

Maria take care.......................

03/06/2025 04:15:52



The Horse Mafia - Thankful Thursday Blessings | FacebookJigsaw Puzzle | โ˜บ THURSDAY BLESSINGS โ˜บ | 100 pieces | JigidiThursday Greeting Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr,  Pinterest, and Twitter

03/06/2025 01:55:02

Good morning my dear friend, I hope you have a nice Thursday! Many kisses.

03/06/2025 01:36:35

03/05/2025 17:53:16

This may contain: a painting of a teddy bear pushing a stroller with autumn leaves in the backgroundGood evening Minnie! Woops, I forgot your home is in England! I live in northern Indiana, U.S.A. I have been married 62 years in June. We had three children. We have two that have passed on. Our little girl and our oldest son. We have a son still living. Today we went to the eye doctor. Then, we loss a neighbor down the road, so attended her funeral. Each day is trully a gift from God!! Boyd&I serve the Lord and it is the best life! Jesus truly loves us! I am not on the Hill, like I once was, but I love&appreciate all my friends! Hugs Shirley

03/05/2025 08:48:01

03/05/2025 06:29:49

Hello dear friend, have a fantastic Wednesday! Hugs

03/05/2025 05:28:31

Good morning Minnie, wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.

Download Good Morning Happy Wednesday ...
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

03/05/2025 04:30:34

Hello, how the days go by, every day that passes 

we areone day older, hehe, it is a saying from Spain

that TODAY and ALWAYS there is a reason to LAUGH, an

illusion to move forward and start a great

Wednesday, and hundreds of reasons to FIGHT and

be happy, one more day I was passing by here to

greet you, and wish you a great day of peace full

of love, enjoy your little pleasures

that surround you, don't let anyone erase your

smile. If it's being a good day, PAUSE to

enjoy it. It's the best secret of life

I wish you with all my heart, with a big hug

Maria, take care

03/05/2025 02:05:16

Wednesday Hugs

03/05/2025 01:54:23

03/04/2025 07:44:07


03/04/2025 05:01:38

Good morning Minnie, wishing you a terrific day.

56 Feliz Martes ideas | happy tuesday ...
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

03/04/2025 04:57:37

Hello, may your Tuesday begin well with

many successes, friendship is like a rose,

its color is beautiful with its texture, and 

perfume if you don't take care of it, it withers

 like friendship if you don't take care of it, it 

  withers Your laughter is music on the horizon,

 a true friendship,by being very sincere, from heart

 to heart,even in the distance, however far

 you are take care of it, the kilometers

 don't matter, the important thing is that

 you smile at the people who love you no matter

n where they are from, their race doesn't matter

the most valuable thing is their pure and glorious 

soul that encourages you and is always present in

your life, take care of yourself and smile with joy

maria, take care of yourself

03/04/2025 01:50:18

Hi friend, happy tuesday!   Kisses for you.

03/04/2025 01:09:44

03/03/2025 14:00:20

1st Monday, 1st work week of new month.
I sure hope this new year slows down,
unlike last year! *hugs*

03/03/2025 13:02:44

03/03/2025 11:21:39

03/03/2025 10:26:06

I hope this week is kind to you. ๐Ÿซ–

03/03/2025 07:35:09


03/03/2025 06:20:03

Fly high this week!  Hugs

03/03/2025 04:43:03

Good morning Minnie, have a wonderful start to your week.

Download Happy Monday Good Morning ...
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

03/03/2025 04:03:07

Hello, friend, good start to a special week

Today is a gift to you, just like you are a 

gift to me.I am  glad that you are a part

  of my life.for your friendship Let's   

SMILE and be GRATEFUL for another day May

 LOVE and HAPPINESS come to you in abundance.

see the POSITIVE sides of everything, you'

ll be able to live a much richer life 

than others.Wishing you a warm and healthy 

morning,to make your day so special. Have

Smile and be happy. Be grateful for 

all the good things in your life.kisses 

take care........Maria

03/03/2025 01:42:25

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