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The scariest part of Halloween
Posted On: 10/17/2021 19:49:24
With Halloween fast approaching, many are now gearing up for this ghoulish holiday…buying up costumes and decorating, but most of all, stocking up on candy…and lots of it. Can you say 2.6 billion dollars?  This is an average in candy sales in most recent years.

Studies show kids can consume up to three cups of sugar eating Halloween candy.

This would be the equivalent of 169 sugar cubes. Which reminds me of a headline I read just a few weeks ago…we are not entering the flu season, rather… it is the beginning of *sugar season*… and this popular, celebrated event kicks this into high gear.

It is hard to resist the extensive variety of candy out there..especially this time of year. You may not have enjoyed some of these since childhood. Retro candy makes a comeback,  seemingly…enticing us even more with its limited availability.

It’s no wonder Halloween is one of the most eagerly-anticipated holidays, not only for kids, but adults too. We all have a sweet tooth..I was certainly born with one..but I have recently learned  sugar no longer likes me.  I crossed this proverbial bridge four months ago.

As a culture, we are becoming more health conscious and the choices we have in sweet treats is beginning to reflect that. Otherwise, those who digress will eventually see bad lab results in due time. Trust me on this.

For every sweet you consume, counter it with a healthy habit. That handful of delectable M&Ms? Allow them only after a full glass of water. Whatever your favorite is..caramel apples, pumpkin cupcakes, Hershey bar, etc..be mindful the work it takes to undo your indulgence.

Let the only scares this Halloween come  from the ghosts, goblins, and witches you’ll see walking in your neighborhood and town. Have fun, and watch out for those brooms and black cats.

Have a safe & happy Halloween.


Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Comments

10/22/2021 20:43:48

Halloween comes and goes in our neighborhood with little notice. Living in a rural location, it requires the parents to do too much driving to bring their kids to individual homes, so there is a 'community' party at the school. Like Diane, we do buy a 'supply' of our favorite chocolate ... in case we do get a few young children at our door. No luck ... but our pantry has a good supply for the 'sugar pigs' who live in our home!!! Need I say more!

10/18/2021 13:26:19

It's hard to resist these Halloween treats. However I've cut my sugar intake way back. It's rare these days that I have any candy or cake. Sugar really causes a lot of health problems. I love chocolate but finally quit having any except maybe once a year.

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