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02/25/2019 09:05:57

wishing you a lovely monday...hugs

02/25/2019 04:49:59

Good morning on this Monday morning.  Another cold morning, about -2°with a windchill of -17°.  It looks as if we have a few days of this.  At the moment I am mentally preparing myself for tomorrow and my dental appointment.  I Trust you have made it back from the weekend intact. Dad always said, when money comes through the door, happiness goes out the window.  Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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02/24/2019 13:52:07

02/24/2019 11:48:14

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02/24/2019 10:52:17

Have a great day friends (Eddie)

02/24/2019 05:27:00
Good morning on this Sunday morning.  When I went out to throw out the water this morning, there was not as much snow as predicted.  And when looking at the weather alert, it seems as if they downgraded my backyard as far as how much snow.  And that is a good thing because as of last night they were talking as much as 12 inches.  I think so far we have only had one or two inches, and that seems to be slush.  As I was walking to the street to cast out the water, it was really slushy.  In either case, that is the good news. And picture this if you can: As far as the bad news, as I was brushing my teeth and looking at the next three days of weather, I noticed the temperature below zero?  It almost makes you feel like taking extra strokes of your toothbrush and brushing rigorously on your back teeth.  I guess I should be thankful that I'm not getting the big snow, I believe.  And then of course I have the dental appointment on Tuesday and am hopeful that we will not get any kind of precipitation with this cold weather for me to have to maneuver to the dental office.  I guess it will not matter in five billion years when the sun engulfs my backyard. I remain sequestered for the next 13 hours hoping for the snow to stop.

Change is always happening. On this site, in your yard, in your house. So.............seize the day!   Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

02/23/2019 12:03:52

Wishing you a wonderful weekend~~ hugs, debijo

02/23/2019 09:43:37

wishing you a day full of sunshine and happiness...hugs

02/23/2019 06:51:38
Good morning.  The weekend has arrived and for most people it will be pleasant.  I'm expecting that snowstorm tonight.  I was surprised at about 2:30 AM to awaken to something that sounded like rain.  It was not.  It is something I like to call rain showers.  It has nothing to do with me taking a shower.  When I finally got up, I looked outside and noticed the foreign objects on people's windshields and the sidewalk.  I decided instead of going out to the street to throw out the water, it is extremely slippery on my sidewalk, to just step outside and throw it off the porch.  It should not be harmful to anything as I have about 3 feet of snow covering the grass.  It also made it easier for me to do without being dressed decently.  I put on some shoes because of the surface of my concrete porch.  It also seemed warm, 31°, but that is coming to an end.  In the next couple days we shall be going below zero again.  And to complicate all of this, I have my dental appointment on Tuesday.  I'm hoping for a phone call from the dental office canceling my appointment.  But of course, it never comes.  Even when my dentist is incapacitated and will not be there, the women of the Gestapo take over and exert the proper pain prescribed by the dentist.  I'm just hoping for reasonable weather to drive to the appointment.  Whatever!  Last year I had the trials and tribulations of an eye examination.  When the office did not call to cancel, I reschedule the appointment for May and within 15 minutes, was sorry for doing so but unable to get my appointment rescheduled for February.  In either case, I await the storm tonight.  5 to 9 inches.  I'm thinking about not even shoveling the front and letting it melt by the end of March or April.  I will have to shovel behind the garage to allow my motor vehicle out of the garage.  Once I return from the dental office on Tuesday, I shall listen to Aretha sing her song.

Yesterday was a good day for me as far as getting out and seeing people in real life and actually hearing the conversations.  And in a couple of stores I actually engaged in dialogue with some people working there.  So now I can enjoy Saturday for approximately 9 1/2 hours.  Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet! A postscript: just now I hear the snow showers returning. Humbug!

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02/22/2019 18:36:24

02/22/2019 06:01:47
Greetings from the Colonies, CELTIC ANGEL. 

02/22/2019 05:42:17
Good morning.  Friday morning has arrived and so has this writer.  MOVIE DAY is most likely canceled due to a lack of interest.  I am considering one selection that was showing last week.  It is the second in a series that probably does not deserve a second.  I could possibly attend for the purpose of going to a special event.  And if I had to make the choice at this moment, I would not be going.  A brief recollection of the starting time of the show would be in approximately 3 1/2 HRS from this writing.  It shall be a game time decision.  I most likely shall be activating my motor vehicle today so that I can get out and about and listen to some conversation.  Another winter storm is headed my way for Saturday night into Sunday.  I believe the forecast is 5 to 9 inches.  I am running out of space to throw the snow especially by my mailbox where the plow pushes a lot of snow.  In either case, this winter is boring.

I leave you now with my status the same as usual for this time of morning.  Drinking the bad coffee, listening to the stereo, composing my communiques, and readying myself to watch my sports talk show.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing, shoes and indoor

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02/21/2019 04:27:35
Good morning.

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02/20/2019 12:49:54

Happy Wednesday

02/20/2019 10:27:20

celticangel wrote:

02/20/2019 05:10:35
Good morning.  Happy HUMP DAY.  It is snowing again.  I went out in the darkness and threw out my water and almost slipped on the ice that is under the snow. I actually did slip, just did not go down.  Fortunately I suspected this was going to be the case and I was dressed properly.  I'm expecting the snow to continue until 5:00 PM.  I am within one week of my dental appointment and therefore I expect a deterioration of my mental health which will make me imagine that I have illnesses that do not exist.  The good thing is that 5 minutes upon completion of my dental appointment I am fully recovered.  It looks like I shall remain sequestered in my FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE due to the weather.  Too difficult to walk in my neighborhood with the ice on the streets and the other things that go along with being part of The Great Unwashed.

