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05/23/2024 10:09:49

Hello Pat, glad you enjoyed my ladybug page. We had like a mini invasion of them recently. Not sure how they even got in but they were crawling along the window sills. They're not bad anymore.  We are warming up as you are cooling off in your part of the world.   We definitely get the cyclical thing too, with temps and also rain. We've had more rain than usual this year and more storms as well. Tornado warnings went off for us again last Fri. night. Thankfully the one that was spotted did not touch down to my knowledge. Sounds like a fun day with the event you mentioned. What did you make that started with G for the recipe?  I love that idea.   It's been a busy day here so far with chores like laundry, dishes and dog baths.  Hoping for a nice girl's day out tomorrow.  Have a good weekend.  Beth

05/22/2024 15:16:11

Good afternoon to you. Its a beautiful day here. Just got back a little while ago from getting my hair permed. It feels so good. It looks shorter now from the perm, but it will grow. How has your day been? Mine has been slow.Didn't go and see Trey today as I had things to do. He has a doctor appoinment tomorrow after he gets a x-ray done on his leg. I'm hoping everything looks okay. He will have surgery on the 29th to get that fixator taken off of his leg. And of course I will be there to support his wife while he is in surgery. Not much else going on. Take care and enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs, Cheryl

05/21/2024 13:18:49

Checking in...a semi busy week here..have a few errands this week..on Friday I donate blood..up to 15 gallons since I started in 2009. A good friend of mine, and former neighbor is the manager at the blood center where I go..so it's always nice getting to catch up with her. Hope you're doing well -:)

05/15/2024 18:26:40

Hi Pat theres times  them squirrels just pass by my door and i get up and  i shoot out the door with  the peanuts   .

I keep them in a small pill bottle .

Easy to cary and it holds just enough for  a couple of them .

They are having some competition now cause the birds have taken  alike to the peanuts  too .

They are always checking . 

That was so neat the way i met that driver just as i was  about to get my receipt and change..  He was ready and heck might as well take me with him . 

Its a good 2900 step walk.Im hoping they get our street paved . 

The squirrels know im friendly  they even laydown with me standing right there by the gate.

  Most of the time i go back inside  so they feel comfortable .

They don`t want to get too close i think cause they  worry about their eyes ,but i always toss them away from them not directly at them . 

Have a real nice week Pat

Best Wishes For A Brilliant Week Ahead. Be Safe! Pictures, Photos, and ...

05/15/2024 10:19:40

We didn't see the Auora Borealis, but many here did. I guess it was a buy late for me, as I go to bed so early. On your BP, is that being treated with medication? Just curious, as I know sometimes nutrient depletions can cause high BP. Hope you're continuing to do well. I'm feeling a tad better..it's been three weeks since our sweet dog passed away. I truly miss her so much, but she left a lifetime of wonderful memories to cherish. I wish we We didn't see the Auora Borealis, but many here did. I guess it was a bit late for me, as I go to bed so early. On your BP, is that being treated with medication? Just curious, as I know sometimes nutrient depletions can cause high BP. Hope you're continuing to do well. I'm feeling a tad better..it's been three weeks since our sweet dog passed away. I truly miss her so much, but she left a lifetime of wonderful memories to cherish. I wish we could send you some..we've gotten over 4" rain in the last week and a half..more to come this evening. It's been putting quite a delay with our upcoming construction project. We hope to start building a workshop in our back yard very soon. It will be almost 400 sq feet..greatly needed. Had to wait on city and county permits..the latter taking over 4 months. could send you some..we've gotten over 4" rain in the last week and a half..more tocome this evening. It's been putting quite a delay with our upcoming construction project. We hope to start building a workshop in our back yard very soon. It will be almost 400 sq feet..greatly needed. Had to wait in city and county permits..thr latter taking over 4 months..

