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mem_normal OFFLINE
78 years old
United States

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Profile Views: 2134
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Profile Views: 2135

JOB: Retired
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 04/26/2008
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 04/03/2016 17:58:57

Somewhere in Time, The Lake House, Love Comes Softly, The Thorn Birds, Possession (w/Gweneth Paltrow)

TV: The Closer, Criminal Minds, The Amazing Race, Revenge (it's definitely a guilty pleasure), Blue Bloods

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Grand symphonies, new age (John Tesh), definitely the oldies but goodies like Malt Shop Memories

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All of them basically... I read about 50 books a year. Love biographies and non-fiction, true crime (Ann Rule especially), I like books I can sink my teeth into. I don't care for "self-help, new age" stuff of look to the inner you. I grew up in the 60s people, been there, got the t-shirt.

Purple, is there any other color? And would you believe I don't even have a room decorated with purple? Lowe's here I come for a gallon of blurple paint!

Tex-Mex, Texas BBQ sausage and beef, just about anything with pasta or rice.

Have been off-site off and on for a while. Have been concentrating on practicing my PaintShop Pro and learning new things.

Thank all my friends for sticking with me and not giving me up for gone.

I first want to say to each of my friends how very much I appreciate you. I appreciate the messages, bulletins, comments and general encouragement.

Thank you for stopping by my page for a visit.

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About me? How much time do we have?
One daughter, one grandson...My daughter works as a paralegal for an attorney's office and my grandson does swimming and football.

Don't talk much about myself. Prefer to listen. Still waters run deep. Takes a while to get to know me. I've been learning PaintShop Pro since I joined the Hill. I'm having a great time doing that. Catching up on my reading.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body with neatly styled hair, but rather to skid in sideways, wearing a RED HAT, dessert in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up and screaming Woo Hoo! What a Ride!

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail...Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Cats, rain, soft music, candles, reading, learning PSP

Time in GA:

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Arrogance, spiteful people, the rudeness of today's world, drivers who tailgate too close to my bumper!! Smokers who throw their cigarette butts out the window of their car. Negative people. Housework. There is a lot I don't like right now, but I'm trying to stay focused on the things I do like.

Genealogy, scrapbooking, reading, quilting, learning how to do all sorts of things on my computer. I am currently taking a series of lessons on PaintShopPro, so I'm having a good time doing that. Am looking forward to retirement so I can spend more time doing all of them.Finally getting used to retirement, it takes a bit of adjustment.

Displaying 4 out of 4 comments
06/22/2024 18:50:37

11/22/2021 08:56:56

11/22/2020 09:48:20

Happy Birthday dear Ela

11/22/2019 12:17:31

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