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03/23/2019 07:52:21

Good day to you . Getting
ready to enjoy another pretty day here . Need to get my blower out &
clean leaves out of my rocks in the yard . Cleaned up last weekend but
got lots more . Keeps me out of trouble though . Enjoy your weekend
& have fun doing what you like best....George

Spring Comments

03/23/2019 07:21:17

happy caturday...wishes to you for a beautiful week-end...hugs

03/23/2019 05:59:48

Good morning on this Saturday.

Image may contain: outdoor and nature

Does this cow say Moo, or Boo?

This is not a view out my front window.

03/22/2019 16:40:04


03/22/2019 14:16:10

Wishing you a lovely Friday and a fantastic weekend~~ hugs, debijo

03/22/2019 09:57:46

03/22/2019 04:13:38
Good morning.  It is MOVIE DAY.  I intend to attend the theater this morning in approximately four 1/2 hours.  I don't imagine the selection is going to be nominated for an academy award, however it looks like it is worthwhile for me to attend a social function.  There was a lot of sunshine yesterday.  I was able to take a long constitutional and get some exercise.  It is taking me a while to get back in shape after hibernating for the winter.  This is the eve of the weekend.  Make the proper preparations for entering the weekend.  This next week I shall make preparations for activating my motorcycle for my deadline of April 1st.  Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, child and outdoor

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, sunglasses

Image may contain: 1 person, shorts and outdoor

Jennifer Aniston, 1990s

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor

03/21/2019 18:44:23

Wishing you & yours a lovely spring weekend.
Love N Hugs, Judi

03/21/2019 08:40:23

I love waking up to the birds singing, robins are sighted, and temps are on the rise.  Even though it's raining, I can feel spring : )  Wishing you a beautiful day!
Hugs, Nancy

03/21/2019 06:40:19

good morning! hope your day goes well...hugs

03/21/2019 03:40:54


03/21/2019 03:40:10

Good morning.  Thursday morning has arrived, and with it all the festivities around GARBAGE DAY.  I shall not be participating unless I play a part of a good Samaritan and assist some other people in the neighborhood of the moving of their garbage into position.  That will be a game time decision based on whether I go out of the house.  It is in the thirties again this morning at 3:00 AM.  This time of year it is an acceptable temperature.  I have managed to preview the weather for the next 10 days and it is on again, off again.  I do not see any snowstorms so that is a good thing.  In approximately a week we will be pushing 60°.  Unfortunately we shall also have some colder temperatures.  Nothing to be concerned about although I did see that horrendous word SNOW in the forecast.  Fortunately it was snow showers.  In either case, most of the big snow has left my backyard.  I shall start thinking about activating my motorcycle in the next week.  I am looking for that magical date of April 1st.  It will not be overly warm though looks like it will be without moisture.  My agenda for today is tentative.  It is going to depend on ambition.  A side note to yesterday's activities: I did not make the trip for the free ice cream cone.  The weather did not trip my trigger.  Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, bicycle and outdoor

Image may contain: tree, sky, plant and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting, drink and indoor

03/20/2019 21:15:44

Hi my special friend.
I've finally finished my 3 days of physical therapy this week;
and have been too darned tired to comment or visit.
The therapy is paying off big time however.
I feel absolutely great.
Once more; I want to thank you for allowing me to be a featured member...
I feel very proud & honored to have been choosen.
Have a great night and a beautiful day tomorrow.
Enjoy this special change of seasons.
Love & Hugs, Always~ Judi

03/20/2019 08:19:35

happy first day of spring! 

03/20/2019 06:55:29

Happy hump day to you .
Beautiful day here cool start but warming up . Got all of the plants put
back that I had in pots & transplanted a big Aloe Vera cactus that
is getting ready to bloom .Went to an Italian restaurant yesterday  to
celebrate the wife's birthday & had some good food . Enjoy the rest
of the week My friend........George

Spring Blessings

03/20/2019 03:46:05
Good morning.  Happy Spring Equinox.  It seems fairly nice this morning.  It is 38°at 2:30 AM.  That is better than expected.  I went to throw out the water and actually felt like going for a jog.  I realize there's still ice on the ground and in the darkness it could be a problem.  I have decided to put off that exercise until April.  I have been extending my constitutional as of late and have felt some minor aches and pains getting back into things.  I actually feel better when I jog than walk.  Of course I have been doing this during the day and that is not a good time for this writer to exercise.  I managed to get out yesterday and visit some  attractions.  Maybe not attractions, but something different than the walls of my house.  A lot of sunshine and fresh air.  It actually made me fall asleep somewhat early last night and consequently was up and around 2:00 AM.  Of course now I shall be tired later today.

