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Where has the time gone?
Posted On: 07/24/2021 19:13:26

A most precious resource in existence, and one we all can surely identify with…(time) Clocks, alarms, schedules, calendars, agendas, appointments, etc. The sands falling through the proverbial hourglass nevertheless will continue to fall, and as we age, these particles of sand pick up speed.

I was reminded all too well of this last week when a text came over from my husband. He simply asked “When is my Dad’s birthday.”? Like always, I didn’t have to think at all about this date, as dates seem to stay etched in my brain forever. Anniversaries and deaths too..they just remain inside my built in computer (brain). I quickly replied back to him. Our son has this same gift. So between myself and our son, the hubby knows his reminder of an important date is never too far away.

Most days I ponder the time and dates in my life. Forty one years ago I graduated high school. Twenty four years ago I became a Mother..(at the ripe old age of 35) ..it seems like yesterday. Our dog turns 13 next week. She was a mere 2 months old when we adopted her from the shelter. My sweet neighbor Marie… (2nd Mom- *we adopted each other a long time ago*- she turned 91 three months ago.

Our relationship to time reveals a lot about who we are as human beings; how we experience life and what we make our experiences mean.

The greatest minds of our time tell us time is relative. It’s true- we all experience time differently. But if there’s one thing that holds true about time, it’s that it only moves forward. We can’t go back and change the past. But what we can do instead is hold on the the many memories we are creating…each and every single day. 

Numbering your days does something to you. It puts life in perspective. In fact, doing this makes me realize all the more the brevity of life and the value of every moment. So, when you realize these two things…you can begin to develop a heart of wisdom. For these two elements of life go hand in hand.

We kill time. We save time. We rob and get robbed of time, we lose time, and we have all the time in the world. But no one of us is powerful enough to stop the march of time or slow it down. 

Once you end one chapter, you have an opportunity to turn the pages and start a new chapter. That still won’t answer the question of “where has the time gone.” However, instead of asking this question, we should find ourselves living..not reminiscing about the past. Live your life, so when you look back on this question, you can say that the time was well spent.



Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Comments

07/29/2021 18:24:35

They are, indeed -:)

Beth777 wrote:

Very well written Lisa. I'm the person in my family who remembers birthdays too, as well as the dates of other events...hurricanes for instance.  I'd say both of our hubbies are lucky to have us. 😊  💕

07/28/2021 19:20:50

Very well written Lisa. I'm the person in my family who remembers birthdays too, as well as the dates of other events...hurricanes for instance.  I'd say both of our hubbies are lucky to have us. 😊  💕

07/25/2021 04:55:52

Time sure goes by fast. Sometimes in a blink of an eye you were starting school. Next you're seeing your grand kids graduate. I know what you mean about those dates locked inside the mind. I've been writing them all down now so they can be passed on.

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