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Reflections of Halloween days gone by~
Posted On: 10/18/2022 20:21:08

Back in the dark ages when my twin sister and I embraced the Halloween season, there was anticipation in the air. This one day event consisted of seeing who could come back home with the biggest candy haul. Remember grocery store paper bags? No, not plastic bags, the big crisp brown bags. They worked just fine for our night of spooks, as we tried to out do everyone else with our homemade costumes.

Unlike today, this boo-tiful holiday event seemingly begins earlier each and every year. I’m pretty sure I saw Halloween costumes and the like on store shelves in early September. Lest we forget the vast array of candy and other sugary treats, that in due time, will keep the dentists busy through next Spring. Of course, there would be a few houses that did not hand out candy. Remember those popcorn balls? Also, I can’t forget the other disappointment in reaching into my bag…only to find an apple or two.

Halloween was a night of walking everywhere until dark. The neighborhood I grew up in was fairly large, and everyone knew everyone. We even visited several homes more than once, as did all of our friends. My favorite costume was easy to conjure up. Just find a long black dress, or simply make one out of fabric..which was never hard to do…because my Mom was a seamstress. Then it was always easy to find someone that had a witch’s hat in some shape or form. Those were the days.

Halloween memories are indeed cherished memories. Life was simple back then. The only decorations we had were carved pumpkins. We would always place two of them on each side of our front porch. No need for loud music or glaring bright lights. If we saw a porch light on, then that was our invitation to knock on the door.

The fun carried over to the next school day, because our friends would be showing off their stash of candy and gum. By the time our lunch bell rang, no one was hungry because most of the Halloween goodies would be gone by then.

I feel so blessed to have had a Norman Rockwell childhood. The memories are as vivid now as they were back then. Where has the time gone?

It’s been many years since my current neighborhood has seen trick or treaters. Though, I always try to have a bag or two of candy on hand…just in case someone shows up. For now. I’ll enjoy reminiscing about days gone by growing up in the 60’s and 70’s.

Wishing you a spook-tacular Halloween.


Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Comments

10/21/2022 13:53:15

Lisa, I enjoyed reading about your experiences of Halloween trick or treating.  It reminded me of my days when we went out on Halloween nite.  I went out with my two sisters and we each carried a pillow case.  Most everyone had their porch lights on and we started on our block and went to every house in a 10 block radius, then went on the other side of the bulevard and hit all the houses there.  Our bags got so heavy that by the time we made it back to our house we dumped our stuff and went out to finish getting our treats.  We got lots of apple and the big candy bars, not the tiny things that are give out today and it lasted till midnite - no 5 to 8.  Yes, they were the good ole days.  Never knew you had a twin, Lisa - nice to know!



10/21/2022 07:28:57

Those were the days alright 🤣. I remember going to the fire stations for cider and doughnuts. The city parks always had some activities for the trick or treaters. What a wonderful time for growing up in ... I love designing and making my own costume. I remember the year I turned myself into the Lone ranger. I was stumped on how to make a horse so I used a cardboard box use some thick rope to connect from the box to go across my shoulders. Drew then cut out the head, painted it and I walked around inside of a box with a long range of costume and mask ... That I also made. Yes, those were the days. 🤣😁😀

10/20/2022 11:26:13

this is not a reflection. This is an etching! One time I was a victim of someone stealing my bag.

10/19/2022 05:17:07

Those were good times. Many times the apple was candied.

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