I went to the grocery store yesterday.  I did not purchase much but there still was some controversy.  I got home and examining my bags, I found that I was missing two items.  They were two small bags of carrots.  I was planning on making one or I would not have even missed that.  Those are the kind of items you throw in the refrigerator and five years later you find out that they are no good.  I then was in total shock at that happening to this writer.  I could not find the phone number of the grocery store as it is incorrect in the phone book.  Fortunately it has several stores in my area and I was able to find out the phone number.  After explaining the situation to the person on the phone, she told me to bring in my receipt and they would give me two bags of carrots.  I'm not one to loiter and I immediately went to the store.  A week ago this would not have been possible as I would have put the car back in the garage and would have been sequestered.  I ended up in line at the service desk behind someone who made me feel my problem was not so large.  She was missing a purse with over $200.  And of course the usual identifications and credit cards.  She was fortunate to have recovered the item.  It actually made me feel like my large problem was not so big.  I also have recovered by dignity and two bags of carrots.

I leave you now with the hopes you spring forward on this first day of spring.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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Image may contain: sky, bridge, cloud, outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: sky, bridge, cloud, outdoor, water and nature

Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, water, outdoor and nature

03/19/2019 08:06:08

looks like it's going to be a nice day here today, not quite spring but i will take it...hope your day is happy...hugs

03/19/2019 05:48:48
Good morning. Alas! Another chain store closing. I like the internet but it is killing the stores.

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Image may contain: outdoor

Image may contain: outdoor

03/19/2019 00:53:52

Your Friend Eddie

03/18/2019 09:25:58

Have a wonderful day friends enjoy your new week.

Your Friend Eddie

03/18/2019 09:00:09

had the family over for dinner yesterday...we all had a wonderful day...wishes to you for a lovely sunny monday..hugs

03/18/2019 08:59:33

Happy New Week!
Hugs, Nancy

03/18/2019 07:55:44

A good morning to you
& hope your warm & dry there. Having nice weather here until
Fri. then some rain coming in we need . Going to get all of my potted
plants back out to the yard. I think our chances of a freeze are over
.We only had 2 light freezes this season getting into the 20's .Have a
big Aloe Vera plant in  pot that has a big bloom ready to open. Anxious
to see what color it will be . Take care......George

03/18/2019 05:48:24
Good morning on this Monday morning.  The temperature outside is not too bad, about 29°.  I went out to throw out the water and it was reasonably comfortable.  I had the opportunity this morning to preview the upcoming weather and it looks really nice compared to what has been happening.  I even noticed in the distant future a temperature of 60°.  I would imagine some of my neighbors will be doing cartwheels outside.  Yesterday I went for a lengthy constitutional and it was really enjoyable.  It was somewhat chilly, about 34°.  And the wind had a cutting edge, but it was enjoyable to get out of the house.  I was fooled in a couple of areas where ice was hiding under some water.  It looks like I might be able to go out for my exercise in the middle of the night in the near future.  I do much better jogging in the middle of the night than walking during the day.  And of course I shall have to perform some calisthenics to activate my motorcycle.

Hopefully you have survived the weekend.  I Trust you did not have to appear in a police lineup or taking pictures for a mug shot.  Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

Image may contain: sky, tree, cloud, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: tree, sky, outdoor and nature

03/17/2019 11:04:54

Thank you for the comment & wishing you a good week . I thought you were off of noth as I had not seen you on for awhile .

03/17/2019 09:17:14

Good Morning Friends

Your Friend Eddie

03/17/2019 06:31:40
Happy Saint Patrick's Day.  For those of you who are chronicling my life and comparing it to Saint Patrick, the comparison is really not there.  He came from a life of wealth and I a life of a peon, part of the Great Unwashed.  And he died a long time ago.  I believe it was 461, and coincidentally, maybe not so coincidentally, it was on this date.  What are the odds that he would have died on the same day we are celebrating a holiday for him.  I personally think this is just a ploy for a celebration.  I think most people in the Colonies do not even realize what he accomplished.  Whatever!  I shall put it out there right now.  His life was completely different than mine so those of you who are biographers of this writer and Saint Patrick, it is not even close.  He was Roman and I am a colonist.  In either case, take it easy on the partying today.

Have a good day.  Ciao  now and watch your wallet!

Image result for st patrick's day 2019

Related image

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Image result for st patrick's day 2019

03/16/2019 21:05:51

Wishing you a beautiful Sunday & Saint Patricks Day...
Much love and Many Hugs, Judi xoxo

03/16/2019 15:39:41

Just dropping by to say hi. Hope all is well your way and that you had a great week. May you have an even better weekend. I think Spring is in the air finally. Having beautiful sunshine and the temp is suppose to be close to 70 this weekend yay!!!  Take care, enjoy your weekend and have a Happy St. Patrick's Day.. hugs, debijo

03/16/2019 09:05:05

Coming soon enjoy your day tomorrow have fun drink green beer.

Spring is just around the corner the birds are out sing the weather is getting warmer enjoy spring when it gets here.

Your Friend Eddie

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