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06/24/2024 14:25:38

Good afternoon to you. Its a warm and humid day here today. We are in a heat advisory until 8 p.m. tomorrow. I got up and went and got groceries this morning. Didn't go see my son today as his wife isn't feeling well and I didn't want to catch anything she had. Not much else going on. Just staying in the house where its cool. Take care my friend and stay cool. Hugs to you, Cheryl

06/21/2024 15:43:56

06/19/2024 17:19:52

Hello, dear friend. I've been busy tending
to many doc appointments, home health,
and trying to play catch-up here at home
after ignoring my household chores for
weeks. Maybe normal will return soon.
Hope you are doing well and keeping cool
& comfy during this heat. Take care!
*hugs* -di

06/19/2024 15:40:42

Hi there. We got almost 4.5 inches of rain in the rain guage from last night and this mornings storms. Lots of places around here flooded. Went and saw our son Trey this morning. Ate lunch with him and his wife. Then we played mini golf on the computer. I beat him twice. Then I came home. Not much else going on here. Need to take a nap. The cooler weather makes me sleepy. Well take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs to you, Cheryl

06/17/2024 16:15:46

Good afternoon from the hot, 93* feels like 97*, and windy Forgan, Oklahoma. I went to see Trey this morning. It wasn't to bad yet but by the time I left the heat was awful. Went and bought groceries and then came home. Trey is doing good. His leg is now just in a splint with some guaze around it. It looks like a boot. He has to wear that for a month without any pressure on his leg. Hopefully in a month he will get to start physical therapy. He is ready for that. Well take care my friend and stay cool. Hugs, Cheryl

06/14/2024 15:47:16

Good afternoon. Its a warm and steamy day here. We got rain last night so its a bit on the humid side here. I can defintely do without the humid. Makes you just miserable. I hope you are having a good afternoon. Take care and have a good weekend. Hugs, Cheryl

06/13/2024 10:29:27

Hello Pat, I enjoyed your nice greeting. Been a busy week for me here with my granddaughter visiting us and it's so hot here. We went to the beach yesterday and the  current was strong we could hardly stand up out in the water. Well I couldn't....the kids did much better. lol. We had a nice seafood dinner while there too. I bet you're nearly done with the recipe book by now. Enjoy your weekend!

06/12/2024 11:12:39

I know what you mean about the weather... changing, changing. I'm glad for you that you are going into the nice side of it, the cooler side:) The only thing I enjoy about summer are the beautiful ears of golden corn, and okra:)  Hope your today is a good one, Pat. I always enjoy your visits, sweet friend.  *hugs* -di

06/11/2024 15:31:27

Hello there and Good afternoon. It started off cool this morning but it didn't take long to warm up. I don't care for this humidity we get with the clouds.  Its in the low 80's but feels warmer than that. I bought some things at Walmart to make a wreath for the front door. I got a 12 inch wire wreath, some clothespins that I'm going to paint yellow and put on the wreath. And then I bought a wooden W that I'm going to paint blue and hot glue it to the wreath. I will post a picture when I am done with it. It may take me a couple of days to get all the painting done. Do you like doing crafts? Well take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs to you, Cheryl

06/10/2024 20:13:48

A busy Monday..and it's heating up here..one more day of low 80's, then we will see 90 the remainder of this week..I'm not ready, but may as well grin and bear it. On a positive thought, we are one day closer to Fall🙂🌸🙂

06/10/2024 14:41:04

06/09/2024 20:37:07

Hi ya Pat im  doing good  still  power washing the  driveway .  It was a beautiful day here .

Was out most of the day .Tomorrow is supposed to be cool the high might reach 68 but then by wednesday its going to fry lol Hot and humid.  I really dont have no where to go  not yet anyways .I will make my short walk to walgreens stock up on the peanuts . 

They like to  go past my back door and i  make my squirrel sound to them and they go back in my yard and wait lol how cute is that?

Sometimes  now lol not always

What im doing is like right now its a bit late so i threw out the last  handful so incase they are still hungry they can  eat them up or  they can be waiting for them in the early morning. 

They say those driverless cars  may be ready in a couple of years.  I could picture myself in one of them . 25,000 and ill get one but i doubt that. 

What are they going to do when two driverless cars  crash into each other?  Who is going to pay for the damages lol

You have winter coming pretty soon don`t you?  stay warm .

Send some of that cold air our way here. 

Have a beautiful week  Pat    Take things easy :) 

Someday ill test that oven again .

Funny what makes that door not close all the way.   :)

Night night :) We need more hours  in a day ,it goes by too fast

06/09/2024 11:26:49

I love cookbooks..have many, and a few are from church's in the area. They're certainly a great treasure to pass down to future generations. Summer arrives here soon, and we're already seeing 90's. Time to take down my Soring decorations outside. For summer, going with a sunflower theme. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead🙂

06/07/2024 16:25:23

Good afternoon. Its a hot one here. Its 99 and feels like 100. To hot for me. I'm inside where the airconditioner is running and it feels great. We have a chance for rain later. Hope it won't be to noisy. It was thundering when I got up this morning but we only got sprinkles. Well take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day and weekend. Hugs, Cheryl

06/05/2024 16:12:04

Good afternoon to you. Its a hot one here. Its 92*, at least it isn't as humid as it was yesterday. Not alot going on here today. I need a nap. Went and saw Trey today. His leg is bothering him some and he didn't get a good nights sleep last night. I have posted some pictures on my page in the picture album. Its of the pictures I have colored. Well enjoy the rest of your day my friend and take care. Hugs to you, Cheryl

06/03/2024 15:56:10


Hi there. Its a warm and humid afternoon here. We had a very noisy, windy and rainy storm come thru here at 4:45 this morning. It even woke up Tony and that usually doesn't happen. How was your weekend? Mine was okay. Didn't do much. Went and saw Trey this morning. He is doing good. He isn't getting around much but he still can't do much with his leg for at least a month. Then hopefully he will be able to do physical therapy. Well take care my friend and enjoy your afternoon and evening. Hugs, Cheryl

06/03/2024 11:09:23

Pat, Thank you for your kind words about my page. I sure enjoy sprucing it up for the seasons. Glad to hear you got some good rain since you were needing it. We
had some too, over the weekend and we were starting to need it as well. I
catch it in buckets, when I can remember,  and use the rain water to
water my plants and flowers. Yesterday I began the project of pressure
washing my frnt porch and whew! What a job. It's a big old fasioned wrap
around porch and currently home to several spiders and spider webs. lol. Hubby will help me finish cleaning it when he
gets home from work.

