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08/02/2024 14:06:17

Hello and good Friday to you. It isn't as hot today as it has been. Its 93*. We got some rain last night, so that helped. I didn't get to sleep in this morning. I get up at 5:30 in the morning to get Tony up and fix his lunch and breakfast before he goes to work. I usually lay back down on the couch and sleep some more but my allergies were giving me fits this morning. So I stayed up, its been a long day. I tried to take a nap, but all I did was cough, I got a cough drop and that helped. I think I fell asleep with it in my mouth. Now my mouth is all dried out and I have drank me some water. Oh well, I won't sleep with the door open again. It let in some nice cool air, but I think that is what caused my allergies to act up. Enough about me and my allergies. Have a great afternoon my friend and enjoy your weekend. Take care and hugs to you. Cheryl

08/02/2024 06:51:08


07/31/2024 14:05:55

Hi there and good afternoon. Its a hot 101* here and feels a lot warmer than that. We had a thunderstorm early this morning, just got some sprinkles, lots of lightening and thunder and it knocked out the electricity in town. The electric company got it backon by 9:30 thankfully. Not much else going on. Got our sheets for the bed in the washer, they will be done in a little bit then I will have to put them in the dryer, then make the bed. I hope you have a wonderful afternoon and you stay cool. Take care. Hugs, Cheryl

07/30/2024 14:49:12

Good afternoon, its a hot 104 here and windy. I got up and got around this morning and went to Walmart this morning to get groceries and other things we were out of. I ate lunch while I was watching the Women Gymnastics on tv. Haven't been doing much this afternoon just taking it easy. Got to take my son to his physical therapy in the morning. He usually takes himself but his wife needs the car tomorrow. I don't mind taking him. He only live 30 minutes away from us. Well take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs to you, Cheryl

07/29/2024 06:42:49


Good Monday morning my dear friend…
Hazy atmosphere and skies starting
today in the northeast from fires
out west?! 😳
I’m up early this morning awaiting
our new sofa to be delivered.
Will be an earlier nap time for me today!
Wishing you a good week ahead.
Love, Augie

07/27/2024 00:28:45

 Hello Pat ~~

   Nice to hear from you. Yes, I'm still using the treadmill. I got it just before Christmas and I've been doing good keeping up with walking. I guess it's because I know I have to keep walking. Not able to walk outside very well and when I do, I have to use my trusty cane. It's easier to walk on the treadmill because I can walk faster. My treadmill is in the house. Had to get rid of some stuff to make room for it. Got rid of a dining room table, 6 chairs and an old recliner. It was well worth the price because I use it very often..

  I am glad that fall is getting closer, but we still have a lot of time to go before it actually cools down. I am doing my countdown, which I start on June 1st. I do this every year, starting in June. For instance, once June is over, I think to myself, one month down two more to go and when July is over I think, two down one to go. I do the countdown in 3 month increments. Even though, it's still hot in September, once August is over, we're on the backside of summer sliding down the hill into fall.

  How is your little dog getting along? I didn't know he had surgery. What type of procedure was it?

 Will chat again, Pat   *hugs*  Darlene

07/26/2024 19:08:24

A busy week..looks like our rain has finally lifted. The sun returned late afternoon..which is good since we may have to get our roof replaced. We will have it inspected next week. Once August arrives the temps will gradually decrease. Still hoping for an early Fall. Hoping the surgery on your sweet dog has healed his eye.

07/26/2024 15:30:27


Good afternoon. Its a hot one here. Its 95* and going to be even hotter next week with no rain in site. Going to be in the 100's most of next week. My eyes have all cleared up. I'm happy about that. I sure hope it doesn't happen again. I don't know what caused it. Just allergies, I guess. Not much going on here. Just got back around 3 from seeing our son, Trey. He is doing good. He has physical therapy on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Well enjoy the rest of your day and have a relaxing weekend. Take care and hugs to you, Cheryl

07/26/2024 15:22:42

Hi Pat sure hope the surgery works out and the little fella  recovers.

Im doing ok  hoping i get my money back .

I should.

Trimmed a couple bushes  today out in front   Tomorrow they having a block party . 

Gonna be quite noisy.

The weather  was nice again today but, tomorrow  it will be 88 degrees.

Pat good luck with the little doggie. 

Let me know how things go. 

Hope you have a very nice weekend and things turn out good for the little fella.

I love  animals .

Nice to hear from you Pat. :)



07/25/2024 08:03:28


07/24/2024 16:10:06

Good afternoon. I'm late getting on here today. I've been busy. Its a warm day here, its 91* and going to get hotter everyday. I wish it would rain and make it cool off. It doesn't feel that bad out. I just don't like the heat. How are you doing? I woke up yesterday morning at 4 a.m. My left eye lid was tender so I turned on the bathroom light and looked in the mirror and my top and bottom eyelids were swollen. I took a Benadryl and got a washcloth wet with cool water and went back to bed. Still didn't look good when I got up at 5:30. Its almost back to normal today. I took Benadryl and put Visine in my eyes and both of those have helped. Both my eyes are a little itchy. I'm sure its just allergies. Not much else going on. Hope your day has been good and not to hot. Have a good rest of your day my friend and take care. Hugs, Cheryl

07/24/2024 08:15:32

thank you so much, Pat. I had a good birthday.

07/23/2024 18:07:07

Very abnormal we ever see this much rain in such a small window of time. Once August arrives, our temps should drop somewhat. I have a feeling our hurricane season is going to be wild as well. 

