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Christmas lights and Coffee~
Posted On: 12/10/2021 19:22:24

It’s that most wonderful time of the year. It came too fast, but I am ready. 

Most of you who have been following my writings here should be familiar with my love of many things. Two of them are Christmas lights and coffee. These go together (to me) like ham and eggs. Let me explain.

The house is currently quiet..for I’ve been sitting at my kitchen table working on Christmas cards. I think they’ll be done by this weekend. I’m also staring at an iced mocha frapp….it warms my soul..(even with ice). The Christmas music is playing ever so softly in the background. The Christmas lights outside my window make me smile. I know this evening, I’ll find myself once again enjoying a divine cup of goodness..no matter the flavor. For the weight of my coffee cup reminds me of the serenity of the darkness at the edge of those Christmas lights outside. And I’m doing what I love to do…writing. 

Creating a moment with words to share with friends and strangers. Like Christmas lights, these moments in time can transform our life stresses into a tranquil and peaceful escape. Coffee can do that too..no matter it’s temperature or flavor. This special season brings so much to be reminded of.

My words may never change the world, but the aroma of a good cup of coffee, along with blinking, colorful lights, can surely ignite the inner child in us all. Sharing a moment of peace that shines like a Christmas tree can do wonders.

So I hope this writing brings a connection for you in the simple things in life. Like a good cup of coffee, and those surreal Christmas lights..wherever you are seeing them. I hope my words here warm your heart. Even if it’s just for a few minutes.

My mocha frapp is now empty, and the hours are ticking away. I must finish those cards.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas (and a good cup of coffee too)


Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Comments

12/15/2021 11:11:12

I'm so glad that you wrote this wonderful blog... and a 'word picture' of you Christmas preparations. I'm with you when it comes to Christmas cards and coffee. I've just reread our last 14 years of Christmas letters that we have sent to friends and relatives in many parts of the world. It is our 'update' that we share, especially to those who are not on their computers. This year, we will be sending our 'New Year's Newsletter', and hopefully sharing our Christmas 'happenings' too. It's just one day at a time ... depending on the 'rules' imposed on all of us. No matter, we still can celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, even if we are only in our own home. We can still communicate with friends and neighbors with a written note, a telephone call, an email, a text message and a prayer.
Have a Merry Thankful Christmas

12/14/2021 10:00:38

Love the lights too, this time of year and of course coffee every day! I get up each morning and sit by the tree with my coffee, ahhh...bliss! I'm loving all the holiday flavors of coffee available this time of year. My cards are all officially done too, as of yesterday. I love sending them and receiving (i before e except after c, right?) them this time of year.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Lisa. Merry Christmas to you too and may your java always be strong. 

12/11/2021 04:42:33

I couldn't agree with you more. I love Christmas lights and love coffee. So peaceful are the early mornings with a nice cup of coffee. I got all my cards done and sent. A lot of people don't send Christmas cards anymore. Some will send online cards. I enjoy sending cards out with a note inside, it's a pleasure for me to do so.

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