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03/16/2019 04:46:44
Greetings and salutations CELTIC ANGEL 

03/16/2019 04:46:12
Good morning on this Saturday morning.  I was able to go outside and throw out the water this morning.  In the last month, I have had trouble going out in the dark to do this due to the ice on the sidewalk.  That is all gone and I am enabled to maneuver to the street.  However, I am unable to step out into the street due to some ice and water.  There is still some ice and standing water on my street.  But it was a pleasure to be able to do this thing this morning.  It is about 26°which is reasonable this time of year for overnight.  A lot of the snow has melted and of course I am rejoicing.  There were rumors going around about a snow shower tonight but fortunately it was exaggerated.  I looked up into the sky and I could see every star in my quadrant.  I also was able to go out for a decent constitutional yesterday.  A little over 2 miles.  I really don't like to do that during the day but it was good to get the fresh air.

I leave you now with the expectation of a good weekend for you.  My agenda for today is unsettled as of now.  When I activate my motor vehicle later, I probably shall allow it to take a parking space in the street for a while.  Alternate site parking is done.  This means greater freedom and liberty for the common person.  Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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03/15/2019 18:24:01

03/15/2019 15:43:29

03/15/2019 08:37:56

alot of the snow melted yesterday, rained like crazy! well the week-end is here, so have a nice day...hugs

03/15/2019 05:57:04
Good morning.  Friday has arrived and so has this writer.  MOVIE DAY is canceled due to a lack of interest.  I had had a chance to preview the selections for today, and there is nothing I wish to see.  At least the rain has stopped and it looks like I might be able to take a long constitutional today.  Hopefully, on the main thoroughfares people will have their sidewalks in good condition for this writer to move along smoothly.  I notice the usual flooding in certain areas of my domain.  My backyard has been exempted.  I am hopeful that the severe winter is finally finished in my backyard.  I have had a chance to preview the upcoming weather and I have not noticed any temperatures around zero.  Always a good sign.  On some of the streets in my neighborhood, sewers are still frozen and the water is having a difficult time draining.  Once I can activate my motorcycle I shall be able to enjoy the weekend as the masses do.  Until that time, I shall be sequestered in my FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE most of the time, except with the exception of the usual and boring routine.

Have a good day.  My current status: drinking the bad coffee, listening to the stereo, preparing to watch my sports talk show, and doing all this while composing communiques.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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03/15/2019 00:25:28

Hope you have a great day.

Your Friend Eddie

03/14/2019 23:26:50

Enjoy your day and have a great weekend~~ hugs, debijo

03/14/2019 12:11:28

Hello Friends

Your Friend ( Eddie )

03/14/2019 10:28:01


A rainy, stormy day ahead of us.  Sun is shining for now.  Have a tea to attend from 4 to 6 depending on weather!  Hope you have sunshine on your shoulders today :  )  Hugs, Nancy

03/14/2019 08:21:15

Happy Pi Day 14th March Status Facebook Whatsapp Twitter Wallpaper

03/14/2019 07:34:12

raining here today...so glad it's not snow! think spring is finally here...hope you have a lovely day my friend...hugs

03/14/2019 06:34:07
Good morning on this Thursday morning.  It is GARBAGE DAY, but I doubt if I shall even go out in the alley to participate by moving my neighbor's carriage receptacles into position.  It is too slippery for heroism.  Yesterday the mail truck got stuck on the ice on my street and had to be rescued by a true hero of the people, another mail truck.  It was good entertainment, and it was free.  I just took a glance out the window and I see that there is fog starting to occupy my street.  It is 47°at 5:00 AM and that has not been seen in my neighborhood in quite a while.  Of course it is coming to an end.  The high for today is only going to be 49°so the temperature will not get much warmer.  And of course the rain shall continue until tomorrow.  This is better than the snowstorm in Colorado that has stranded 1000 people and killed a state trooper.  Instead of the rain, I could be inundated with snow.

I most likely shall remain sequestered in my FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE because of the slippery conditions.  I have not had a chance to preview the selections for tomorrow at the movie theater so there is uncertainty on whether I shall attempt visiting the theater.  Game time decision.  It is too bad we could not get any sun with this warm weather.  That would take away the snow and the ice.  I would imagine the roads are acceptable as they treat those roads over the winter.  So my agenda for today looks like total sequestration with an exception of stepping outside and throwing my water out in the backyard instead of the street.

I leave you now with the hope that you are enjoying spring in your tropical paradise.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

A brief postscript on yesterday's activities on Facebook.  They are done with their new updates and security measures to their site and is now fully functional.