07/22/2024 16:06:03


Hi there. Its been a busy Monday for me. I went up and took Trey to his physical therapy appoinment at 11 this morning. He had that for 1 hour. He goes back on Wednesday but he will be taking himself. I went to Walmart while he was at his therapy appointment and got some things. Then we got food at Sonic and went back to his apartment and at that. Then before I came home I went to the thrift store and got a few shirts. Now I have those shirts in the washer and it should be done in a little bit. Have a good rest of your day my friend and take care. Many hugs to you, Cheryl

07/22/2024 13:12:23

Wishing You A Wonderful Week Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook ...

Hi Pat hope you are fine and all is going  well for you. 

Lots of action going on on my end .   Talk with you soon .  xRick

07/22/2024 12:10:56

Looks like we have a brief dry spell here after close to 11" rain fell the last 6 days...more due end of this week. Enjoying the cooler temps...78 currently. Hope all is good your way 🙂🌸🙂

07/19/2024 15:37:43

Good afternoon to you. I'm tired from the travels we made the last two days to Texas and Oklahoma. Just wears me out. Went to see our son this morning. Then went to Walmart and got the things we needed. Now I'm ready for a nap. I hope you have a good weekend. I plan on resting. Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs, Cheryl

07/17/2024 08:50:31

Hello Pat, love your page! Has your rain stopped yet?  We got a nice shower late one night recently.  Nothing special going on here. I have to bathe both my dogs today and run some errands. Have a good Thursday!

07/15/2024 16:10:44

Good afternoon to you. It sure is a hot one here. Its 105!! Getting my laundry done from being gone since Wednesday. Got the last load in the dryer. Went up and saw our son Trey this morning. He has gotten the boot off of his leg and he starts physical therapy on the 22nd of this month. He will have therapy for 4 to 6 weeks. I went to Walmart before I came home and got the things I needed. Not doing much else. Just staying in where its cool. Take care my friend and stay cool. Hugs, Cheryl

07/14/2024 08:14:03

97 today...ugh...if we can make it to Thursday, a brief cool down arrives for a few days. We're in Dog days now..July 3-August 11. Been trying to catch up here..some progress..hopefully will finish by next weekend.

07/10/2024 15:49:48

I do hope your sweet dog is improving. We have been in Arizona since July 4 on vacation. Flying back to North Carolina tomorrow. It's been in the triple digits here..up to 118 degrees. No cold water at all from the tap. I'm ready for my shower 🙂.  I have collected many cookbooks over the years. A few I keep in my kitchen on the shelf. Others are collecting dust..those I'll probably giveaway and/ or donate. I'm ready for cooler temps, but sounds like we are in for a long, brutal summer..saw the other day we could see 80's through September. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week and weekend. Always a delight to hear from you..I understand life gets in the way. I haven't been logging in as much while we have been gone, but looking forward in getting back in my routine at home.

07/10/2024 10:21:48

This little light of mine....I'm gonna let it shine.

good morning Pat, took this pic early am yesterday. Love the sunbeams. ♥  Hope your little dog is doing better and continues to improve with the new meds. He sounds like my little dog. Last year she got a yeast infection in her paws and it spread to her face/eyes. I had to put ointment and she was so good about it. She never tried to resist. Her brother would have given me a fit about it. I know you are relieved to be caught up with the cookbook. It sounds like a good project for those cold damp days when you are forced to stay inside. We are warm and steamy still....getting just enough rain to keep the grass growing and it always needs mowing. lol. It's a full time job for hubby this time of year. Happy Thursday!

07/09/2024 16:27:19

Good afternoon to you. Its a warm 93* here today. I don't care for the humidity that we have been having. Makes me sweat to much. I went up and saw our son Trey today. He is doing good. He has a doctor appoinment on Friday. Hopefully he will be able to start putting weight on his left leg and start getting physical therapy.  I won't be on here for the rest of the week. We have to go out of town tomorrow for a funeral that is on Friday. We are taking Tony's mom with us as this is her sister's funeral we are going to. Going to be staying with family in Arkansas. So it will be a long drive to get there and we will be coming back on Sunday. I hope you have a good rest of the week. Take care my friend and I will get back on here on Monday afternoon probably. Hugs, Cheryl

07/06/2024 16:35:34

07/03/2024 16:02:27

Good afternoon. Its a cloudy and steamy day here today. Its only in the low 80's but very humid. We have a chance for some rain tonight. I've been busy doing all sorts of things today. Had my 19 year old nephew, who is 6'4 come over and hang a new wooden wind chime up for me. I'm only 5'2 and can't reach many things. Well enjoy the rest of your day. And take care. Many hugs to you, Cheryl

07/01/2024 17:34:58


Hi there. I hope you have had a good day and it hasn't been to hot for you. Its a hot 99* here today and windy. I went up to see my son Trey this morning then after that I went to Walmart and got some groceries. Came home and put the groceries away got the laundry folded and put away. By that time I was just worn out so I layed down on the couch and took a much needed nap. So that is why its late in the day before I got on here. Take care my friend and have a nice evening. Hugs to you, Cheryl

06/30/2024 17:27:23

G'nite, sweet Pat. Hope you sleep sound
w/happy dreams to enjoy! *hugs*

06/26/2024 16:50:31

Its a hot and windy day here today. 97 and feels like 100. To hot for me. I planted some begonia's in my flower pot. They are a pretty pink. I had planted some wild flowers in the pot but they never came up. I was watering them everyday and they were in the sun. So I don't know what happened. At least now I don't have this random pot of soil on the porch. lol I hope you are having a good afternoon. And it isn't to hot for you. Well take care my friend and have a good evening. Hugs to you, Cheryl

06/25/2024 17:21:47

...in all you do! *hugs* -di

06/25/2024 16:46:36

Its a hot afternoon here. Its 100*. You go outside and it feels like a oven out there. I just got finished making a wreath a little while ago. I posted a picture of it in my photos. Not a lot going on here. Just staying inside where its cool. I hope you are doing good and staying cool. Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your afternoon and evening. Hugs, Cheryl

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