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12/30/2023 04:54:25

Good morning Darci, wishing you a wonderful weekend.

1K+ Happy New Year Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash
Blessed Be my dear friend. *Hugs*

12/30/2023 04:41:53

Good morning my sweet friend, I hope this weekend is fantastic for you! Enjoy it!

12/30/2023 03:54:47

Good morning. It is 25* heading for 35* with some snow showers later tonight. Yesterday, on one of my computers, I thought I would relent and allow Microsoft to update Windows for various reasons. Indeed it is not good for what I wanted and there is a negative which causes me inconvenience. I may undo the update and go back to the previous Windows. The update took 2 or3 hours. It does not take as long to go back. I have done this twice before. Massive depression that everything in the world is not perfect. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of 3 people and christmas tree

May be a black-and-white image of 5 people, child and overcoat

12/30/2023 03:46:07

No, we usually just sit, sipping a glass of wine, and watch the telly, as they celebrate the ringing in of the new year, round the world. Then greet the NEW YEAR with a kiss at midnight. Of course, there are exceptions. Like 2019, when we rang in the new year with Rob's heart attack, which was less than exciting, to say the least...LOL



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12/30/2023 02:53:56

12/29/2023 22:36:51

Darci Dear...

Letter to Darci, version #2.  Yes, I managed to disappear the first letter/note I'd written for you just as I was going to change over the color of the words.  Flippin' flappin' flapjack snippety snap!!  So I'll start over and hopefully not lose this one.  

I like your wintry page; I recognize the photo in your "About Me" box as being Crater Lake, Oregon.  It's not that far from us, but I've never been there.  From all accounts and the photos I've seen of it, the place is beautiful.  Nice to see it gracing your page.  My page is still stuck on Christmas.  I've already de-Christmas-ed the house, but haven't done so here on the Hill.  Normally I leave all the holiday decor out until after New Year, but I got restless this year and put it up right after Christmas.  Do not despair, though, as I have my china cabinet packed with snowmen/women, polar bears, penguins, snowbirds, snowflakes, etc.  And I probably got that idea from you--I know it came from someone on the Hill who leaves out winter items after Xmas.  I used to get so depressed about how bare the house looked after the holidays; now it stays decorated pretty much all year with whatever theme is appropriate and I like that a lot better.  

You had asked about Dennis.  Well, the cardioversion only worked for a few hours, so we're still dealing with A-Fib.  Den has new medications to cope with it and got another pair after his last doctor visit since he was retaining a lot of fluid.  He's on a diuretic and also a big honkin' potassium pill.  I hate taking pills when they're small, cannot imagine trying to gag down the one he's got to swallow, but he's a lot better at pill taking than I am.  Anyway, we see the cardiologist at the end of January and he'll probably schedule Dennis for an ablation, which I hope will be a longer-term fix for the A-Fib.  Our colds we caught at the hospital seem to finally be winding down.  They have been real boogers to deal with since Den's cold went down into his chest--as you can imagine, that did NOT make things any easier for my Honey.  My cold bug stayed in my head and sort of behaved itself.  Den hasn't been sleeping since his time in the hospital other than little snatches here and there, but thinks that with the cold going away plus the diuretic working to push the excess fluid out of his tissues, sleep will come easier and for longer stretches of time.  I sure hope so!!  This has been rough, but knowing that so many people have us lifted in prayers has been such a comfort...the world can seem like it's going to heck in a hand basket, but something like this reminds one of just how many good people there are out there.  We are blessed!

It's been windy as heck for the last week or so.  Our daughter, Suzanne, had given us a light-up rooster as a "just because" gift before Christmas.  We tried to have it at the front of the house, but it didn't want to stay upright so we moved it to the backyard a few feet away from the chicken yard.  It did better back there, but the wind blew it over again and part of it came apart, so Dennis picked it up and put it into the garden shed so it didn't get destroyed.  We'll have to figure out how to better secure it for next year.  I'll have our son dismantle it and get it back in the box it came in for long-term storage and I guess it can stay out in the shed.  The box is really too big to put it anywhere in the house.  