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03/14/2019 00:04:14

03/13/2019 05:49:57
GOOD MORNING on this rain soaked Wednesday morning. This rain is supposed to continue through infinity. The neighbor is in the process of building an ark. I am booking passage. Good thing I got out for my illegal garbage dump yesterday or today would be a problem. Have a good day. And as Columbus would say, Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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03/12/2019 10:55:43

wishing you a bright and cheerful day...hugs

03/12/2019 09:09:45

03/12/2019 05:41:05
Good morning on this Tuesday morning. Happy anniversary to the internet. The big 30!

We had a lot of sunshine yesterday so we actually had snow melting.  We are going to have sunshine this morning but then it is going to rain for a lengthy period of time, at least until Friday.  The temperature will be above freezing so hopefully the snow will be melting and the rain will help it melt.  I glanced at a weather alert in my area and it is using the terms FLOODING and so forth.  I am in an area that does not flood.  Even when the great flood of Noah, my house was unaffected.  In either case, starting this afternoon any outside activities shall not be scheduled by this writer.

Last night I completed two days of eating salmon.  I had not done that in quite a while.  I used to buy some every week or two but the price has become prohibitive.  The other day I decided to get a loan and purchase some salmon.  I hired a security force deliver the salmon to deliver it to my house.  Salmon is one of the few expensive foods I would rather eat at my house than at a restaurant.  Usually I am not secure in my ability to prepare  certain foods.  Those foods are usually reserved to be eaten at a restaurant.  I like the salmon with the rosemary.  In either case, it really tasted good and now I shall go back to foods reserved for Lent.

I leave you now in the hopes everything in the world is perfect for you.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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A horse-drawn bus from the 1890s.

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The last photo Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy would ever take together, 1957. I have never seen this one before,

03/11/2019 09:55:41

Wishing you a great Monday and awesome new week!
Hugs, Nancy

03/11/2019 05:20:20


03/11/2019 05:19:55

Good morning on this Monday morning.  Hopefully everyone has made it through the weekend successfully without posing for a mug shot or appearing in a lineup.  I'm expecting sunshine today which should help melt some of the snow.  I just had a chance to preview the week of weather.  A big storm is starting in California.  I'm expecting excessive rain for most of this storm and then catching some snow on the end of it.  The good news is the rain shall melt quite a bit of the snow.  It might cause a problem for some people with flooding but not this writer.  In either case, so much for the weather.  I am not planning on an agenda for today except perhaps a constitutional around the neighborhood.  I actually feel somewhat tired this morning.  I think it is the time change.  Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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03/11/2019 00:37:09

Enjoy your week Catherine. I sent you a message about the layouts. I did mine about a week ago. It is a little confusing but I figured it out. I hope I explained it ok for you in my message. If not let me know and I will try and help again.  Take care, debijo

03/10/2019 22:46:46

Hello my friend.
I hope you've had a great weekend & have a beautiful week ahead.
It's finally warming up here,
and I hope it is where you are too.
Lots of hugs, Judi

03/10/2019 12:49:55

03/10/2019 05:12:25
Happy Sunday. A lot of rain, and then snow. Hope you are having better weather. I am finished shoveling except maybe by the garage. I have surrendered. Looks nice though as it is the snow that sticks to the trees and bushes. Hope you remembered the clocks. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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03/09/2019 12:24:16

Hi Catherine, thank you for the lovely comment on my page. I knew absolutely nothing about how to design a page when I first joined 11 years ago, and now I don't even remember how I learned lol. I think I just went to the help menu and to the forum for tips. Staff member Altara may be able to help you out. If I can put in type as to how to explain some things I will try, just not sure how to write it so you will understand what the heck I'm talking about lol.. Looks like you already know how to place graphics on your page. I usually pick my background from Docshell designs or Designinggirllayouts. Then search for graphics on glittergraphics or dreamies.de. To center them you put [align="center"] then paste the code for the graphic you chose, the graphic usually ends with /url] replace that with /align]. Don't know if that helps any. But I think you have a pretty page so you already have the ability to create it. I like to try to match the graphics I use with the colors of the background I chose. Doesn't always work out though lol..  Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. Enjoy your weekend~~ hugs, debijo

03/09/2019 06:42:10

Good morning CELTIC ANGEL 

03/09/2019 06:23:26

Happy Saturday. Another weather advisory this morning for the weekend. At least not an alert. Finally was able to turn the drip off in my shower because I see no below zero temps. I would say this: There is nothing there in the dark that is not there in the light. Save on the electric bill and don't use the lights. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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03/09/2019 05:33:47

sunshine and smiles

03/08/2019 14:51:05

Hi my special friend.
I hope you're having a wonderful day & have a great weekened.
Remember, this is womans day so treat yourself
& your loved one like a queen.
Lots of hugs, Judi

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