Greetings. Yesterday the cable went off during the game at a most untimely manner, the end of the game where it was being decided. No phone, cable or internet. I am preparing for an emergency trip to the store this morning. I got an early start for the walk at 2AM. It was 32*, but there was no wind. Fog started rolling in at about 3AM. I have nothing planned for the rest of the day. Have a reasonable day Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
My priest had been on vacation and he had a replacement. This guy can talk too long and his singing is like Jingles P Jones. Yesterday, for some unknown reason, he let the replacement priest say Mass even though he was there. I suffer in the Colonies.
Greetings. Serious case of Stockholm Syndrome. We are all in our private traps.clamped in them and none of us can ever get out. We scratch and we claw, but only at the air, only at each other. Sometimes we deliberately step into those traps. I was born in mine. I don't mind anymore. Of course, if I did, then we don't have a movie.
GOOD MORNING. There is a little wind out there but fortunately it is 38* where I was not too cold. The wind only affected me about the last three quarters of a mile. Heading to 50* later. Nothing planned for today, maybe church. Yesterday there was frost on the windows so I had to go out and warm the car up to be able to drive. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Greetings. 28* this morning and it felt like I was in a freezer. Fortunately, there was no wind. I will need a trip to Walmart today. Maybe church. I will need to go out and start the car to defrost the windows. Such is this time of year on the dark side of Mercury. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. It is Veterans Day in the Colonies today. No mail, mostly no banks, and no pornography. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. There is fog outside the fortress. About 37* but no wind so the walk went well. I am planning an outing to Walmart around 6AM, give or take 39 seconds. Emergency. Then to the gas station for some potatoes, and while there, some fuel in the auto. Maybe Church though Thursday is not my best day for that during the week. It is garbage day so don't forget to put out the garbage. I am not officially participating. I was discreet earlier when I did my exercise protocol. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!