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Pumpkin everything season is here
Posted On: 10/07/2022 12:25:49

So last weekend, I got off to an early start in completing my Fall decorating. The final stop was at a local garden center to find pansies and pumpkins. Both were a success. Now we wait on the summer temps to fade away permanently. Fall and cool temps are just meant to coincide..but we know all too well that here in the south, that doesn’t always happen.

I’ve already noticed the array of items both in stores and online scream pumpkin. Especially one of my favorite recipe sites I enjoy. Just the other day I’m almost positive I saved ten or more recipes that entailed pumpkin spice… or the orange stuff that comes in a can. Though, I’ve been tweaking recipes and dishes since last summer, there remains an abundance of wonderful Fall main meals, as well as desserts, that won’t bite me next time I step on the scale.

Did you know the pumpkin is symbolic of prosperity and growth? Giving us all the more reason to visit a patch near by. Or, my favorite, seeking out a pumpkin patch that offers an array of fun and food. When our son was small, our annual trip this time of year usually meant a stop just across the SC border. There we would spend time enjoying the flavors of this season. Ice cream, jellies, and of course, pumpkins were readily available. Where does the time go?

Seriously though, the only pumpkin flavor I don’t like is when it’s introduced to anything coffee. I’ll keep drinking mine plain and simple. Everyone is different, and those long lines we see now wrapped around a certain coffee business, proves otherwise… the taste buds of others digress.

Every year, it feels like pumpkin mania comes earlier. Though some of the products may seem to be marketing ploys, some segments of society seem to welcome it back with open arms every time.

Simply put, there are powerful cues that play into the nostalgia surrounding Fall. Pumpkins are indeed the mascot this time of year.  Possibly even more so than with other seasons. My favorite time of the year is here, and I am glad.

When life gives you pumpkins, make pie.


Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Comments

10/21/2022 14:06:18

I love seeing pumpkins for sale at roadside stands and I usually buy one or two to set on the steps to the front doorl, but I haven't yet.  However I did get two large mums at a local hardware store.  I hinted at my honey that I wanted  white pumpkin this year, but he never stopped as we passed by several farm markets.  Can you believe I've never made a pumpkinn pie!  Maybe one day I'll get the nerve to do one.


10/12/2022 08:07:54

I love the pumpkin everything....it's only once a year so I enjoy it seasonally.  I even like the pumpkin spice coffee.  It's mostly cinnamon anyway and I love cinnamon. It's definitely cheaper to make your own, I've discovered that.  And don't even get me started on the DQ pumpkin pie blizzard!  

10/07/2022 13:32:35

Sure is Fall weather here! I don't mind after a very hot Summer. It's the next season I'm never ready to deal with. Brrr I call it lol. I don't mind the pumpkin spice coffee creamer. Only get it this time of year.

10/07/2022 12:58:04

I'm with you, I love pumpkin spice. I just put a pumpkin theme on my Firefox brower; couldn't find pumpkin spice tea locally this year, so I ordered 2 kinds from my favorite tea company, and look forward to having that tomorrow morning!  And  of course, I'll be putting  lots of pumpkins on my pages.

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