Have a good day in your tropical paradise.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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02/20/2019 03:50:47

Eddie says have a wonderful wednesday it's called hump day Enjoy and have fun friday's on the way. wishing you a great day friends.

I'll be busy part of the day got my first ss check had a two month wait have bills to pay see you in the afternoon.

02/19/2019 17:40:54


02/19/2019 14:40:24

02/19/2019 05:03:26
Good morning.  Another morning of a massive dent.  About 3:00 AM this writer looked out the window and was dismayed to see that the plow has come through and pushed snow blocking my sidewalk and mailbox again.  This after my severe toil yesterday shoveling it.  I could say, where will it end!  But I need not say that.  Wednesday I'm expecting a mild snow storm, 3 to 6 inches, and then I can start anew.  This is getting somewhat tiring.  This morning the temp is about 0°, and as this writer gets closer to be daybreak, we shall become a little colder.  However, with my experience earlier last month, it is almost not a big deal to be at 0°.  I really thought the snowstorm we had the other day would have been the last in my backyard for the next 75 years.  At least yesterday I was able to take a constitutional around the neighborhood.  I think I may also be able to do that today as the temperature will warm up to 24°.  If we can get some sun this time of year, even though it is below freezing, the sun seems to melt some of the snow and large icicles.  Like I say, I am massively dented.

Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

George dead. 95.

On August 14, 1945, a sailor kisses an unsuspecting woman in New York&#39;s Times Square.

George Mendonsa, then 89, holds the iconic photograph at his Rhode Island home in 2012.

Carl Muscarello and Edith Shain, who also claimed to be in the photo, re-created their moment in 2005.

02/18/2019 20:08:03

02/18/2019 06:05:56
Good morning on this Monday morning.  It took me forever to get out of bed this morning.  I just could not bring myself to get up because for some reason it seemed cold.  In either case, I eventually escaped my covers and managed to check into the kitchen for some breakfast.  The temperature outside is not really bad this morning.  Approximately 20°.  Tonight it will be different.  It shall get below zero, hopefully the last time this century in my backyard.  As a matter of fact, by next Friday I am predicting a temperature over 30°.  My agenda for today is really not that crammed.  I shall watch some of my sports talk shows, which is a regular occurrence Monday through Friday, then I shall go out and push around the shovel.  I did that yesterday but for some reason more snow visited this writer.  It does not look like it shall be too taxing.  I am hopeful that later I shall be able to take a constitutional around the neighborhood if it is not too slippery.  And upon completion of this strenuous morning, I shall visit my television set and continue on gaining knowledge.  For a while I was in contemplation about using vinegar in my coffee maker but I have decided to belay that order.

Have a good day.  It is the first day of reality for the week for most people.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

Image may contain: ocean, sky, beach, outdoor, nature and water

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Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and motorcycle

02/17/2019 18:18:02

02/17/2019 11:16:41

sorry for not being here much lately, i fell on the ice last week and bruised my right leg and hip pretty bad, and it hurts to sit too long...hope your week-end is going well...and if you have some spare somshine, please send it my way...hugs

02/17/2019 05:23:54
Happy Sunday CELTIC ANGEL 

02/17/2019 05:03:23
Good morning and happy Sunday.  I looked out the window and it is dark.  But the thing is it is not snowing as of yet.  It is 24°so that is a good thing.  I have a couple of days where it will not be too cold.  Monday night we shall go below zero although not by much.  I believe -1°.  I am nearing the end of February fairly soon.  That is a good thing and a bad thing.  The good thing is I move towards spring.  The bad thing is I have my dental appointment in an approximately nine days and 3 hours.  It is the semiannual checkup where a couple of women from the Gestapo torture me.  I shall persevere.  I would assume I shall come down with my various illnesses before the appointment and then miraculously have them disappear a little before 9:00 AM of the appointment.

I managed to activate my motor vehicle yesterday and accomplished a few things.  I actually feel like total freedom this morning.  I purchased some new rechargeable batteries and a mouse with a cord for backup.  I probably will never need that but it gives me a safety net.  Without going into all of the extraneous things that go into this, I have a feeling of comfort and safety with the purchase of the new batteries.  And of course I went to the grocery store and purchased most items that I really did not need.  I have been trying to work on my freezer, eating the food in there.  

I leave you now with the knowledge that the weekend is almost over and we will get back to real life.  Monday is almost here.  Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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02/16/2019 12:07:37

Hello, making my rounds again. Hope your weekend has got off to a good start, and all is well. Gloomy and rainy here so I think I will just stay in and have a jammy day. Calling for snow flurries but you just never know about the weather reports lol.. We did get a couple inches last weekend but it didn't last long. I feel for those in the areas that are getting hit hard with Winter storms. Pray it lets up soon so we all can have an early Spring. Wouldn't that be nice? 

Anyway, I do hope you have a nice relaxing weekend.  Take care and have a great new week~~ hugs, debijo

02/16/2019 09:45:29

current status at 9:45, 3*. Good to be on positive side

02/16/2019 04:41:05
Good morning on this Saturday morning.  Another cold one this morning, -3°as of this writing.  However, rumors are circulating that for the next two days we shall get 25°.  What is more impressive to me is that at night it will only go down into the positive numbers, maybe 13°.  I shall be able to turn off my dripping hot water in the shower without fear of the water freezing up.  I am highly hopeful, and I expect to, activate my motor vehicle and get out and about today.  It has been a week since I have activated the motor vehicle.  And since I am planning on using it for church later today, I may as well take advantage and circulate to some areas where I can hear people having a dialogue.  I was able to engage in some conversation yesterday at the movie theater at the box office.  But of course that person was being paid to engage me.

Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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02/15/2019 17:34:01

Hope your havin' a good nite! Happy Weekend!

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