Hope your new week is good. 

06/02/2024 18:05:49

Hi there. Just wanted to let you know that I have put in my photos several pictures of what I have colored. I mostly use markers. Hope you like them. Cheryl

06/02/2024 15:53:31

So glad you have gotten ample rain there. We had one full week here without it, which was a suprise, given our indulgence in rain, really since the start of the year. We've averaged having to cut the lawn every weekend because of that. On a positive note, the flowers have flourished🙂

06/02/2024 14:09:12

Hi Pat thats good  you getting  that rain .Hope you get enough of it   this year.

We having decent weather so far.

Tomorrow  it will be  much hotter. 

  I spent a few days out in the backyard power washing the dirt off the driveway .

Hasn`t been done in years.  

This morning i looked out the window and the squirrell was just standing up there waiting for me  :) How cute.

They sure were hungry today i gave them around   4 big handfulls at different times . 

They had quite alot now that i could go and  do my powerwashing later .

Hope you have a real nice week ahead Pat

Best Wishes for a wonderful week ahead heart emoticon Happy ‪#‎Monday ...

05/31/2024 14:55:58

05/31/2024 11:31:27

The weekend is here 🙂

05/29/2024 15:21:24

Another busy week, but enjoying the cooler temps..rain free too. Hope all is good your way🙂

05/28/2024 15:43:03


We had some rain this morning, but it wasn't much. Supposed to get more rain tonight and tomorrow. We need it, as its dry here. Trey has his surgery tomorrow to get that fixator off of his leg. He is ready for it to be off but worried about the physical therapy and learning to walk again. I told him he will be fine. Not much going on here. Just wanted to let you know that I won't be on here tomorrow as Trey has to be at the hospital at 12:30p.m. and we are going to be there shortly after that. Hopefully he won't have to wait to long to get in the operating room and get that done. Well have a good rest of your day and have a nice evening. Hugs, Cheryl

05/27/2024 12:13:58

Hello Pat, I enjoyed hearing about the dishes and the recipe book.   I have several church cookbooks and family books too, that I got from the family reunions.   You asked about the tornadoes. Yes they occur fairly often each Spring in my area but they are usually the smaller or weaker ones. That said, even the smaller ones are devastating.I may've told you already that my niece's neighborhood was hit hard the first Fri of this month. They took cover in their bathroom/tub and are all safe.  

Congrats to your grandson on his upcoming marriage.  I'm guessing they wanted a Spring wedding for optimal weather.  Have a good new week, Pat!

05/25/2024 17:42:10

We will have a ramp installed..this will be needed since we have 2 motorcycles. It has never flooded here to our knowledge, and we've lived here over 30 years. 

05/25/2024 14:53:26

Hi Pat  is seems strange for  to be talking about autumn  with you but  i know you are elsewhere lol  

You will be celebrating  Christmas   pretty soon.

Im taking each day in stride. Im letting my lawn grow a bit.

Most folks have  lawn crews  cutting their lawns and they come weekly

.Lots of times the grass don`t really need a cutting and it never gets a chance to grow.

For me i can push it two weeks  .

No use doing double work   lol 

I was outside today and added some oil and gas  to the mower to get it set for next week and did a little painting.

I won`t get out until Thursday when i go to the bank and ill go do some  clothes  shopping.

Wondering why the squirrels have not been around  yet  today .

Its  past 2:00 here .

Maybe they went out of town  for the Memorial day weekend. lol

Pat have a blessed  day . Was nice to hear from you .   xRick

05/24/2024 15:18:23


Hi there. I hope you are having a good Friday. Mine has been a busy one. We have a Wedding to go to tomorrow evening, and tonight we got to the Rehearsal. This is Tony's sister that is getting married tomorrow. I made a casserole to take tomorrow for after the wedding. Then I went to Walmart and got the things we needed. Then on Sunday afternoon we will be going to the cemetaries to decorate the graves. So a busy weekend for us. The wedding is going to be outside and it supposed to get up to 90* and be windy. At least I'm wearing a dress so it won't be to bad. My dress is white with pink roses on it. I'm going to be at the table where everyone signs their name at the guestbook and then I will be either serving punch or cutting cake. Well have a great weekend my friend and take care. Hugs, Cheryl

05/23/2024 16:10:29

I give whole blood every 2 months. Will be going tomorrow afternoon. Our building/workshop is coming along..he's almost done with the foundation..which is as far as we can go until county inspector comes out and gives the green light to proceed. Being this is a holiday weekend, it will probably be next Tuesday or Wednesday when they come. It will be a 384 square foot building. We have to place it 3 feet off the ground since we live in a flood zone. That is why it took so long to get permits to even begin. I'm doing a bit better after we lost our sweet Dixie. I do miss her so much. The mornings and evenings are the hardest. If their lives were as long as their love was deep, our fur babies would live forever...

05/23/2024 15:28:48

Have A Beautiful Friday Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook ...

Pat ,have beautiful weekend my friend.

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