05/15/2024 10:09:25

Hello Pat, glad you had a good birthday week.  We have plenty of rain to share with you if I could! WE had violent storms last Friday and lost power for half the day. The first Northern Lights that we could see was the same day of the storm and  no, I didn't go and look because i had read we wouldn't see them this far south.  The next night I did remember to look but never saw them. I don't have a good view of the Northern sky, lotsa trees in my area and I don't drive at night. That would have been best, to drive somewhere with a clearer view. Also it was cloudy. Hope your back is feeling better each day.

05/13/2024 15:09:16

Hi Pat hope you are doing very well ,have a nice week ahead.  Happy Anniversary  :)

Have A Beautiful Tuesday, Enjoy Pictures, Photos, and Images for ...

God Bless you,,,,  xRick

05/11/2024 18:18:05

05/08/2024 14:33:54


Hi there. Its a beautiful afternoon here. We had a cool front come through last night or early this morning. Its a sunny day, hardly any breeze and in the low 70's. My kind of weather. Birds are singing in the trees and I saw a couple of butterflies. I hope you are having a good afternoon. Take care my friend, hugs, Cheryl

05/04/2024 15:19:43

               Welcome MAY 🙂

05/03/2024 15:09:07

Good afternoon to you. I hope you are having a good Friday. It was a little chilly here this morning and its partly cloudy here but has warmed up in the 70's. We have a good chance for rain tonight and tomorrow. I hope we get some good rain as its dry here. Take care my friend and enjoy your afternoon and weekend. Hugs, Cheryl

04/30/2024 14:41:39


Good afternoon. I  hope you are having a good one. Its a rather warm, 90* here today and hardly any wind. Just went out and changed my garden flag for a sunny yellow one. Tomorrow is a new month. Time sure does fly by anymore. Not much going on here today. Didn't feel well this morning but I'm fine now. Don't know what the problem was this morning. Well take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Many hugs to you, Cheryl.

04/25/2024 15:45:13

04/24/2024 16:03:11

Good afternoon to you. We had a little bit of rain early this morning. Its been cloudy all day here. Tomorrow could be a stormy day. Hopefully not to bad as I don't care much for bad thunderstorms. Trey went to the doctor yesterday for a check up. He had a x-ray done and everything is looking good. His bone is healing and he will get that fixator off of this leg on May 29th. He will have to have surgery again to get it taken off. Not much else going on here. Spent a few our visiting with Trey this afternoon and then came back home and I'm doing the laundry. Well take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs, Cheryl

04/19/2024 15:07:38

Good afternoon to you. I hope you are having a good day. Its a nice day here. Kind of cool but not to bad. Had a great vacation, but as always it was good to be back home. Our grandsons didn't want us to leave. Had fun with them. Las Vegas was just to busy and to many people for us. Enjoyed the grand canyon but oh my was it windy. We also went to Hoover Dam that wasn't to far away from Las Vegas, Nevada. We got home on Monday evening around 6 p.m. Felt good to sleep in our bed. I have added some pictures on my page. I hope you have a great weekend my friend. Love, Cheryl

04/18/2024 15:28:29

I know you're excited on your weekend getaway. Hoping we can get one lined up here soon. It's been so busy..currently we are trying to get county here to approve permit so we can start buikding a work shop in our back yard. It's been a long tasks thus far, as we began submitting paperwork bavk in January. Our builder says he can get all up and finished within a few weeks. So now we keep waiting. It's warm here..87 today, a brief cool down on Sunday in the 69's..with rain. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, and new week ahead Pat -:)

04/18/2024 11:17:41

Good morning! If you're having a rainy
day, too, stay cozy. Know you're so
looking forward to your weekend trip:)
That's a good way to keep wardrobe
updated, too. lol  Yes, flowers & veggies
are doing their thing here. I do look
farward to the season's bounty in the
farmers mkts, and is my only pro
for summer. haha Enjoy your coming
season, dear Pat. Be safe on your trip!

04/15/2024 12:03:11

We used to have a garden each year.
Now our veggies are from farmers mkts,
and prices are high. But what would we
do w/o okra and fresh corn?
Merry today, Pat.

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