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07/26/2024 15:05:58

Sending love to my friend. Jesus loves you, so do I. Hugs for you.

07/26/2024 12:09:14

Last night I heard a noise outside and after getting the ambition to look out the window, some woman was working on the brush on the fence. Supposedly she is returning to work on my side. Ruining the spite fence.

May be an image of grass

07/26/2024 09:21:51

Good morning. Mick's birthday. 39 years old. Outside of Elvis, my favorite singer. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of 1 person

May be an image of 1 person

07/26/2024 07:40:12


07/26/2024 07:07:33

Hello my sweet friend, have a happy Friday! Enjoy it...Kisses

07/26/2024 05:00:35

Good morning Minnie

Pin page
Blessed Be my dear friend. *Hugs*

07/26/2024 04:14:08

Hello, Finally, it's FRIDAY, Thank God for creating,

on.Fridays, and for, giving us, HEALTH, to, ENJOY IT,


May peace and joy be with you, enjoy the end,

of the week, to your liking, enjoy, joy, and smile,

a lot, that rejuvenates, don't lose your smile,

kisses,maria,take care---------------

07/26/2024 01:19:30

Let the games begin and enjoy your weekend!  Hugs

07/26/2024 00:41:57

07/25/2024 21:10:24

It's the height of summer in Wonderland. I love to eat outdoors; since it's been a rainy summer, I have only been able to do that for about half the time. August can be pretty dry here. Perhaps I will be able to go out more on the patio. Have a great weekend!🪅

07/25/2024 08:41:26


07/25/2024 08:04:48


07/25/2024 05:00:59

Good morning. The day is starting at 61* heading for 82*. I woke up this morning and it felt pleasant in the house. Then I went to throw the water out and felt the night chill. I had a pleasant walk and upon arriving at the Fortress of Solitude upon completion, felt it stuffy and warm. It shows temperature is a state of mind. So, now I am aerating and the cool fresh air is rushing in. In my mind I am going back and forth on whether to go to the store for some British muffins. Not a necessity as I have Eggos and bread in the house for the morning beginning. I still have over an hour to decide as Walmart is not open until 6. The new Aldi store opens today. I may try it out next week. Chances are the hours will not be conducive to this writer. Playing the day by ear. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

No photo description available.

07/25/2024 04:39:34

Good morning Minnie

Creative Designs ...
Blessed Be my dear friend. *Hugs*

07/25/2024 04:11:07

Hello, we begin, one day, this year,

It's getting shorter, the days go by,

very fast, the BEST, way, to, face,

The day is with a smile on the mouth, an ILLUSION,

in the soul, much, love, in your heart,

every day that you wake up, the better, with joy,

and happiness, as they say in Spain, may you have a

nice, Thursday, with, love, Maria, take care, kisses,

07/25/2024 03:50:05

Good morning my sweet friend, may this Thursday be beautiful for you. Many kisses

07/25/2024 01:16:54

07/24/2024 21:21:41

07/24/2024 18:38:45

Charlie, 60 million; Bill, 30 million pay raise. You Brits know how to make money.

PHOTO: The King Passes Role Of Colonel-In-Chief Of The Army Air Corps To The Prince Of Wales (Max Mumby/indigo/Getty Images)

07/24/2024 17:09:19


07/24/2024 11:34:57

Hope your week is going great. ~Di

07/24/2024 10:26:00

I am sitting here by the lamp. The flame of the lamp is fire disciplined, tamed and under control. It is the appropriate focus for the task ahead of this writer.  I am attempting to manipulate the flame at the subatomic level. I am concentrating on the flame. I see past the surface, past the light, to the patterns of energy and matter.  I can see the essence of the fire.  Now I reach out with my mind and intensify the flame.  I'm making it hotter, brighter.  Now, with my thoughts, I shall reduce the flame.  It's as though I knew what had to be done.

No photo description available.

07/24/2024 09:05:49

07/24/2024 06:23:55

"Contentedness is a skill. Practice daily"~Javier Mendoza 🧚🏽‍♀️

07/24/2024 05:35:12

Good morning Minnie, wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.

Beautiful Flowers | Lahore
Blessed Be my dear friend. *Hugs*

07/24/2024 05:23:50

Hello my sweet friend, I hope you have a nice Wednesday! I send you hugs

07/24/2024 04:48:04

Happy HUMP DAY. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

No photo description available.

07/24/2024 03:42:11

Hello, good, morning, I pass by your, happy, house, and

wish you a good start to this wednesday

May your ACTIONS of TODAY speak louder,

May everything you do be your strength, I leave you a

rain, of blessings, may it fill you, with peace,

love, and happiness, with, new, illusions, and with new,

smiles, don't lose them, never, I leave everything to you,

My, darling, hugs, strong, Maria, kisses, take care,

07/24/2024 00:46:09

Happy Wednesday!  Hugs

07/24/2024 00:18:56

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