I envy you your combo library/craft room, my friend.  How rich you are to have such a dedicated space in your home for being creative or for storing and reading wonderful books!  Now that Christmas is passed, do you have projects you're thinking about starting in 2024?  I felt badly for poor Dharma, not being able to be around the wrapped presents you kept stashed in your craft room, but better that than giving presents with shredded wrapping paper and tooth marks in them.  Our cats used to love to tunnel under the mounds of wrapping paper once the gifts had been opened and pounce amongst the debris and bat around the ribbons.  We don't leave presents under the tree when we have pets, either.  Not necessarily that they'd wreck the gifts by chewing on them, but maybe laying on them or peeing on them.  They are no respecters of the season, those critters.  We started putting large jingle balls all around the bottom of the tree so we could tell when they were getting underneath it.  That's been a pretty effective deterent to tree-climbing cats, thank goodness.  

Alright.  I'm going to post this before I click the wrong place on my mouse or keyboard and lose this letter.  Best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful New Year; may it be filled with joy, good health, and happiness!

Love and Hugs,

12/29/2023 18:36:41

Here we are, preparing to saying goodbye to 2023. Got decorations down this evening..did leave poinsettias outside up for now. Didn't it look like snow this afternoon? A friend in TN got flurries briefly. Folks just a tad west of them did get snow. I believe we will see cooler temps starting this weekend. Have a safe and blessed weekend. 🐾😉🐾


12/29/2023 13:54:07


Good afternoon. Its a lovely, sunny day here.A little on the cool side since we have a breeze. I hope you are having a nice afternoon my friend. Take care and enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Cheryl

12/29/2023 13:33:06

All the best in the New Year. Happy 2024!

12/29/2023 13:22:00

I'm with you Darci. I'll be staying home on New Year's Eve!

12/29/2023 12:00:57

Yes you are smart to stay off the roads, but this lady will be out Sunday the 31th to a New Year;s party.

12/29/2023 10:25:37

Happy Friday, Darci :)  *hugs*

12/29/2023 09:47:17

12/29/2023 09:36:54

12/29/2023 06:18:37

12/29/2023 06:15:18

12/29/2023 05:26:05


Yes this Friday, the last one in 2023, is a blessing from God.  What a year it has been!  

Just think of all the things God has made and think about bees and how they make honey.  


Bees have been around a long time and the honey they make is the best.  


God made bees very unique just like He made you and I so different and unique and yet He made us friends.  


So here is some advice to take into the new year from God's Honey Bee.  


12/29/2023 05:10:06

Hello, finally, it arrives, a few, days, from. joys,

With my love, I will be in good company,

Even if it lasts a little, I am satisfied, I wish you a FRIDAY, GREAT, Just like how the rain falls, from the sky, today, it will fall, like the stars, and let it fall

on you, your family, and your friends, a rain, of

BLESSINGS, to you, and I wish you the best,

Take care, big hugs, rain and joy, Maria

12/29/2023 04:39:51



Friday Blessings GIFs | Tenor

12/29/2023 03:50:10

Good morning. 30* heading to 37*. I see some sun icons for the afternoon. I will probably go for bananas today, and maybe participate in putting the garbage out. Church at sunrise, maybe. I hate having to do the defrost thing in the morning. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of Saqsaywaman

12/29/2023 03:37:15

Good morning Darci, may your Friday be fabulous.

Winter Landscape Pictures [Stunning!] | Download Free Images on Unsplash
With love from my page to yours..Blessed Be my dear friend. *Hugs*

12/29/2023 01:13:25

Hello my dear friend, I hope you are enjoying Christmas! Have a nice Friday. Kisses

12/28/2023 21:04:55


12/28/2023 20:55:30

Sapphire wrote:

Another Christmas is in the books and I hope you made many happy new memories. We had the best day yesterday and I loved every minute. Now to bask in the joy and begin enjoying those gifts, Tarlia. 



Hi Darci! Thanks for your 'sparkling review' of your family Christmas. I really enjoyed the calm ambience,  and the deliious foods! I am sending you warmest New Years Greetings across the miles.... (Peace  Love & Blessings)

12/28/2023 18:17:07

Hi Darci,

I did have a wonderful Christmas. So glad you did too!
Hope you have a wonderful night, sleep tight.

12/28/2023 17:35:16

12/28/2023 16:00:06

12/28/2023 13:56:38


Wishing you a nice afternoon my friend. Its a breezy and cloudy day here. I'm ready for some sunshine. Haven't had any snow or rain so the sun needs to shine. Not much going on here. When to a thrift store this morning and picked me up some nice tops.Getting them all washed and dryed now. Well take care my friend and many hugs to you. Cheryl

12/28/2023 12:59:49

surprising there is no one jogging at the park.

May be an image of 1 person

12/28/2023 12:30:47

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